Love Matters / Marriage Compatibility

Love Matters / Marriage Compatibility


Are you & your partner destined to be together?
Will the love & romance last for you and your partner?

It is amazing when a couple grows old together and still has deep love and respect for each other. They remind us that relationships can last for long and can still be loving. But the fact is, this success rests on the compatibility between the two individuals. If the couple is emotionally, physically, sexually, mentally, or intellectually compatible, then the relationship is likely to last no matter the hurdles that come on the way.

Vedic astrology can gauge the compatibility of a couple by analyzing their birth charts.

How does the Compatibility Astrology Report work?

The report is prepared with the help of ‘Asht Koot Milan’ (a traditional analysis that involves Kundli Matching by comparing the eight ‘Gunas’ – attributes of nature) and a unique Planet-based Matching based on the placements of Sun and Moon in each individual’s charts to assess soul-matching & mental-matching of the couple.

Benefits of the Report

  • Analyzes mental compatibility & sensitivity towards the partner.
  • Analyzes if the partners are physically & sexually compatible; if they can fulfill each other’s desires.
  • Analyzes social compatibility of the couple, i.e., how they come across as a couple to others in society.
  • Analyzes if the partners’ instincts & value systems match.
  • Analyzes how the relationship affects the health, wealth & finances of the two individuals.
  • Analyzes how the relationship aimpacts the professional journey & growth of the two individuals.
  • Analyzes how the relationship affects the luck of the couple, together & individually.
  • Reveals if the couple will have children.
  • Analyzes longevity of the relationship.
  • Identifies chances of major ego clashes, competition & conflicts within the relationship – so you can handle them effectively.

Helpful Tips:

  • Learn whether the relationship has the potential to last.
  • Learn if you and your partner are compatible mentally, emotionally, intellectually, physically, & sexually.
  • Learn if your instincts & value systems match.
  • Learn whether there will be material benefits & luck (general, professional, wealth, & financial) because of the partnership.
  • Learn how the relationship will affect your & your partner’s professional journeys & growth.
  • Learn the kind of impact the relationship will have on your & your partner’s health.
  • Learn if the relationship has the possibility of children.
  • Identify chances of major ego clashes, competition & conflicts within the relationship.

Report Size:

12 Pages


