May Capricorn Horoscope Moon Sign based

capricorn Aries
This month, you should trust your hard work more than your luck, and you may also have a lot of responsibility, which you must manage with effort to without any hassle. Till the middle of the month, your nature will remain irritable, due to which there may be tension in your relationships. You will also remain stressed regarding expenses. You will have to spend a huge amount on foreign-related work or on some special item.

If you are facing any obstruction due to government work, that will be completed. If you spend time enjoying yourself, you will thrive, and your time will be romantic. You may be rewarded in the field of sports and outdoor activities. If a case is already going on in court, you will get relief from it. You will have a special interest in social work which will bring recognition.

If you have just started a new work, you will get support and growth, which will only proliferate in the coming times. If you are thinking about starting a new work, then there will be some delay and you will have to wait for some time.

However, there may be some misunderstanding with your partner. Any old deal or project that was pending for a long time will also be completed. For those employed, their position will increase, and they will also get desired salary after 10th of May. You will also get a new desired job in the middle of the month. If you have applied for a job abroad, you will receive an offer. You will also receive praise from seniors and bosses.
Lucy Dates for Career- 7, 16, 19, 20

Love & Marriage
You will spend romantic time with the one you love and may go on a long drive. If you are looking for a new partner, you will find him/her in your study space or workplace and you will feel mental relief by meeting them, which will help in getting over an old breakup. Your partner will also live up to your expectations.

Due to the transit of Rahu with Mars, there may be discord in married life due to some confusion, which can lead to distance in the relationship. You will remain irritated due to one issue or the other, which will affect your personal life as well. If you get a new relationship, think carefully before deciding on it. You may talk to someone from another caste and may also get entangled in extra marital affairs.
Lucky Dates for Love & Marriage- 2, 11, 23, 25

Money & Finance
The situation regarding money will be good and you may control expenses, as you will seriously consider saving because of Saturn’s placement in the house of wealth. However, expenses will be made on foreign work or travel. There are chances of high profits, and you may think about making some kind of investment. You may buy a luxury house, land, and vehicle, but avoid any disputed purchase as it will bring stress.

A female friend will support you regarding money. You may also spend your money on women. If you want to take a loan, you can get it, but you should not lend money to anyone. There may also be a dispute with your mother regarding money and property, which will be resolved after 10th of May.
Lucky Dates for Money & Finance- 5, 11, 25, 29

Students & Children
Students will spend money on their enjoyment, but a female friend will divert your mind from studies, which you may repent later. Maintain coordination between friendship and studies and stay away from any kind of confusion. You will choose your desired course but the thought of studying outside the country will still remain.

Children's love for you will increase, but do not impose your irritated nature on your children. Money will be spent on children, they will get admission in the desired places, and results will come according to their hard work. From the middle of the month, there may be hindrance in studies due to health.

Family & Health

Any expenditure incurred in family or home will cause you stress. Any household work that was not completed due to government will also be solved now. Money will be spent on children's enjoyment or children's birthday. Your health will be fine, but you will feel irritable due to some stress. Go out in the fresh air, which will reduce tension in the family and will also increase togetherness. Take care of your eyes, head, and skin.

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