Vaastu - Ancient Indian guide to Architecture.
Vaastu is a more authoritative and detailed counterpart of FENG SHUI. This branch of astrology does not do any predictive work but helps you to harness the nature's energy by letting the air, sunlight, water, fire and earth into your life from the RIGHT DIRECTION and in the RIGHT QUANTITY.
According to Vaastu Shastra every type of building or apartment has different directions which are favourable or unfavourable. Buildings & apartments with good Vaastu have healthy, happy and prosperous owners. Whereas places with negative Vaastu energy will have losses, ill health, ill repute, hurdles etc.
There are prescribed directions / placements for all kind of settings in a built up structure. Here are some examples -
- Direction for the Main Door (AIR)
- Direction for the Portico. (AIR)
- Placement for the Kitchen (FIRE)
- Placement for Storage Water / Bathroom (WATER)
- Placement of Place of Worship (LIGHT)
- Placement of owners Bedroom / Office (EARTH)
- Storage Area / Dark Area (EARTH)
- Garden & Plants (EARTH)
Similar principles are worked out in case of FACTORIES, OFFICES, INSTITUTIONS, ETC.
The science of Vaastu not only gives the correct placement but also the ways to rectify the property from any ill influences of Vaastu. For example a south facing house is not recommended for the purpose of living But if we make the entrance on the eastern end of the south portion, the ill effects would be minimized.
Vaastu can be used for the following:
- Purchase of new property; renting of new property whether personal or commercial.
- If facing problems / hurdles round about the time you moved into a new place.
- You can make your existing house Vaastu compliant with minimum changes.
- Lack of harmony at home / work inspite of all other factors being favourable.
The Seven Commandments
For Seniors
- Occupy the northeast of your home or your room.
- Sleep with your head to the South. Turn right as you get up.
- Use "Cypress Green" colored bed linen to have a good night's sleep.
- Drink tulsi water stored in a copper vessel the overnight.
- Perform yoga on green mattress in the center of your room.
- Walk, every day, to the north, for half an hour.
- Meditate between the eyebrows in a room lit with subdued Green light.
For Working Professionals
- Occupy the south, west or southwest of your home or your room.
- Have your treasury in the north of your room.
- Sleep with your head to the south.
- Make use of "Paradise Green" for curtains and bed linen.
- Work, read and write facing north.
- Set your mobile, laptop and PC wall paper and color scheme to Green.
- Reduce your stress levels by drinking water stored in a copper vessel placed in the north of your room the overnight.
For Housewives
- Newly married can occupy northwest rooms as a first priority and southeast as a second priority
- Have your dressing mirror in the north of your bedroom more to the east wall.
- Sleep with your head to the south and turn right while getting up.
- Activate your respective bed areas with minimal "Bud Green" lighting during the day.
- Don't have your visual media in the bedroom.
- Use green hand towels.
- Have your independent study areas, colored green, in the northeast of your home or room.
For Students
- If you are a boy, occupy the southeast , east or south (in that order) of your home or room.
- If you are a girl, occupy the northwest, west or north (in that order) of your home or room.
- While studying orient to the east if you are a girl and to the north if you are a boy.
- Sleep with your head to the east.
- Never have a mirror in your bedroom.
- Have your room curtains and table cloths in "Sunny Lime green" color.
- Play light instrumental music of your choice in your study area every night at minimal volume.
Let these seven commandments show all of you the way to better health, more harmony and much happiness.