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Daily Taurus Horoscope Sat, Sep 21, 2024 Moon Sign based


Taurus Today's Forecast

It’s time to reignite the flames of passion and explore more of your romantic life. You will be physically attracted towards your partner which will bring more closeness to your relationship. You will have a determined co-worker in your team. Your inclination towards work will be on a high level full of zeal and creativity. You might get some kind of reward from elderly people in your family. A proactive approach towards personal grooming will help. You might meet new people and make new friends.

Astrology Guide

  • Business & professional Activity: Unfavourable day for business through out. Stick to routine activity only.

  • Love & relationships: Not a good day. Chances of confrontations and hyper reactions. Wait till tomorrow.

  • Money Matters: Unfavourable day stick to routine activity only.

  • Dealing in stocks & shares: Not favorable. Chances of losses in investment made today.

  • Travel: Not a favourable day to commence any kind of activity.

  • Purchase of new house/ car: Not auspicious.

  • Gambling: Not favorable. Chances of losses.

* You might find some contradiction between the Daily Forecast & Daily Planner. This is so because the Daily forecast is how your day would go while the daily planner advices on how you should plan your day. Doing the right thing or avoiding the wrong thing helps us find success & happiness in life.

This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

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Planet Positions & Ephemeris for (Sat, Sep 21, 2024 ) Panchanga & Planetary Positions

Planet Position Rashi Star
Ascendent 20° 22' 11" Leo P.Phalguni
Sun 4° 46' 13" Vir U.Phalguni
Moon 22° 4' 14" Ari Bharani
Mars 15° 29' 27" Gem Ardra
Mercury 26° 48' 48" Leo U.Phalguni
Jupiter 26° 36' 44" Tau Mrigasira
Venus 3° 48' 45" Lib Chitra
Saturn(R) 20° 49' 23" Aqu P.Bhadrapada
Rahu 12° 25' 57" Pis U.Bhadrapada
Ketu 12° 25' 57" Vir Hasta
Uranus(R) 2° 53' 28" Tau Krittika
Neptune(R) 4° 18' 3" Pis U.Bhadrapada
Pluto(R) 5° 32' 12" Cap U.Asadha
Tithi Chaturthi upto 06:13 PM
Yoga Vyaghata upto 11:36 AM
Nakshatra Bharani upto 12:36 AM
Rahukala 09:11 AM to 10:43 AM