Ketu in Aquarius

(Moon Sign Based)

Ketu in Aquarius will create detachment and spirituality with Saturn being the lord of Aquarius. You will be intelligent and will know the reality of life. But still will not be grounded to control your desires. You will soar in your fantasy world with never ending desires. You will do good deeds but with irrational plans and limitless desires.

Ketu in Aquarius

You will face challenges in maintaining good health as food intake will be irregular and unhealthy. Ketu’s position will create anxiety and unknown fear towards your children. Ketu in Aquarius may create stomach issues like acidity and indigestion. Focus on healthy eating and exercise. You will not give space in any relationship. This will create a suffocating environment at your house.

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Ketu in Aquarius will impact your speech and personality. Your speech will be rude and shrewd which will hurt others. This placement will boast your ego and pride, you will expect and demand others to do as per your order. This will disturb the family’s harmony.

You will travel internationally and will earn money. Your priorities are always about serving humanity as you tend to have a bigger picture, and an idealistic view of how society can be improved.


Ketu in Aquarius Effects in all the 12 Houses:

Ketu in Aquarius in 1st House

Ketu in Aquarius wants to feel seen, acknowledged, and appreciated, which means that you have a desire to feel externally validated by others. You will feel joy in yourself and will engage yourself in activities that truly bring you joy.

Your hard work and determination will pay you with a good position at your workplace. Be wary as your emotional decisions will not contribute to your career growth. You will be involved in speculative business and will achieve growth in career.

Ketu in Aquarius in 2nd House

You will feel connected to the people who make you comfortable. This placement will make you take prompt financial decisions, which might not be a financially welcoming position, and it is not advised to involve yourself in any investments as it will block your money.

It is highly recommended that you must maintain a balance in your personal and professional life. Constrain expenses and consider savings and avoid aggression in decision making. Your relationship will suffer as your communication will be rude and will hurt others. Stay away from conflicts and disputes as this may trigger your aggression. Your relationship with your colleagues could be affected as well.

Ketu in Aquarius in 3rd House

You will be magnetic that increases your attractiveness and charm. It opens doors for potential romantic encounters, drawing you towards individuals who embody the qualities you desire in your life. It will rekindle the flame of passion and intensify the physical aspect of the relationships. Your capacity to learn about finance and wealth may increase by doing more research work.

You can invest more time on business planning and management. You will feel discomfort with siblings and family members. Your courage and determination might challenge you and you might feel low in confidence to take any decisions. You will face opposition through professional rivalries.

Ketu in Aquarius in 4th House

You can experience growth and will receive appreciation from your colleagues. You will be blessed with the sense of responsibility and commitment, which will give you a positive attitude, patience, and perseverance. You will do impressive work which will give you a good remark in your workplace. Your financial condition will improve in the real estate business.

The planetary position will help you succeed in your personal and professional personal endeavors. You will meet many new people in your professional field, which will be quite beneficial for your growth. You will be clouded with enormous thoughts and loaded with work, which can make you restless.

Ketu in Aquarius in 5th House

Too many restrictions might create differences and disharmony with your partner. You must give some space to enjoy the moment. You must be honest and diligently follow your routine to achieve your professional goals.
The planetary influence suggests that all your aspirations can come true through hard work and honest efforts.

You must take care of your finances and invest after seeking advice from a professional financial advisor. You may be cautious while investing in share markets and other investments.


Natal Ketu Report

Ketu in Vedic Astrology is a ‘Chhaya Graha’ (a shadowy planet). It relates to ‘karma’, results for deeds in past life, spirituality, liberation, and mastery over occult and the mysteries of life. more

USD 49 / Rs.2940


Ketu in Aquarius in 6th House

You will be smart enough to deal with all kinds of twisted situations. You will enjoy a good professional and personal life by cleverly maintaining a balance in both. Your professional house may create opportunities of foreign collaboration for your business.

However, it may thereafter bring a challenging period wherein you will not be able to finish your targets on time and might face a lot of hindrances that could increase your mental stress. It will help you to meet your taste for love and your much awaited time will be fulfilled.

Ketu in Aquarius in 7th House

You will have to work harder than others to achieve your targets, as this position may demand more effort and energy from you. You will be quite clear when it comes to making professional decisions. Your intellect may help you build a good reputation and earn respect at your workplace.

Your energy levels might be low due to excessive stress level. You might feel high cortisol in your system which might cause health issues. Go for a regular checkup and inculcate positive habits like mantra chanting, positive affirmations, and breathing techniques.


Ketu in Aquarius in 8th House

This placement may lead to sudden chronic illness. You will not be able to see positive outcomes. The more work you put into your life, the better the outcomes you will achieve. Your love life will demand more commitments, even though you could occasionally feel alone, you might crave solitude. You will maintain a good connection with everyone.

You will get the opportunity to meet religious people and to enhance your spirituality. This position will not allow you to make space to understand each other’s choices and you and your partner will brag about your desires and expectations. Things will be delayed, for which you must deal with the situation calmly and in peace.

Ketu in Aquarius in 9th House

Ketu in Aquarius will create an inclination towards spirituality and will meet lot of gurus. The pplanetary position might not create luck and increase your financial status. But it is advised not to implement it as you might face loss. At the same time significant expenses need to be controlled.

You may face aggression and anger which will not help in enhancing clarity of thought to make a right decision for finances. Get professional advice before making significant financial and investment decisions. Ketu’s movement will increase your aggressiveness and anger, at the same time you will have the courage to face the opposition from other family members.

Ketu in Aquarius in 10th House

You will be filled with positive thoughts and will have many creative and innovative ideas to share professional growth. This position will create determination and zeal to make beneficial financial decisions. You will enjoy your partner’s company and at times you might face troubles due to ego clashes and anger issues.

Overall, you will have few ups and downs in your life which will remove many fixated points of views. Professionally you may be jealous of other’s growth. Think before you speak and use soft and smooth voice tone to maintain a harmonious relationship.

Ketu in Aquarius in 11th House

This is a good placement for your love life. Even though this placement will bring lots of ups and downs in love life, you have the knack to handle any situation with patience and calmness. You will organize social gatherings, meet friends, and relish memories, which will eventually clear the past hurts and pains.

This position may give anxiety to get your work done on time. It is advised not to get overwhelmed at work, think before reacting to any situation and take advice from seniors and professionals. Chances are that you might get delays in getting the expected return from your investments.

Ketu in Aquarius in 12th House

You will be surrounded by love and attention. This position will make you earn profits through foreign clients and earn foreign currencies. Stock markets, mutual funds, and bonds will be good position for you to invest in. However, be aware of spending too much in unnecessary things.

You will spend money on major investment which might make you face financial challenges. You will create space for emotional growth in your own terms which will create detachment in your relationship. You might stay away from your family which will create space between both you.


Natal Ketu Report

Ketu in Vedic Astrology is a ‘Chhaya Graha’ (a shadowy planet). It relates to ‘karma’, results for deeds in past life, spirituality, liberation, and mastery over occult and the mysteries of life. more

USD 49 / Rs.2940


Rahu in Scorpio

(Moon Sign Based)

Rahu or Dragon’s head is a shadowy planet that represents worldly desire, materialistic possessions, illusions and rebellion and chaos whereas Scorpio is the sign that indicates depth, transformations and secrecy. When Rahu resides in Scorpio it tends to make you focused, determined and you possess a deep thirst for understanding life and its hidden meanings which leads to your interest in occult sciences, secrets and the truth about the unknown.

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Rahu in Sagittarius

(Moon Sign Based)

Rahu or Dragon’s head is a shadowy planet that represents desire, and ambition. It is associated with sudden and unexpected changes in any individual’s life, whereas Sagittarius sign is known for freedom and philosophical approach with optimistic outlook towards life. Rahu in Sagittarius indicates the connection of desire and wisdom, and you are a seeker who loves to explore the reality and truth about life.

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