Aries Woman Personality

The first among the fire signs and the first to appear in the zodiac belt makes Aries a woman of innovation, substance and creativity.

Aries Woman Personality


Therefore, every single Aries woman is different from the other with Mars being the spunk of her character and Venus, Ketu and Sun playing dominant roles respectively. Aries with Venus dominant are creative, Aries with Ketu dominant are talkers of the zodiac, Aries with Sun dominant are ruled by leadership qualities with massive potential to make a mark.

No matter the nakshatra, Aries women are opinionated, but the range of constellation decides the way in which she puts her word across. Aries women are strong from the outside and vulnerable from the inside. Aries Moon women are the perfect mix of modesty and boldness. They do as they please and are independent in every possible way.

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They crave love from their partners and are sensitive in nature. They like to take the lead whether at work or in their personal life, however, the planets in dominance over their constellation depict how she goes about her everyday life. One with Venusian qualities is naturally feminine and innocent, one with Ketu qualities loves to talk and have conversation of various kinds, one with Sun dominance could be slightly more impulsive than the other two.

Physical attributes of an Aries woman

Aries women are blessed with a curvaceous physique. It represents the hour-glass figure with a slender waist and contrasting upper and lower body. They have a long neck, proportionate to elongated face with a narrow chin, thick and arched/well-formed eyebrows, distinctive nose and sharp eyes which are almond-shaped.

Behavioral constitution of an Aries woman

An Aries loves to explore. She is genuinely herself and wouldn’t bother if she goofs up. She’s the kind who will laugh it out and move on, in fact, she would love to be silly or mess around a bit with a child-like innocence. All of which are true to her nature.

  • She is herself around people whom she’s close to and will let this side come out almost naturally. This, however, shouldn’t be confused with the maturity she brings to the table. There’s a clear distinction between being ‘child-like’ and ‘childish’. She’s not someone you can get your way around with.
  • She makes bold choices and sticks with it. She’s highly independent so being immature is out of the question. She is less impulsive than Aries men, in fact, she might be quite patient in nature.
  • She loves to spend quality time with family and friends and would be the glue who keeps all her friends together. She values her friends a great deal.
  • She’s the person who’s blendable. She would love to go hiking as well as put on party shoes and have some cheerful time with friends. She’s confident in all social situations.
  • She is sensitive and caring by nature, and takes her roles and responsibilities not only seriously but with a lot of love.

Aries falls under three constellations: Ashwini, Krittika and Bharani.

Ashwini: Ashwini Nakshatra is ruled by Ketu and is represented by horse. It stands for raw and uncontrolled energy which is required for anything to come into action. For birth to take place, for creation to happen, initiation is required, Ashwini stands for the initiation of things. This is where the entire zodiac realm begins. People belonging to this nakshatra have a raw impulse, which can sometimes be uncontrolled, and the vision to create something.

Krittika: the constellation Krittika is ruled by Sun. it’s literal meaning is someone who cuts. It also represents the beginning of life in the sense that when the umbilical cord of a child is cut from the mother, life begins. An entire realm of understanding and wisdom lies in this act of ‘cutting’. It is a fiery, warrior constellation which stands for action-orientation, however, women belonging to this constellation might look serious but are actually a softie at heart.

Bharani: Bharani is represented by the female genitalia. It holds the power of creation. It is ruled by Venus and its ruling God is Yama. Bharani is a constellation which is ‘pro-birth’, means, it believes in creation than destruction. It believes in beginnings than endings. It believes in life, than death. Men belonging to this nakshatra (constellation) are creative, impulsive, and extremely soft-spoken and respectful towards his elders.

Depending upon the constellation one belongs to, there can be slight changes in their overall behavioral constitution.


Style sense of an Aries woman

Aries women dress smart. They would go for solid tones and clean cuts. Her style will be mostly classy with one dash of added spunk.

  • This could be her wearing a little black dress that looks feminine on her with a pair of ultra-high heels in unconventional colors, or a body-suit which is monochromatic or unlayered but made of fine velvet.
  • On casual days, she is the kind who could sport pajamas and tees in public and walk around like she owns the place.
  • She goes for solid colors, which can be soft tones like beige, soft pinks, peach or go completely navy blue and black or a maroon dress, depending upon the occasion.
  • Her dresses will have clean cuts, be well-tailored with distinct necklines and the fabric has to be one which makes her skin feel comfortable, since she has sensitive skin.
  • She also has a weakness for silk.

Personal Life Roles

An Aries Moon woman will be loving and affectionate but will also be a little self-centered. They will make for caring but independent daughters, sisters, and wives. They will be your confidants and also your biggest critiques, as friends and soulmates.

Aries woman will warn you for your wrong deeds and will praise you for good things. They would also expect the same level of loyalty and trust from you. They can also get easily hurt and will refrain from sharing their feelings with you and move away until they cool down.

As a Daughter:

Aries daughters are caring, loving, sensitive, and vulnerable. They look up to their parents as their ultimate support system (besides their closest ones). They are responsible and ensure their well-being. They can also act like a guide sometimes.

  • As a kid, they’re the most cheery-faced kids you’ll find. All their pictures from childhood have the same trademark ear-to-ear smile. They’re super energetic as kids and mischievous, which keep their parents on their toes.
  • She loves to spend time with her parents and will be very playful and look forward to playing games, mostly outdoor games with them each day.
  • They grow up to become way more modest and quiet types unless you rub them the wrong side. They’re generally modest and innocent by looks but with a strong and bold inner core.
  • She will always be very decisive and do as she pleases and have a mind of her own, but will also stand by her parents like a rock through thick and thin.


As a Sister:

  • Aries sisters are protective of their siblings, and the most caring and loving ones. She will always support you, ensure that you have the best of everything that life can offer and give it to you without you having to ask and will share all of her things with you whole-heartedly.
  • As an elder sister, she will act like your mother most of the times and ensure you’re safe wherever you are and that she is informed about it. She’s also someone who is caring and lets you have your way when she feels she might be getting dominant. She is also slightly possessive of her younger siblings and holds them close to her heart, she tries her best not to show this possessiveness.
  • As a younger sister, she’s slightly rebellious, and to some extent spoilt. She generally gets along well with her elder ones and is very caring towards them. However, she won’t live by your rules.


As a Friend:

An Aries woman is the most loyal friend one can ever have. She is also the realest of all. She isn’t scared of calling a spade, a spade. She will let you know when you mess things up, and she’ll also tell you how proud she is of you on things that go unnoticed by everyone else.

  • You won’t need a mentor or a guide to tell you what’s wrong and what’s right if you have an Aries woman as a friend. She never fakes her affection and will be there at any hour of the day that you need her. If you need her to help you in the middle of the night, she’ll be there without asking you why.
  • An Aries Moon woman will, at all costs, protect you from enemies like an armor. She will never let you do something that harms your reputation, and will let you know of your enemies and try her best to be your protector, as long as you allow it. She can smell trouble from miles away and will do everything to save you from it.
  • She’s the person you can go out with and enjoy anything that’s on your mind. She’ll be fun to be with in person and would bring the best out of all your plans whether, a party or a vacation.
  • She is optimistic, sometimes eternally, adventurous, yet homely, and her zeal to explore, learn and live life to the fullest with those she loves will be contagious. She’s the kind of friend you’ll literally grow with on all realms, and these will come from the experiences you’ll share together whether at home spending time, or whether at the beach. She will make you fall in love with life.


As a Lover:

An Aries Moon is sensitive and vulnerable. She values honesty, genuineness and kindness in a person the most. She is the one who likes to be around someone who can be emotionally open and real with her. Her sense of respect for a man comes from this factor alone. She does not like a man who is pompous. In fact, it puts her off. She would choose a man who is capable of handling her boldness and is possibly stronger than she is, which is to say, masculine and sensitive.

  • She is caring, loving, loyal and romantic. In long term relationships, provided she’s completely comfortable with you, she’d be the one writing passionate love letters and poetry for you and ON you, even though she’s the woman.
  • They’re sensual and fragile at the same time which means a lot of mushy romance with a good amount of emotions in the picture is likely. She might also get possessive, but won’t lose her trust on you and will make sure she shows her respect for you through this trust itself.
  • Since she’s real, she acts almost responsible for the well-being of her partner and speaks her mind to him whenever required. She’s a friend, a confidante and a lover to her man.

Most attracted to: Libra, Scorpio

As a Wife:

Aries women are devoted, loyal, caring and ensure every little need of their husband is taken care of. She will be there for him whichever way he needs her to be and beyond. She’ll be the one who’ll get silly and playful in person, passionate and intense in intimacy and responsible and mature in public.

  • There will never be a dull moment in your life if you have an Aries wife. She will be fun and exciting and always add life to the marriage. Adventure, especially with her partner is what brings her closer to him, this may include happy times on a weekend away from home or a vacation with husband and kids.
  • She is extremely loyal and dependable and therefore will never doubt you, since it’s not in her nature. If, however, she is betrayed she will leave and won’t look back.
  • She is not the kind of woman to live in a marriage that lacks trust, since her husband becomes the center of her universe, and it goes for a toss when she’s betrayed. She expects and would wish to create love with a man life-long, that occurs naturally and without any force.

She’s a free-thinker, independent of mind & dependable and almost expects most people to be trustworthy in general, unless she’s sensed something fishy about someone and maintains her distance.


Most compatible with: Libra, Scorpio

As a Mother:

Aries Moon mothers are sensitive and ferocious. This makes her extremely protective of her children. She wants them to grow up as responsible, good humans above all and would be a mix of softie and a tad bit disciplinarian. She’s very caring and her children would mean a great deal to her, but she would make sure that her love doesn’t make them spoilt brats. She would want her children to be those who are looked up to by their own peers as well as one of good morals.

  • An Aries mother makes for a true role model for her children, through her sheer dedication, hard work, ambition, and caring nature.
  • She will also be there for her children, without a doubt, and will be highly affectionate towards them, with a generous amount of bear hugs most of the times.
  • She is quite the dreamer and will encourage her children to dream big and absolutely anything that they want and encourage them to make those dreams come true. But she will also teach them to keep their eyes open, feet firmly placed on the ground whenever needed and give them wings to fly- when the time comes!

One of the secret desires and life goals of an Aries is to become a mother, and a successful one.

Professional Life Roles

An Aries woman is one who doesn’t put a tag of priority on anyone between her personal and professional life. As ambitious as she is, career growth and accomplishments are equally important for an Aries Moon woman as her personal life.

An Aries woman’s life is driven by the need to maintain a balance between both, and if one suffers the other follows. She is self-motivated and doesn’t bother about projections or other’s opinions except from her loved ones. An Aries woman knows how to create a healthy work-life balance and will be committed to excel in both her roles. She makes for an enthusiastic and loyal employee and a sensitive but hard-taskmaster as a boss.


As a Student:

Aries women make for fiery, passionate, and competitive students. They are driven by the motivation to excel in everything they do. They have the capacity and talent to make it big, but at times they get too comfortable or overconfident in their endeavors that they fail to see the bigger picture and nose-dive into failure.

  • Confidence is an Aries woman’s greatest strengths and with time she learns how to make choices where she moves cautiously and with well-thought plans towards her goals.
  • As a student, they are passionate and impulsive, too. But they excel in subjects they put their mind and heart into it.
  • Being leaders, they would like to take the lead in group projects and will most likely be the monitors or head girls of their school.


As an Employee:

An Aries woman is active, energetic, spontaneous, and intelligent as an employee. They excel in the role of independent contributors but can fairly do well in team projects also. They have the required intellect and wit to make it big in professional life. Driven by passion and ambition they make for excellent employees.

  • They are helpful and generous, which makes them problem-solvers for the teammates and the organization at large.
  • They are energetic and go-getters and will adhere to the given timelines.
  • They are not very comfortable with routine jobs and will crave challenges and innovation to continue in their current job. Otherwise, they will move on to explore new opportunities.


As a Boss:

Equipped with a sharp mind, dynamic personality, and tons of self-confidence, an Aries Moon woman makes for a natural leader.

While they are as fiery and passionate as their male counterparts, they are a little sober as compared to them, and will be relatively sensitive towards the needs and feelings of their subordinates.

Independent and ferocious, she will always be there to pep-up the morals of the team and motivate them to work harder.

  • An Aries woman will be immensely energetic and a true leader as a lady boss.
  • Her optimism as a leader would be infectious. She is blessed with a great capacity to rise from the ashes.
  • She is tough and you would need to be extremely active to be able to match up to her pace.


As a Business Professional:

Her independence and risk-taking abilities make the Aries woman a good entrepreneur. She has the business acumen to make a mark in this field. But she would need to watch out for her temper to be able to maintain the business connections, in the long term.

  • Aries Moon women as business professionals would be highly zealous and motivated.
  • She has the pioneering spirit and is bestowed with a unique way of presenting ideas to clients and customers.
  • She is quite knowledgeable, wise and is driven by challenges. She would just need to a bit alert in money matters to have a prosperous business to her name.

