While the future forecast in the newspapers is also referred as the horoscope, what it actually means is a chart drawn showing the position of 7 planets and two reference points - Rahu and Ketu at the time of birth to calculate one’s life events and predict future. Using a Vedic horoscope, a learned astrologer can know more about a native’s past, present and future. For this, he makes assessment of planets, zodiac signs, and the nakshatra that is birth star and their placement in different houses, both at the time of birth as well as at present. To prepare a Vedic horoscope, one needs exact date, time and place of birth of the native.
The three most important elements of a horoscope are signs, planets, and houses. If you trace Sun’s apparent path in the sky from earth, you would observe that it appears to form a circle in a year called ecliptic, which in fact is also the plane of earth’s orbital motion around Sun. This circle is called Zodiac. This 360-degree zodiac is divided into 12 equal parts of 30 degrees, each one is referred as a Rashi or a sign in astrology.
The starting point of the zodiac is the spring Vernal Equinox (intersection of Sun’s ecliptic with earth’s equator). This is where Aries begins from, followed by the rest of the signs in an anti-clockwise direction. Where Sun is placed at the time of birth is called the Sun Sign of the person and the sign where Moon is posited is called the Moon Sign. The rising sign or Ascendant is the sign or its degree that was rising on the Eastern horizon at the moment you took your first breath.
The houses on the other hand are the 12 divisions of the sky as seen from any location on earth. The local horizon and the local meridian plane slice the celestial sphere into 4 equal parts. Where the horizon plane intersects the celestial sphere in the east is called the Ascendant or the first house. These quarters are further sliced to form 12 equal parts called houses, formed anti-clockwise from the Ascendant. As the earth rotates on its axis, local eastern horizon or the ascendant moves through one sign to another every two hours. And throughout the day, all the houses move through the whole zodiac circle causing planets to move through each house in 2 hours. Conversely, the time different planets occupy a sign is drastically different from one another. For instance Sun spends 30 days in a sign and Saturn stays in a sign for around 2.5 years.
Therefore, date, time, and place of birth are very important factors in determining the exact of position of planets in relevant houses and sign for a person. A Vedic horoscope or birth chart is constructed on the basis of the placement of planets and signs in houses. Here is what a regular Vedic birth chart looks like:
Each house signifies certain areas of life. Like the 4th house represents domestic life, property and happiness and 7th house stands for partnerships such as marriage and business. Correlation of planets with other planets (in form of conjunction, aspect or exchange of sign) affects the house where they are placed in. For example, 7th house though is vacant in the above Vedic horoscope, yet it is under the malefic influence of Mars and Saturn due to their aspect. This could affect the marital life (7th house represents partner) of a person due to aggressiveness and ego hassles (Mars).
There are three important things for an event to take place in a native’s life - promise, transit and Dasa. For instance, if your 7th house and the lord are positive and natal Jupiter and Venus are also placed well, your chart has a strong “promise” of marriage but for it to take place, “transit” Jupiter and Saturn should be influencing marriage related houses or lord (2nd, 7th, 11th). Another major aspect for event occurrence is “Dasa”.
In Vedic Astrology, different planets influence us at different points of time in our life. The perceived life span of an individual is counted as 120 years in total. Each planet is assigned certain number of years in one’s life. Our life is divided into Mahadasa of 9 planets and each Mahadasa is then further divided into 9 Antardasas each. The Mahadasas follow in the following sequence - Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury. Mahadasa begins from the lord of the Nakshatra where is Moon positioned at the time of birth. The exact duration of the first Mahadasa depends upon the degree of the Nakshatra when you were born.
Ketu Mahadasa runs for 7 years, Venus has 20 years, Sun has 6 years, moon has 10 years, Mars has 7 years, Rahu has 18 years, Jupiter has 16 years, Saturn has 19 years, and Mercury has 17 years.
Mahadasa is like a calendar of your life’s events. Whether the Mahadasa is auspicious or inauspicious for you depends upon several factors like position of that planet in your birth chart, whether it’s malefic or benefic. This duration of planets gives direction to the events in your life.
Mahadasa of each planet runs for several years but this doesn’t mean that you get the results associated with a single planet only. The actual results depend upon Antadasa. Mahadasa of each planet is further divided into 9 planets Antardasas following the same sequence of planets.
The events of your life are based on both - the Mahadasa and the Antardasa planets. For example, if you have Rahu Antardasa under Rahu Mahadasa, events would follow as per Rahu’s characteristics and strength in your horoscope. However, if you have Jupiter under Rahu, then the results would be based on the position of both Jupiter as well as Rahu. If the planets are positioned on 2 – 12, 6 – 8 or 5 – 9 axis, repercussions might not be that positive for the native. The lordship of planets is also considered in the process. If both planets are lords of Kendra or Trikone houses, the results would be like that of a Raj Yoga. If one has Kendra or Trikone lordship, and the second planet is lord of 6th, 8th or 12th house, then the results might not be favorable.
Sun Vimsottari Dasha generally operates for 6 years. The effects of a Dasa in operation overrides all other effects experienced due to various transits of planets, such as Sade-Sati & others.
More >Moon Vimsottari Dasha generally operates for 10 years. The effects of a Dasa in operation overrides all other effects experienced due to various transits of planets, such as Sade-Sati & others.
More >Mars Vimsottari Dasha generally operates for 7 years. The effects of a Dasa in operation overrides all other effects experienced due to various transits of planets, such as Sade-Sati & others.
More >Venus Vimsottari Dasha generally operates for 20 years. The effects of a Dasha in operation overrides all other effects experienced due to various transits of planets, such as Sade-Sati & others.
More >Mercury Vimsottari Dasha generally operates for 17 years. The effects of a Dasa in operation overrides all other effects experienced due to various transits of planets, such as Sade-Sati & others.
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The celestial sphere is divided into 12 equal parts of 30 degrees each. Each of which represents a zodiac sign. There are 12 different signs. Wherever you are born on earth, there is a local horizon, the line where earth and the sky meet. The whole zodiac belt seems to ascend from eastern horizon and descend to the western horizon due to the daily rotation of earth around its own axis. At a particular place and time of birth, the exact point or the degree of the sign that is rising on the eastern side of the horizon is considered to be the starting point of the houses division, it is also the Ascendant. This is because Sun rises from the east and the rising of Sun means new beginning.
Now note that you can only see 6 houses at any location on the earth as rest of the houses are below the horizon. From the starting point on the eastern side, the 1st house is followed by the rest of the houses in anti-clockwise motion so you never get to see the 1st to 6th houses in the skies. The point which is exactly above your head right now is the starting point of the 10th house for someone born right at this moment at your location. The point that lies on the horizon on the west is from where the 7th house begins. 4th house begins from the point which is exactly opposite to the point of 10th house, so naturally it is not visible in the sky as it is below the horizon.
The 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses are the pillars upon which the strength of the horoscope depends. These are the four pillars of your horoscope, lying on the horizon and meridian plane. These are called Angular or Kendra houses. Each house governs some particular aspects of your life. The anti-clockwise motion of the houses also symbolizes your lifecycle, starting from the first house that represents birth and personality to the 12th house which stands for death and emancipation.
The placement of different planets in houses based on their movement in the sky at the time of birth tells which aspect of your life is being affected & how. These houses not only govern your life but also tell a lot about your friends, family and relatives.
The very basis of interpreting a horoscope is about understanding the connection between houses and the signs and how the planets influence this connection. The detailed overview of each house and the dimensions of your life covered by each one of them is covered in the subsequent pages.
Venus in the 1st house gives you attractive eyes, a good-looking physical appearance, a happy and long life.
More >Venus in 2nd house inclines you towards collecting jewellery and gemstones, clothes, beauty and cosmetic products.
More >Ketu in the 1st house of Self gives you a very attractive and alluring personality; people around you cannot ignore you and they connect with you.
More >Ketu in 2nd house gives you an inclination towards acquiring knowledge on subjects of your choice.
More >Ketu in 3rd house will incline you towards taking up a profession in media of some form.
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If you are even a little bit interested in Vedic astrology, you must have heard of the term “Raj Yoga”. It is a special combination that if exists in a horoscope makes the native wealthy, healthy and prosperous. Like Raj Yoga, there are many other special Yogas that are considered important in Vedic astrology. “Yogas” is an aspect that is unique to Vedic astrology. Yogas essentially are special combinations and positions of planets in relation to houses and other planets.
Certain planetary positions can lead to some specific results, whether good or bad. And Vedic astrology has defined some of these very special positions as Yogas. The meaning of the word Yoga is “union” so certainly, the different ways planets associate with each other and form combinations is also called Yogas. Most Yogas consist of more than one planet. There are a huge number of Yogas in Vedic astrology but some are more important than others, which apparently should be on tips of any perspective astrologer.
The Vedas hold the secret to remedies that our Vedic experts can transfer to you suggesting a combinations lifestyle changes, prayers, gemstones and vedic secrets of repaying the nature in a way that unlocks your luck & mitigate difficult periods in life. more
When a Yoga is formed in a particular house by lords of different houses, it can deem positive or negative results based on the area of life that the associated planets and houses signify. You would rarely see someone who only has auspicious Yogas in his or her horoscope. The combinations that yield negative results for the native are called Doshas, addressed separately in a different section here. Further, we will discuss some of the major Yogas that every learner of Vedic astrology should be aware of.
Yogas with reference to Ascendant, there are some less popular but effective combinations too that add strength to the horoscope. Adhi Yoga, Vasuman, Laxmi Yoga.
More >Results of Yogas formed by Sun - Veshi Yoga,Vashi Yoga, Ubhayachari Yoga,Budh Aditya Yoga, Other yogas involving Sun.
More >Find results of Yogas formed by Moon - Sunafa yoga,Anapha yoga, Durudhara yoga, Gajkesari yoga, Adhi yoga, Vasuman Yoga, Gauri Yoga, Chandra Mangala yoga, Amala yoga
More >Auspicious Yogas, Dhan Yoga, Aarisht Yoga /Balarishta Yoga,Raj Yoga, Exchange Yoga,Special Yogas, Daridra Yoga Results in Vedic astrology.
More >Mangal Dosha: The placement of Mars is considered unfavorable in lagna, 2, 4, 7, 8 & 12th house of hooroscope. The person who is under the malefic impact of Mangal Dosha is called Manglik.
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In the most basic terms, planetary conjunction occurs when two or more planets occupy the same house. But what happens when planets are conjunct in a house? They DEFINE your life in a nutshell. A conjunction can be benefic or malefic, depending upon several factors such as the nature of the planets involved, their relationship with each other, and the house/sign they are placed in. The strength of the planet is also taken into account, like whether the planet is combust, retrograde or direct.
There can be as many as 5 or 6 planets in the same house but such is a rare occurrence. These are in fact the most difficult horoscopes to interpret. Care must be taken in determining how the planets affect each other. There could be a Yoga or a planetary combination) forming due to the conjunction but if a malefic planet is operational in the same house, the Yoga may not fructify for the native. On the other hand, when multiple weak or malefic planets get together in a house, presence of a benefic could balance the situation. Nevertheless, its power would be low due to malefic influence so the horoscope can only be considered average.
Conjunction of multiple planets in one house indicates the focus area of your life - the house where most of the planets are placed. Nevertheless, there could be some misbalance in the personality of the native due to the strong pull of a single house. The lord of house where conjunction of planets takes place is also under the spotlight. If it is positioned well, it casts a benefic influence upon the native. It tends to make other planets strong too. However, if it is weakly posited or under malefic influence, it may only deem negative results and may worsen the situation.
Before we discuss the impact of various planetary combinations, take a look at the chart below.
The conjunction of planets in this chart takes place in the 11th house (governing income and expansion) so the focus of the native would be on expanding income.
Mercury being the lord of 5th house (education) would boost earnings from intellect and learning. And since it’s the 8th house lord too, it may give sudden gains but at the same time, health issues and hurdles in life may occur, more so because it is placed in an enemy sign.
Moon is the lord of 6th house (difficulties) and is placed in Sagittarius in the 11th, so the native will struggle, but will put in hard work and beat competition to shoot off income.
Sun, being the 7th lord in friendly sign will give earnings from partnerships and spouse.
Venus, which is 4th and 9th lord is the Yogakaraka for this horoscope, will give ample opportunities to earn well. It is placed with Moon and Sun, its natural enemies so it’s positive effect will slightly be lessened but still Venus is very benefic for this horoscope.
How a planet influences the native depends upon whether it is placed alone in a house or with other planets. Similarly, the effect of two planets conjunct together is wholly different from how conjunction of 3 planets affects the horoscope. When three planets fall conjunct in major houses like Ascendant, 5th, 7th, 9th, or 10th house, it makes the n
More >Sun and Mars both represent the aggression, confidence and action in your horoscope.
More >The conjunction of Sun and Mercury makes you very strong in your opinion and this combination can bless you with a position of authority, strong intellect especially in academics.
More >Sun-Jupiter Conjunction is the auspicious conjunction due to the royal presence of Sun and the wisdom of Jupiter as guru or mentor in the planetary system where both as benefices become the auspicious combination that has the ability to develop one self- confidence, authority, and wisdom.
More >When Sun conjuncts with Venus, the world of relationships is created by you, where Venus provides the extra spark to the Sun, which gives a charismatic personality, physical pleasure and materialistic comforts to you with this conjunction.
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A horoscope represents the combined energy system of the 9 planets including Rahu & Ketu. Any imbalance of the planetary energy in a chart creates a need for adopting measures to balance out the energy. This, in simple terms is the way Astrological Remedies work to balance out the energy system in your life.
Please note:
Astrology remedies are a means to heal, not prevent every possible loss. Your karma manifests in this life so there is no running away from it. You also need to experience pain, learn from your mistakes and only then true healing begins. Letting go, charity, fasting, volunteering are few effective ways but all remedies should be done with a serious approach and sense of responsibility and not to be carried out as barter with God.
The Vedas hold the secret to remedies that our Vedic experts can transfer to you suggesting a combinations lifestyle changes, prayers, gemstones and vedic secrets of repaying the nature in a way that unlocks your luck & mitigate difficult periods in life. more
There are several ways and methods to perform remedies that align with Vedic astrology principles.
How Vedic Mantras work?: Mantras are sound vibrations grouped together & chanted to propitiate planets. By chanting Mantras, not only we pay respect to the corresponding planet but also become one with their energy. The Mantra gets activated by perfusing into that part of your body or the cells that it correlates with, which are ultimately made of the tatva corresponded to that planet. Mantra requires the use of the power of your Mana, meaning mind (Man + tra). It is a relatively safer form of remedy with little or no side effect. We can use Mantra and meditation to ward off negative energy that may be troubling us like an overly strong & malefic Rahu, Mars and Saturn. It may not be advisable to strengthen these planets using gemstone. Propitiation of planets in this case using meditation techniques is a better way of remedies.
Tantras are the rituals and actions performed in order to free oneself from the negative impact of planets. Tantras are actions performed for the enlightenment of the soul and in doing so, you need to use the power of your 'Tana', that is body.
Yantra refers to the devices, symbols or processes used to balance the mind and concentrate your energy on to the concepts that the Yantra represents. Yantras can have geometric patterns imprinted comprising of squares, circles and so on and these shapes represent some spiritual power or concept. Sri Yantra is one of the most common Yantra used which has geometrical patterns that represent the Universe, hinting towards the unanimity of the subject and object - of human and divine.
Through the dawn of history, gemstones have been thought to carry talismanic value. The Navagraha concept is specifically popular in Vedic astrology. According to this, each gemstone represents a certain planet and based on the strength or weakness of the planet in the horoscope, a gemstone is recommended to either strengthen or pacify the planet.
As Sun has the capability to fade away the darkness on earth; it can also evade the negativity in your horoscope if it is positively placed.
More >Moon, the queen among the imperial stars is considered the most influential planet in Vedic Astrology.
More >If you have a weak Mars in your horoscope, results may not be favorable as it is a malefic planet. It can cause recurrent knee pain.
More >Mercury is a neutral and changeable planet with having a dual personality.
More >If malefic, Remedies for Jupiter, are imperative because with a strong Jupiter in the horoscope comes wealth and wisdom.
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There are times when people just can’t identify with the attributes of their Sun or Moon sign. In fact, they may feel that they are an antithesis of their zodiac sign. You may also have observed it. Your Leo friend may not seek attention, may be because he or she has a Capricorn ascendant. Your Sagittarius friend is very possessive, may be because he or she has a Scorpio Ascendant. It is easy to understand why some people do not correspond to their Sun or Moon signs once you know about what is the rising sign or Ascendant in a horoscope.
Ascendant is the degree of the zodiac sign that was highest on the Easter horizon at the time and place of birth. When seen from Earth, the sky seems to move, so the entire zodiac can be observed in a span of 24 hours day which means the rising sign changes on the Eastern horizon every 2 hours because there are 12 zodiac signs. People tend to associate their physical, emotional and spiritual attributes more with rising sign at times.
Ascendant represents us in our purest and highest form; its like a lens of our personality through which people see us. It is the mask we wear to revel in the masquerade of life, to meet people. It embodies our natural reactions to things, objects, people and so on.
Don’t know your ascendant? You could sign up with Indastro to have your personalized birth chart ready. The sign that is located in the first house (which is also called the Ascendant) of your chart is called the rising sign or Ascendant. To determine the Ascendant, the exact time of birth is required since ascendants change every two hour.
You can get the astrological analysis and signification of 12 ascendants from the subsequent pages. The characteristics of the ascendant can differ a lot, depending upon the placement of the ruling planet and the other planets occupying the first house or aspecting it. A Sagittarius Ascendant, having Jupiter in Scorpio would be very different from a Sagittarius Ascendant having Jupiter in Aries.
As an Aries ascendant, you will have a deep understanding of yourself and always be on the move to look for new ventures in life.
More >As a Taurus ascendant, you are a person with firm values and principles with an inflexible approach that can often make you extremely stubborn and unreasonable.
More >As a Gemini ascendant, you are emotionally connected with loved ones, sensitive and caring; you also have a competitive and protective nature.
More >As a Cancer ascendant, you are emotionally connected with loved ones, sensitive and caring; you also have a competitive and protective nature.
More >As a Leo ascendant, you have a majestic impression on others and do not shy away from making efforts to establish your dominance when challenged in life.
More >Learn about the personality, traits, profession, compatibility, & health of those with Ashwini Constellation (Nakshatra) in their horoscope.
More >Bharani is the second constellation in Aries which symbolizes birth and creativity. It is ruled by Yama and represents a balance between the beginning of life, and when to let go.
More >Krittika nakshatra belongs to Aries and Taurus zodiac signs. This nakshatra is known for its quick & sharp wits, nurturing nature & artistic fluency.
More >Rohini is the constellation of love & art personified. It is a Taurus constellation and characterized by extreme femininity.
More >Mrigashira is the constellation of imagination, creativity, and pursuit of eternal bliss.
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In Indian Astrology, the Moon resembles our mind, emotions and thoughts which activate and channel our actions, the Ascendant resembles our physical self and how those thoughts and actions are perceived by others and our social interactions, and the Sun resembles our physical body. The Moon sign is an accurate depiction of how we channelize our energies through our moods, emotions, reaction and perceptions. The Sun is how we may be perceived, but who we are can be entirely different.
The Sun represents our physical body while the Moon is our mind and receptiveness to events that occur around us. Most of the times we are happy or sad because of what we feel instead of what we receive or physically do in our lives.
The Sun sign gives a broader picture of a person covering the overall attributes of physical appearances and personality traits which we may say to have more essence of tangibility attached to it. The broader view may carry the bigger depiction of you, leaving apart many areas of your personality unexplored, contours left open and minor details missed.
By now we have seen the various factors and attributes that provide a clear insight into the comparative picture between the Moon sign and the Sun sign in terms of the levels of accuracy they provide in astrological predictions and the underlying reasons thereto.
As evident, the Moon sign gives a far better, accurate analysis at a micro level and in-depth analytical predictions of your personality since it divides your overall disposition into minutest of parts, which make the predictions so precise.
Though Sun sign-based predictions are also true and give a broad-brush pen picture of a person’s life, but when we want the finer details of human life or wish for accurate behavior, action-reaction on particular event, then we need to resort to the Moon sign-based predictions.
Check out Moon Sign based Astrology & how accurate its predictions are by CLICKING HERE.
You take prompt decisions which might lead towards success in your professional life.
More >You create a strong vibe that makes others feel stable and secure when you are around.
More >You are moody and often becomes snappy and irritable.
More >Your memory power would be very sharp and would remember majorly the hurtful situation.
More >You will influence people through your personal and professional growth. But at times being overly confidence can tear you apart.
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All planets in solar system are revolving around Sun in a predefined pattern. That’s how we know when to wake up and when to go to bed. Planets however govern a lot more than just occurrence of day and night or eclipses and tides. Planets have a direct impact on us, despite being several light years away. While the position of planets does not dictate our everyday actions, it does have a profound and close influence on our life and destiny.
Understanding planets & their effects
Much like nobody forces Moon to orbit Earth, humans are also under no force to act in a certain way but everything in the universe is correlated and works in sync so naturally, the movement of planets affects our actions as a result, much like our actions affect the environment. Human body is in fact made of elements present in the Universe. The structure of our brain is very much similar to the structure of universe. Everything that happens to the Universe happens to us. Our own magnetic field aligns with the Earth’s magnetic field. Each object in the Universe, be it humans, Earth, planets and stars in our galaxy move in a precise symphony so we have to connect ourselves to these energy sources to receive the vibrations and function better.
Each planet emanates certain energy while moving through the zodiac circle. Some planets move faster like Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus, these are called inner planets and they affect us in a more personal and rapid manner, influencing our daily life, impulses and mood. The outer planets move slowly in the sky, some even take as much as 2.5 years to change a sign. These include Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu and these planets have a more profound and long-lasting impact on us, unlike say Moon.
Astrological significance of planets
Every planet rules a zodiac sign except Rahu and Ketu, which are in fact not actual planets but two reference points in the sky. Rahu and Ketu are the points where the paths of the Sun and Moon intersect with each other. Rahu is the north lunar node, the Head of the dragon as per mythology and Ketu is the south lunar node. The qualities of the zodiac signs somewhat align with the characteristics of the planets. For instance, impulsive and active Aries is ruled by fiery Mars, dreamy Pisces is ruled by spiritual Jupiter, emotional Cancer is ruled by motherly Moon while confident Leo is ruled by masculine Sun.
Sun is a luminary, a star that shines bright enough to light the whole world. Without its heat and light, we are nothing but an ice-ball.
More >Moon planet is the closest celestial body to Earth, and it has the deepest impact upon human life.
More >Mars planet is a fierce red-hot planet and its energy cannot be contained. This energy needs to be released, usually through actions and physical means.
More >Explore the role of Mercury in astrology, its influence on communication, intellect, and how it shapes one's thinking and expression.
More >Discover the significance of Jupiter in astrology, its expansive and benevolent influence on individuals, and its cosmic significance.
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Sade sati is a period of delayed events but a transformative time in the lives of those it occurs. It is defined by series of physical, material, emotional and psychological changes which improves or distorts your world view, depending on how you take it and your past karmic records; it can be termed as a ‘wake up call’ from the universe. This is meant to bring growth and put you in the right path as well as repay every wrong deed and receive the fruits of your good karma as well.
However, it is generally observed to bring immense delays, obstructions from enemies, new enemies, & illnesses to name a few. The mishaps that occur is the reason why Sade Sati is considered an immensely difficult period and feared by most.
Sade Sati is Saturn’s transit of 7.5 years which occurs in three phases of 2.5 years each. The first phase happens in the sign that falls before one’s Moon sign, second happens within the Moon sign and final phase occurs in the sign right after the Moon sign. The first phase is known to bring physical issues and ailments in one’s life. The second phase brings karmic cleansing or results of one’s good/bad karma in its full-fledged form and the final phase is comparatively easy with few delays. All of these occur in the areas of your life where you need to improve the most or correction is required.
People automatically assume that Sade Sati is a period of bad events happening one-after the another, just an extremely bad phase of delays, disturbances, losses and so on. But this is not the entire story. Sade Sati affects people by factoring in a lot of things.
There is need to understand that this transit, no matter how difficult to go through, is something which does not support escapism, to begin with. So there is no running away from this period or its effects. However, to strengthen you own self to go through them with courage, remedies can be prescribed as per your Moon sign. These will not necessarily culminate the lessons which you need to learn in this lifetime through the adversities, but it will soothe you on the edges to take it in the right way. It might be helpful to avoid extremely drastic situations, but depending upon your deeds, if it requires karma-correction, one has to go through the results in order to pay back what is due.
You can find Sade Sati remedies as per your Moon sign here.
Sade Sati is a period of 7.5 years of Saturn which repeats every 20 years in one’s life. This cycle brings self-introspection, repentance of past deeds & results of past actions for Virgo.
More >Sade Sati is a period of 7.5 years of Saturn which repeats every 20 years in one’s life. It is a time of introspection, delays & results as per your karma.
More >Sade Sati is a period of 7.5 years of Saturn and for Leos this is a pay back time. They go through back t back phases which can be mentally, emotionally and psychologically frustrating. It also brings turmoil in all areas of life as per their past karma which comes out in the open.
More >Sade Sati is a karmic period of 7.5 years of Saturn. This cycle brings setbacks & defeats in major areas of life & life post this cycle seems to take a complete 360 degrees turn. This is a period of karmic cleaning & transformations.
More >Sade Sati is a period of 7.5 years of Saturn. This is a karmic cycle of transformations, delays & lessons of a lifetime. This period humbles you like none other.
More >It all starts with the Sun. Sun is at the centre of our solar system with all other planets revolving around it. It is the storehouse of energy and the giver of life. In astrology, it refers to our conscious actions and soul, the centre of our being. It is your answer to the question “Who are you”, the exterior self and image that you p
More >Sun in Aries signifies the one who is energetic, egoistic, aggressive, and uncontrollable but also self-destructive, if not channelized properly.
More >Sun in Taurus signifies the one chases materialistic life, appreciates beauty, but on the other hand, faces bad health and less immunity.
More >Sun in Gemini makes one curious, intelligent, fun and frolic.
More >Sun in Cancer makes one nurturing with virtuous principles but indecisive nature.
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The position of planets at the time of a birth is crucial to make accurate Vedic astrology interpretations. However, life is not still. It changes because planets continue to move at their respective speed. Vedic astrology predictions are based on the analysis of the position of planets at the time of birth as well as patterns they make due to constant movement in the celestial sphere. It is imperative to study how these planets move so as to interpret how they would affect our life.
Like earth, each planet is moving at a certain speed in the sky in the cosmic sphere. In astrology, as seen from Earth, the band of constellations in which all planets seem to move including Sun and Moon is called the zodiac belt. It is an imaginary belt of 360 degrees and is called the zodiac cycle. This zodiac belt is further divided into 12 equal parts called zodiac signs. Throughout their journey, planets move through different zodiac signs. When a planet moves from one sign and enters into another, it is called a planetary transit.
Ancient Vedic astrology is equipped with lots of means through which we can analyze the impact of these transits as well as work out remedies to mitigate any negative influence of these transits on life. Transit means transformation, and any cosmic change is said to cause a shakeup in life. Whether the transit brings positive or negative results depends upon which sign and house it is moving into and whether there is any affliction or not.
The results of planetary transits can be felt at different times in life because some planets change sign quickly while others take years. For instance Moon only takes 2.5 days to change sign, whereas the slow moving Saturn occupies a sign for as long as 2.5 years. If the transit takes place in a positive sign and house without any malefic influence, the person experiences positive changes in life. However, if there is affliction, some negative influence can be observed too. Planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu spend a lot of time in a sign before transit, which is why their transition becomes important astrological events.
Rahu & Ketu indicate your past life Karma & play a crucial role in shaping your present life scenario.
More >When the Sun transits, it offers you impressive organizing skills, perseverance & good judgment, which makes success smoother.
More >Moon relates to the mind & emotions; its quick motion explains the fluctuations in our daily temperament & feelings.
More >Mars gives us the willpower to act & express ourselves in any given situation.
More >Transit of Mercury can affect your life in all aspects - business, career, education, love life & family, depending on the house from the Natal Moon.
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The celestial sphere is divided into 12 equal parts of 30 degrees each. Each of which represents a zodiac sign. There are 12 different signs. Wherever you are born on earth, there is a local horizon, the line where earth and the sky meet. The whole zodiac belt seems to ascend from eastern horizon and descend to the western horizon due to the daily rotation of earth around its own axis. At a particular place and time of birth, the exact point or the degree of the sign that is rising on the eastern side of the horizon is considered to be the starting point of the houses division, it is also the Ascendant. This is because Sun rises from the east and the rising of Sun means new beginning.
Now note that you can only see 6 houses at any location on the earth as rest of the houses are below the horizon. From the starting point on the eastern side, the 1st house is followed by the rest of the houses in anti-clockwise motion so you never get to see the 1st to 6th houses in the skies. The point which is exactly above your head right now is the starting point of the 10th house for someone born right at this moment at your location. The point that lies on the horizon on the west is from where the 7th house begins. 4th house begins from the point which is exactly opposite to the point of 10th house, so naturally it is not visible in the sky as it is below the horizon.
The 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses are the pillars upon which the strength of the horoscope depends. These are the four pillars of your horoscope, lying on the horizon and meridian plane. These are called Angular or Kendra houses. Each house governs some particular aspects of your life. The anti-clockwise motion of the houses also symbolizes your lifecycle, starting from the first house that represents birth and personality to the 12th house which stands for death and emancipation.
The placement of different planets in houses based on their movement in the sky at the time of birth tells which aspect of your life is being affected & how. These houses not only govern your life but also tell a lot about your friends, family and relatives.
The very basis of interpreting a horoscope is about understanding the connection between houses and the signs and how the planets influence this connection. The detailed overview of each house and the dimensions of your life covered by each one of them is covered in the subsequent pages.
Jupiter is considered as the most benevolent and benefic planet in Vedic astrology. The house that it occupies in a horoscope is the area where we, as ...
More >Venus relates to luxury, romance, wealth, creativity, and elegance. The house where it is located in a chart defines the area where you need to expres ...
More >Saturn gives restrictions, limitations, difficulties, delay and sometimes denial. It is the teacher who wants us to learn the lessons of life and beco ...
More >Rahu is a revolutionary planet. It dislikes authority and condones the social norms. It makes the person anti-authoritarian in the area of life govern ...
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‘Rudra’ refers to Lord Shiva and ‘Aksha’ means tears. Hence, 'rudraksha' means 'Lord Shiva’s tears'. According to legend, when Lord Shiva opened his eyes after a long time, his tears fell upon the earth and wherever those tears fell, a rudraksha tree grew.
The rudraksha beads are the seeds within the rudraksha fruits which open up by themselves when placed in water. Rudraksha trees are mostly found in Nepal, India, Burma, and Indonesia.
As per Hindu mythology, a rudraksha is considered extremely holy. There are about 125 different types of rudrakshas, each with a specific purpose and connected with mitigating challenges that come with associated planets.
If you are interested to know which rudraksha you should wear to amplify the strength of a planet's positive placement in your horoscope or to ward off the ill-effects of a certain planet's negative placement, you will find the information below helpful.
The Panch Mukhi Rudraksha is good for those who have a weak Jupiter in the horoscope.
More >The Single-Faced Rudraksha is the rarest amongst all types which enhances focus.
More >The Two Mukhi Rudraksha represents Yin & Yang, enahnces wealth & fortune.
More >The 9-Mukhi Rudraksha helps alleviate the effects of shadow planets in the horoscope.
More >The 3-Faced Rudraksha helps in enhancing self-awareness and letting go of the past.
More >Jupiter Remedy or Guru Pooja is one of the effective remedies to resolve negative Jupiter’ affliction in your horoscope.
More >Sun Remedy or Surya Pooja is one of the effective remedies to resolve negative Surya’s affliction in your horoscope.
More >Ketu (Dragon’s Tail) Remedy or Ketu Pooja is one of the effective remedies to resolve negative Ketu’s affliction in your horoscope.
More >Mars Remedy or Mangal Pooja is one of the effective remedies to resolve negative Mars’ affliction in your horoscope.
More >Mercury Remedy or Budh Pooja is one of the effective remedies to resolve negative Mercury’ affliction in your horoscope.
More >Based on the Moon sign, the D2 or Hora chart focuses on property gains, financial prosperity and returns of past investments. It indicates the planetary strengths forming wealth-related Yogas, like Indu Lagna and Dhan Yoga, which provides insights into how to achieve financial success. This chart guides on making wise investment decisions, boosting wealth and financial status.
More >The Navamsa or D9 chart provides in-depth insights into marital life, relationships, and karmic patterns. It highlights the strengths and challenges which a person may face in their personal and professional life. The placement of nine planets in this chart influences spiritual growth, relationship dynamics, and career stability, offering a broader perception beyond the birth chart.
More >The Dasamsa/D10 chart provides valuable insights into professional achievements, career growth, as well as challenges. The placement of planets in the D10 chart influences career opportunities, success, and decision making on the professional front. The analysis of this chart helps in understanding the leadership potential, workplace dynamics and the skills to overcome career-related obstacles.
More >The position of Sun in the D2 Hora chart provides clarity in financial gains, investments, and wealth accumulation, based on the planetary strengths. It helps you decide the right time for making investment strategies, which fosters great financial gains, and inheritance gains. This chart also assesses the importance of savings, financial management, and reinvestment, which ensures long-term financial stability based on the placement of Sun.
More >You will get valuable insights into the financial prosperity, investment strategies, and wealth accumulation of a person. It also sheds light on the best periods to achieve financial success and also focuses on the impact of planetary placements on the financial trajectory of a person, especially the Moon. This chart also gives opportunities for wealth-building and provides assistance on dealing with financial matters with foresight.
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