Yogas formed by Sun


Veshi Yoga

When any planet except Rahu, Ketu and Moon is positioned second from the Sun, it is called Veshi Yoga. This Yoga gives a truthful, loyal and pious personality. People born under in this Yoga are spiritually inclined. You are also good with communication and debates. Your speech is always backed by logic. This Yoga gives more than one sources of income too.

Vashi Yoga

A Vashi Yoga is formed when any planet except Rahu, Ketu and Moon is positioned 12th from Sun. In this case, native enjoys authoritative position in administration. These natives live a kingly life. They are very skillful and intellectual. Their memory is sharp and willpower is strong. These natives are very hardworking. They are very generous and indulge in a lot of donation and charity too.

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Ubhayachari Yoga

When there is any planet except Rahu, Ketu and Moon in one house ahead of behind where Sun is placed, it is called Ubhayachari Yoga, meaning, when any planet except Rahu, Ketu and Moon occupies the second and twelfth house from Sun. Such a person tends to have a sophisticated personality. Native is well-mannered, courageous and has a good social life too. This Yoga affords the native with ample wealth and the comfort of servants. Native enjoys a satisfactory life and gets a lot of support from society.

Budh Aditya Yoga

When Sun is in conjunction with Mercury in a house without any affliction, the Yoga that forms is called Budh Aditya Yoga. The results of this conjunction are more positive when it takes place in Virgo, Leo, Aries and Gemini sign. The closer that Sun and Mercury are in degree, the more effective is the Yoga. This Yoga turns more powerful if occurs in Ascendant or 10th house. In 6th and 12th house, it can give negative results too. In general, Budh Aditya yoga endows the native with royal comforts, wealth, riches and happiness. This Yoga also facilitates better earning in business.

Native is likely to be very intelligent, famous, sharp-minded, and mentally strong. The combination affords with ability to learn quickly as well. These people excel in accountancy, business, debate, and government sector. They tend to be very witty too. People with this Yoga in horoscope earn good education as well.

Other Combinations from Sun

If Sun is placed in Aries in the first house, Saturn is in Libra, Jupiter and Venus are in Pisces, and full Moon in under the aspect of Mars, native excels in military or army and works as a leader or commander.


Raj Yoga

(Moon Sign Based)

Raj yoga is the combination of the most positive houses in the horoscope which is Kendra and trikona. This yoga makes you a celebrity, it gives high imaginative and creative power to make yourself larger than life. It gives you the inertia to work hard and potential to create long-lasting fame and reputation. Raj yoga is not essential for achieving success, but it is one of the key elements of fame that lasts for generations. If the planets forming this yoga has full strength, then will bestow good health, wealth, happiness, and a successful life.

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Budh Aditya Yoga

(Moon Sign Based)

This yoga is formed when Sun and Mercury both are placed in same house, irrespective of sign the yoga is formed, but the house which it is formed that matters. There is a mutual friendship between these two planets, and together they give auspicious results. It works best when Mercury is behind the Sun, placed at 14 degrees. Below three degrees and more than 12 degrees between them also neglects his yoga. Sun blesses you with royal comfort, and Mercury makes you clever and an extremely successful businessman. This yoga will bless you with all kinds of comforts and richness in life. It will give you high energy level, makes you mentally stronger, offers good education, poses good chances of getting a government job, and a learned person along with witty and strong personality.

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