Venus is the most loved planet for obvious reasons. It indicates the most s ...
more >Jyothisha is a part of vedic science and it is a part of Vedanga. T ...
more >There are so many different types of people on this planet. Each of them behave so differently and unique.
more >Understand the depths of Shankaracharya’s philosophy of Advaita Vedanta and how the non-dualistic approach of raj yoga helps you understand your true self.
more >Home is an extension of your mind and soul. Do you feel a sense of calmness and peace around you or is your mind completely
more >Some people are hard to impress, while others are more easy-going in nature. What sets you apart is your upbringing and socialization
more >.From this August end, Mars enters Cancer, and Venus is forwarding towards conjunction of Saturn and Rahu [north node].
more >.
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more >The first of the twelve types of Kalsarpa Yoga is Anant Kalsarpa Yoga. In this Yoga, Rahu is placed into the
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more >If you are an Aquarius native, you might be known as an Extremist, and one who is detached, stubborn, or an unpredictable among your friends, as an Aquarius which comes in the eleventh zodiac sign.
more >Has the thought of being mix-match of your partner and you ever crossed your mind? Did it make you wonder as to
more >Born under the vibrant Aries, you will have a personality similar to the characters of the sign, whether it is your Moon Sign,
more >The situation that would arise if we make a warrior sit in the cash counter to make the balance sheet, is what the finance
more >Morning is that time of the day that is comparable to the feeling of innocence of a newborn child with all the freshness of dewdrops.
more >.
more >Neptune is considered as a planet of inspiration, dreams, illusion and confusion. It rules our spiritual world. This planet is connected with rituals, magic
more >According to Vedic Astrology, Pluto signifies challenges that we, as a society, may face in the future. A new approach and a new perspective
more >With the whole world going digital, the need for It Software engineers has experienced a surge recently.
more >Learn about astrological combinations to become an IAS, IPS, IRS, IFS, Diplomat, Bureaucrat, Civil Services officer.
more >.
more >Pregnancy marks one of the most amazing and important stages in a woman’s life. Giving birth to a new life is itself an emotionally
more >Money can become quite a sweet deal as it allows a person to able to lead a luxurious life and get all that materialistic things that one considers to be
more >Depression can afflict a person due to the malefic position or weak strength of planets and stars in their horoscope.
more >Pearl brings strength to the planet Moon placed in a horoscope. It enhances the mind & intellectual capabilities; but not everyone should wear it.
more >.
more >According to Vedic Astrology, it is said that pious events like marriage, childbirth, etc., should happen at the right time,
more >The role of finances in terms of monetary value has come a long way since ancient times to the contemporary world.
more >Would November be a good month for you to invest in property? Would your fi ...
more >Moon in astrology has a profound effect on humans and other living beings. If the Sun is considered the King,
more >Home sweet home! Home is that beautiful paradise where you feel secure within its boundaries and it is the realms of your dreams.
more >As a primary need for every human being, a shelter is a must. With more affluence, people build better and bigger houses.
more >Marriage is the divine bond between two individuals who pledge to love and support each other for life. They marry each other with the consent
more >As per Vedic astrology and ancient writing or ‘Granthas’, our current life has a direct relation and is a result of our former life’s karma
more >Bedrooms are referred to as the coziest and most thoughtful places of the house one can think of. It is a place
more >Designing your kid’s study area as per Vastu Shastra will pave the way for the success of children in their educational prospects
more >Office in a public place is more beneficial instead of a standalone place. There should be a good hustle and bustle of crowd and the office
more >Human nature has the Pandora box of queries, some of which are not even tangible. Every individual has the motive of attaining heights of prosperity
more >.
more >Are you still in love with your ex? Have you spent sleepless nights after breaking up with your ex? No matter how busy you are
more >Sun will transit Libra during 17 Oct – 16 Nov 2022, marking this as a ...
more >When you meet an astrologer, the first few questions of you will always come as to ‘when and how will we become successful and earn name and fame’.
more >.
more >The process of parenting involves almost all the traits of almost all the job profiles of the world. No doubt it is considered as the most difficult job in the
more >In the Hindu tradition, baby naming ceremony is referred to as ‘Naamkaran’ and is an extremely significant rite of passage as
more >We all have some form of bad habits; no one is perfect in this world. All individuals have a particular pattern of habits
more >However, banking as a career is not as mundane as we think, there are dimensions to this domain which are unexplored and rather exciting.
more >Libra is a lover of all things peaceful and harmonious. They would ideally choose a career, which can enhance their organizational and aesthetic skills.
more >A career in finance is one of the most sought after career opportunities. There will always be demand for financial analyst and banking sector workers,
more >A career in finance requires intelligence, meticulous and sound understanding of the financial climate of the country and diligence to work towards attaining
more >People with Taurus moon sign are reasonably organized and persistent in their efforts. Patience and perseverance are the key traits that describe such a
more >If you feel things are not working out in your favor, remember it’s never too late! You can always make an informed career decision
more >In a relationship, a Libra woman wants her partner to help her keep the balance of the relationship intact.
more >In a relationship, the Sagittarius woman wants to be accepted for the way she is and not to be bound and controlled by anyone as she is a free-spirit.
more >When a Scorpio woman falls in love, she remains extremely possessive, loyal & dedicated to her partner; and she expects her partner to be faithful & loyal to her.
more >In a relationship, a Virgo woman expects her partner to understand her need to be disciplined & organized.
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more >Self-care is a lot about de-stressing and de-compressing and enjoying a me-time. De-stressing looks different for different people
more >The Birth Ceremony (Jatakarma Sanskar) is aimed at welcoming the baby into the world. Traditionally, this ritual was performed right after
more >Being in love is one of the most precious feelings around. It is like chasing a high, which constantly keeps you in a good mood and
more >Sometimes, things don't go as planned in a relationship. A painful breakup can take a huge toll, even on a Virgo man. We describe to you the personality
more >.
more >Vedic Astrology principles are so strong that it can accurately predict the exact timelines for any event. It will also provide a strong and positive
more >It is not an easy thing to be a good and successful businessman. You need a special knack to have a progressive business.
more >If you have been wandering still, it is time that you are going to get the answer to that question which makes you think and dig deep into the zone of inner
more >A Cancerian as a husband is a dream husband of every young woman out there! He is an absolute package of love and romance,
more >Do you remember the times when we were kids and used to play the ‘candle gazing’ game? We used to gather around a lighted candle and take turns to
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more >For some people, they don’t get a steady growth in their career. Their struggles are lifelong and that may lead to long frustration.
more >It takes a lot of guts for a person along with sharp business acumen to dive into the world of independent business and being the owner of your own work.
more >Astrology is basically the part of science that deals with the study of the various effects that the different planetary movements have on human life.
more >With an improvement in the regulatory roles and authorities of the government, there has been a surge experienced in the demand for job profiles related
more >Find out the probable & best suited career or profession predictions as per birth chart.
more >The moon sign talks a lot about the choices a native will make according to the moon sign he or she belongs to. Even for one’s career, the zodiac
more >Janmashtami commemorates the birth of Lord Krishna. Read this article for legends, rituals, etc.
more >Ganesh Chaturthi is observed for the removal of obstacles, for new beginnings, wisdom, prosperity, & good fortune.
more >The most enduring and significant relationship in the whole wide world is that of a child with his or her parents. It is the most extreme level
more >Chaitra shukla pratipada – means the first day after the new moon in the month of Chaitra [hindi lunar calendar] or you can also say it as the
more >Mars has the Key to unlock your Inner Derive to live life in an awesome and extraordinary way.The placement of Mars in your
more >With every passing day, the reports of child abuse are increasing in leaps and bounds. It has become imperative for parents and guardians to take
more >.“Well begun is half done”, said Aristotle once. More than anything, it applies to preparing for your next session or academic course.
more >Everything, however trivial even it might seem on the apparent outside, revolves around time. Following a ‘Mahurat’ before venturing for some
more >One of the most important things in life that has the power to make our lives ideal, even if we are facing a lot of hurdles and challenges;
more >Marriage is a beautiful bonding between two souls who grow together by fulfilling their dreams and achievements. Caring and sharing for each
more >During pregnancy, the body of a female goes through many changes making the entire experience exciting and joyful along with periods
more >Astrological remedies are significant ways to heal or to prevent any kind of loss, which is revealed during the course of your action [Karma] in your mortal
more >An astrological analysis and interpretation is brought to you for the Omicr ...
more >Hindu or Vedic astrology is a cosmic medium to learn about numerous upcomin ...
more >Read this piece to understand how Vedic Astrology is different from Western Astrology.
more >.
more >Doctors are the guardians of your body. A doctor pledges to save lives and be at the beck and call of a patient at all times.
more >Being a doctor is no child’s play, you need to be intelligent, patient, diligent, and compassionate at the same time to succeed as a doctor.
more >Career as a medical profession is gaining more and importance, keeping in mind the crisis of pandemic, which has crippled the entire world.
more >Looking at the contemporary world, doctors are the frontline warriors, relentlessly fighting the global pandemic. They are the heart and soul
more >Doctors are the wealth and health of a nation. With the current pandemic at its peak, our frontline workers have become the most essential asset.
more >Doctors are the wealth and health of a nation. With the current pandemic at its peak, our frontline workers have become the most essential asset.
more >Doctors are the saviours of lives and humanity. It is not an easy profession. One needs to be extremely selfless and courageous to uphold the dignity of
more >Doctors are the saviours of lives and humanity. It is not an easy profession. One needs to be extremely selfless and courageous to uphold the dignity
more >Doctors are the wealth and health of a nation. With the current pandemic at its peak, our frontline workers have become the most essential asset.
more >The study of the planetary movements through the lens of astrology enables ...
more >Disappointments trigger differently for different people. Some might get upset by the fact that they are not treated equally, while others face disappointment
more >.
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more >How often have we heard that ‘Oh, that woman is a rebel’ and mind you, that too, NOT in all positivity! She is called a rebel just because she takes her
more >In India, 15th September is celebrated as Engineer’s Day as a tribute to the greatest Indian engineer and Bharat Ratna Sir Mokshagund
more >Today is International Internet Day. Since the year 2005, this Day is celeb ...
more >Ever questioned why you feel so fresh and peaceful in a Spa? How a decently fragrant atmosphere works to ease your nerves! Essential oils
more >Education forms the base of a successful and bright future! Therefore, there would be no parents who would not be worried about what sort
more >.
more >Fall Equinox marks the beginning of autumn and naturally brings a breath of ...
more >People are curious to know about their twin flame, soulmate, or a life partner who you can grow older together with and share your ups and
more >Teenage is a sensitive and impressionistic age of a person where if a person is given the correct guidance and shown a right direction
more >This is the sixth ritual or samskara in the Hindu culture and is performed around the fourth month for a new-born child.
more >The significance of samskara (rite of passage) has been addressed at length in many religions by their reliable and ancient books.
more >Flowers are the delicate expressions of emotions that add core of strength to your panel of affection and attraction in the same platter
more >The idea for a perfect date is to try new things with your partner. However ...
more >The income is the stepping stone in choosing a profession or career in recent times. It is all the way through the income that the financial stability
more >The personalities who believe in the transparency of conversation and sharp intelligence in talks, to attain the desired destiny in their lives, are
more >.
more >Benefits of gemstones are widely recognized and acknowledged. In this artic ...
more >.
more >Precious gemstones have always been coveted for aesthetic and beautification purposes. Associated mostly with wealth and health prowess
more >This article talks about what causes Ghatak Kalsarpa yoga and how it can ha ...
more >Astrological remedies are a way to help you obtain favorable energies from ...
more >The study of Astrology is complex, expansive, and transformative. We have m ...
more >.
more >Zodiac signs help find nuances related with mother. Which zodiac signs make great moms?
more >Career is your personal journey of learning and work, which determines your livelihood. Career is the extremely important and needs
more >.
more >A good hairstyle does not necessarily have to be very elaborate and ...
more >"Your hair is the crown you never take off" There is no doubt to the fact ...
more >Origin of Stotra and mantra: Our ancient Rishis who had highly int ...
more >Discover how you are placed in terms of finding love in October. Or, if you ...
more >How the Gun Milan technique in Vedic astrology can help ensure a harmonious ...
more >The 4th house in your horoscope is a direct medium that can foretell the va ...
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more >.
more >Vedic Dasha that stands for the planetary periods in one's horoscope, is an ...
more >Moon is a planetary entity that has a strong connection with our minds. It ...
more >Solar & Lunar eclipses are not just the astronomical events, they hold ...
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more >Your Birth Chart can reveal a lot of crucial information about your health ...
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more >The seven chakras represent your spirit, body, and the overall well being. ...
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more >Good luck in life is extremely necessary. It eases up the movement ...
more >It is utmost important for a person to choose the right Gemstone be ...
more >This article deals with an indepth analysis of planetary combinations that ...
more >Is our destiny in this life based on the actions of past lives? The concept ...
more >Astrology plays an important role in almost every aspect of our lives. The ...
more >Jupiter has great importance in Vedic astrology because of its auspicious c ...
more >The positive influences of Ketu may bring a rise in your life; however, the ...
more >A well-places Mars in your horoscope will provide you with a fighting spiri ...
more >Mercury has a significant role in your life. It is the significator of your ...
more >Moon is one of the most important planets that decides the fate of your lif ...
more >Rahu is the karaka/significator of fear, illusions, confusions and very hig ...
more >.
more >Sun signifies strength, status, and influence in your immediate surrounding ...
more >Indian Teacher’s Day is dedicated to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, wh ...
more >Moon in the horoscope stands for emotions, temperament, subconscious mind, ...
more >.
more >When the benefic planet Jupiter retrogrades, it is time to stand back and r ...
more >As indicated by the Vedic astrology, Jupiter comes after Mercury to ...
more >Jupiter is the largest planet in Vedic astrology and is all about g ...
more >Jupiter is considered to a naturally benefic planet in Vedic astrol ...
more >Jupiter, the Guru or Teacher of the planet is considered to be an a ...
more >Jupiter is the guarding angel for a thinker and blesses one with hi ...
more >Jupiter is said to be the largest and heaviest amongst the planets ...
more >Jupiter is the planet of abundance, hope, expansion and optimism. Being the ...
more >Jupiter is one of the most benevolent planets as per vedic astrology. Also ...
more >Jupiter, also known as Brihaspati is considered to be the teacher t ...
more >Jupiter is the most generous of all the planets and is thus associa ...
more >Jupiter is the planet that brings hope, optimism, good luck and dev ...
more >Jupiter is considered as the most important planet in Vedic Astrolo ...
more >In this article, we discuss the cause & effects of Vishdhar Kalsarpa yo ...
more >This article deals with Kal Sarpa - focusing on what causes this yoga in a ...
more >In this article, we discuss the problems Karkotak Kalsarpa yoga that can ca ...
more >Kulik Kalsarpa Yoga may majorly affect your life at an early age as per Ved ...
more >Zodiac sun signs and moon signs can reveal innate characteristics about one ...
more >Maha Mrityunjay Yagna has the power to defeat death and get rid of chronic ...
more >Natives with Mahapadam Kalsarpa yoga have a great chance to win over their ...
more >.
more >Saturn and Venus are significant planets that are responsible for many grea ...
more >To overcome the malefic effects of planets, that can cause trouble in marri ...
more >Travel through time & space to experience the true essence of Astrology ...
more >What are your chances of traveling or settling overseas? Here's an astrolog ...
more >Padam Kalsarpa yoga is one such yoga that may stir severe distress in your ...
more >Panchang calculations are based on the relationship between the Sun and the ...
more >This article deals with importance of tarpanam in Pitru Paksha and understa ...
more >An alignment of two or three planets is a rather common event, but an array ...
more >There are 12 bhavas or houses in your horoscope. Each of these tell a diffe ...
more >What is your lucky gemstone according to your Moon sign? Read our analysis for answers.
more >Rahu in a weak position in your horoscope can signify poverty, dissatisfact ...
more >Venus is undoubtedly one of the mysterious planets. Venus in your horoscope ...
more >Planets have a different impact with the direction and speed of their movem ...
more >.
more >The natives with the Shankachood Kalsarpa yoga tend to lose cool and go thr ...
more >This article deals with the results of Sheshnaag Kalsarpa yoga. How it affe ...
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more >D2 Chart is an important Varga Chart. Its reading can direct you to some fa ...
more >What are the Virgo' strengths and weaknesses? How can you best utilize thos ...
more >The upcoming Solar Eclipse is going to occur on December 26, 2019, ...
more >Stellium- means cluster of four or more than four planets in one sign. And ...
more >Even though Takshak kalsarpa yoga is capable of bringing positive energy fo ...
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more >The movements of the planets in the zodiac signs give a deeper meaning to o ...
more >Vedic remedies are great astrological tools that can enhance the positive e ...
more >Saturn and Sun are going to conjunct on 24th January 2020 and this ...
more >Pushkar Navamsha is an auspicious navamsha that brings promising energy in ...
more >An eclipse can affect your decision-making or make you go through challenge ...
more >This year the Full Moon in Capricorn will be on the 15th of August ...
more >Vedic astrology is totally based on the Moon. Moon is the indicator ...
more >The Moon influences how you perceive the world around you and respond to yo ...
more >Ayurveda and astrology go long back in time. The microscopic study of our b ...
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more >Did you know that every planet rules over a specific zodiac sign? Other tha ...
more >Fiery signs have abundant passion and energy stored in them and they make their own decisions. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius belong to this set of elements.
more >The inauspicious effects of Vasuki Kalsarpa yoga can make the natives go th ...
more >Are you going through hardships & instability in your life? Want to sto ...
more >Surya is the karaka of your soul, health and stature in the society. The st ...
more >Venus is one of the fascinating planets in Vedic astrology. It possesses fe ...
more >Venus is all about love and romance. Aries is a highly energetic fiery sign ...
more >As per Vedic Astrology, all the seven planets and their placements play numerous or multiple important roles in the life of a native according
more >Lord Dhanvantari is the first divine incarnation to convey Ayurveda's knowledge to humankind...
more >Significance of Raj yoga in your Janam Kundli
more >The results of weak Saturn in your horoscope
more >What does your Rising Sign or ascendant indicate?
more >Effects of mangal dosha in your horoscope and astrological remedies
more >Everything about the fixed signs in Vedic astrology
more >Astrological predictions are based on planetary placements, maha dasas and current transits.
more >Yantra is one of the important Vedic astrological remedies associated with planets.
more >Atmakaraka - Know the Real Purpose of your Life
more >Ketu with Saturn is known to create a feeling of inconstancy and instability
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more >Result of Jupiter in Various Houses of Navamsa chart.
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more >Result of Saturn in Various Houses of Navamsa chart.
more >Result of Ketu in Various Houses of Navamsa chart.
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