Indian Teacher’s Day is dedicated to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was an ardent believer of education and one of the greatest scholars of his time. Astrology plays a vital role in deciding whether a person is likely to become a good teacher or not.
A Guru has a great importance in our lives. Not only they help us in choosing the right path but also guide us at every step of our life. Our teachers/gurus play a vital role in shaping our overall personality.
Therefore, on this occasion of Indian Teacher’s Day, let’s recall all our great teachers who taught us the great lessons of life. Words are not enough to express the gratitude and respect that these Teachers actually deserve after all they’re the ones who’ve made us who we are today. Parents teach us how to walk but our teachers teach us how to climb a mountain, without giving up.
In India 5th Sep has been earmarked as the Teacher’s Day (Day of ‘The Gurus’). This is a little gesture to thank our teachers for their invaluable contribution in shaping our lives and helping us climb the ladder of success and accomplishment.
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan-believer of education-was one of the greatest scholars and teachers of all times. He was elected as the first Vice President and second President of our country-India. He was born on 5 September 1888. Therefore, this day was chosen to express our gratitude towards all the great teachers of this country.
Dr. Radhakrishnan emphasized the need for education. Before he got this honorary position, he was working as a teacher and he dedicated his early life to propagate the importance of a Teacher in building a strong foundation of a nation. He said that by inculcating the desired knowledge in the students, teachers would be able to create a sense of responsibility in the Youth of the country.
A Teacher/Guru is that angel who enlightens us and removes darkness from our lives. If we go down into the history of our country, we can see that a Guru/teacher has always played an important role in the overall development of the students. This is also evident from the story of Guru DronaCharya and Arjun or the great story of Eklavya. The lesson that Lord Krishna gave Arjuna- during the war of Mahabharat-is mentioned in the Bhagwat Geeta. Another example is of Chankya who saw the dream of united India and molded the young mind of Chandra Gupta.
Now let us understand what all planetary combinations are required in someone’s horoscope which will make them a proficient teacher/guru…
According to astrology, Lagana lord in lagna/ fifth/ninth house and strong Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury, make a person an outstanding teacher/guru. Saturn blesses us with strong will power and endurance, Mercury gives analytical powers and good understanding. Jupiter makes a person extraordinary intelligent.
1st, 5th, 9th and 10th houses play a significant role in teaching. 1st house is for self, i.e. your personality, 5th house signifies school education, 9th house is seen for higher education and 10th house is the career house.
Have you ever thought why Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was such a renowned personality? What made him so famous that today he is the idol of so many teachers?
Let’s make things clear for you by looking into his horoscope.
Mentioned below are some of the great students who became renowned personalities, and were greatly benefited by the teachings of their Guru/Teacher
1. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
By looking at Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam’s chart, we can see that his lagna/ascendant lord is debilitated in fifth house and Jupiter is exalted in first house. These planetary positions made him a modest, quiet and a sober personality. He was extremely patient and had a great endurance level. Debilitated Moon and Saturn placed in second from Moon made him a great speaker and influencer. He was very sincere and obedient student who never disrespected and disregarded his teachers.
Dr Kalam has exalted Jupiter in lagana, with cancer as ascendant. These very planetary positions indicate that he always had a hunger for knowledge and was very closely connected with his teachers. This placement of Jupiter also generated his interest in science, technology and writing, and made him a great scientist and writer. He was India’s top scientist and published many research papers related to science and technology. Dr. Kalam was known for his simplicity, he had been awarded several prestigious awards for his contribution towards the fields of science and technology. He has also authored several books such as India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium, Wings of Fire, and Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power within India.
In one of his books “Wings of Fire” Dr. Kalam clearly mentioned how his childhood teacher taught him the first lesson of equality, modesty and simplicity. In the same book he describes a number of incidences which tell the readers how he got motivated from his teachers and learnt the great lessons of life, which helped him overcome the difficulties and hurdles in life.
In 1969, Kalam was transferred to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) where he was the project director of India's first Satellite Launch Vehicle. His Rahu is posited in the Ninth house of long journey, which made him visit a number of countries around the world including NASA’s Research Center.
He came to be known as the Missile Man of India for his work on the development of ballistic missile and launch vehicle technology. He also played a pivotal organizational, technical, and political role in India's Pokhran-II nuclear tests in 1998, the first since the original nuclear test by India in 1974.
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was a great-great human being.
May The soul of Great legend Rest in Peace.
2. Sachin Tendulkar
Sachin Tendulkar rising sign is Leo and lagna lord Sun is exalted in the 9th house and the 10th house lord joins it. The exalted Mars is in the 6th house and Saturn is powerfully placed in the 10th house, in his horoscope. All of these are the great rajayogas which made him a cricket legend.
Mars is exalted and becomes Atmakaraka (highest degree). This planetary position is indeed a blessing for a sportsman.
Debilitated Jupiter placed with exalted Mars clearly forms Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga. This combination gave him patience and endurance to work hard without giving up. It also helped him snatch victory even during the unfavorable circumstances.
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is a former Indian international cricketer. He was born on April 24, 1973 in Mumbai, India. As a young boy, Tendulkar would practice for hours at the net, and was driven hard by his coach Achrekar. He is the one who gifted the country a “Kohinoor” known as Sachin Tendulkar. Achrekar, who passed away in Mumbai at the age of 87, shaped a middle- class boy to a renowned international cricket player.
Teacher’s Day directly connects with the planet Jupiter and Mercury as teaching is a profession of wisdom and noble career. Like all the other professions, Teaching also involves particular astrological combination that actually moulds a person into a great teacher.
In one of his interviews, India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Damodardas Modi, said that teaching is not just a profession but a "jeevan dharm" (a way of life). Teachers are always to be respected because they guide us towards the right path of our lives.
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