Astrological Guidance for Would Be Pregnant or Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for the mother and child to connect and form an ever-lasting bond. It is a very sacred time for the entire family. There are a few astrological rules that one must follow so as to ensure the best possible pregnancy period. Learn in detail about them below.

Astrological Guidance for Would Be Pregnant or Pregnant Women


Pregnancy marks one of the most amazing and important stages in a woman’s life. Giving birth to a new life is itself an emotionally overwhelming yet very thrilling and exciting feeling. Pregnancy is the term for that biological foundation in which every living being invests her physical strength with emotional bonding and a psychological preparation for bringing forth a new living replica of themselves into this world. Astrology plays a major role in deciding our life’s future course of actions along with planetary movements and the alignment of our stars with each other, which can predict what the coming months hold for us.

This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

We are giving astrological guidance in two folds-

Learn about your moon signs and the family relations that you maintain, to assess yourself.

Astrological Suggestions for Future Pregnancies

  • Avoid conceiving during Amavasya, Poornima, Ekadashi, solar eclipse or lunar eclipse. It may bring forth a child with low physical immunity and your child may fall ill often.
  • Shukla paksha or waxing moon is better for copulation.
  • Shravan, Hasta, Anuradha, Swati, Shatbhisha, Dhanishta, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadrapad, Moola and Rohini Nakshatras are the best for copulation.
  • Bharani, Krittika, Mrigshira, Aardra, Punarvasu, Ashlesha, Magha, Poorva phalguni, Vishakha, Jyeshtha, Poorvashadha, Poorva Bhadrapad and Revati Nakshatra are not suitable for copulation.
  • Before Cohabitation, the couple should have wholesome nutritious food but in controlled quantity. The couple should wear clean white clothes and the man should ascend on the bed with his right leg first and the woman with her left leg first for good copulation.
  • It is generally and medically not advisable to have sexual relationships during the menstrual cycle of a woman. Avoid a full five days for any physical relationship. If by any chance a woman conceives on these days, then the child may be born with abnormalities and may be a short-lived one. Desirable results can be obtained by following the information, according to one's needs. It is almost a kind of natural cycle that enriches the Gender Selection of your choice.
  • Safer sexual relationship with one person and that is a lifetime partner - Your Wife or Husband. This will avoid a lot of problems in future and also will be the healthiest practice one must follow for conceiving a healthy baby.

Numerology is an important aspect. If you want to know which number will be best for your child, find it out here.

Astrological Suggestions for Pregnant Women:

Pregnancy of any woman has the tenure of nine months and these nine months the fetus has the power of grasping the emotional and mental stress or peace from its mother along with the natural inheritance of family genes-

  1. 1st Month
    Venus the planet of love gives best results in the 1st month, so weak Venus will incorporate some problems with the mother. So both husband and wife should keep their house clean and well-organized.
  2. 2nd Month
    Mars rules the 2nd month of pregnancy and governs bones and blood, so a healthy and strong child is possible only if Mars is strong in the parent’s horoscope. Avoid spicy food during this month and wear a Copper bracelet in your right hand.
  3. 3rd Month
    It belongs to Jupiter and if the mother's Jupiter is strong and well placed, it gives the child spiritual inclination along with beautiful skin. Read and discuss educational literature and science in the third month.
  4. 4th Month
    This month of pregnancy belongs to Sun which is very important for the overall healthy development of the child. Strong Sun in the parent’s horoscope will give the child the ability to make his/her decision with personal mental caliber and intelligence. Drink lots of water in copper glass during this month.
  5. 5th Month
    This month belongs to the Moon and if the mother's moon is good and strong, the child's behaviour and emotions will be well–balanced. Parents must do these remedies to make sure their child has a good moon. Drink water in silver glass and discuss spiritual literature and scientific evolutions during this month
  6. 6th Month
    This is the month of Saturn and good Saturn will endow with a strong nervous system. Avoid eating food that creates gas in your body and eat food that's rich in iron.
  7. 7th Month
    Mercury is responsible for making your child mentally active, very intelligent and smart during the 7th month of pregnancy. So eating lots of green vegetables during the 7th month will prosper the mother and child's health.
  8. 8th Month
    The 8th Month belongs to your own faith of worship or Ishta Devta, irrespective of your religion. Follow your own path of faith in your almighty for the blessings of your child.
  9. 9th Month
    The 9th month is the time when the child has to be born. This month again belongs to Moon - the karaka of mother so follow some simple rules for the good health of mother and child. Don't wear any other metal except silver ring or bracelet .Wear light colored clothes only e.g. white, cream or light yellow.


Before being a parent, find out the type of parent you are likely to become, based on your zodiac signs.

A Few Astrological Tips for the Best Time to get Pregnant according to your Zodiac Sign:


Aries are one of the most intelligent and active zodiac signs who are known for planning everything in advance for smooth sailing. You are born leaders and will do your level best to nurture the child with love and discipline. The best time for Aries women to conceive is between the periods of June 25th to July 15th, October 25th to November 15th and February 25th to March 15th.


Taurus mothers are very particular about inculcating manners and good behaviour in their kids and mothers belonging to this sign are routine specific for their everyday work. The best time for Taurus women to conceive is from July 25-August 15, November 25-December 15, and March 25 to April 15.


Gemini natives know how to handle stressful situations and are easy-going when it comes to raising kids. They will face all kinds of situations whatever comes their way like the gust of wind as the role of a mother because of their free spirited nature. The best time for conception is between August 25 to September 15, December 25 to January 15, and April 25 to May 15.


Cancer natives are known for being extremely caring about their family and closed ones. They belong to the water sign and mothers belonging to this zodiac will take all pains to ensure that their children are safe and secure. The best time for conception is from July 25 to August 15, November 25 to December 15, and March 25 to April 15.


Leo natives are fiercely independent women and they denote power and strength. They balance their career and motherhood like a pro. Due to their strong personality, Leo mothers bear everything to give their child a better future. The best time for conception is from June 25th to July 15th, October 25th to November 15th and February 25th to March 15th.


The Virgo sign is known for being tidy and perfectionist. Virgo mothers make sure that their child too learns the importance of ‘keeping things where it belongs’. They might waver a bit because of stress during pregnancy but will soon bounce back with full force. The best time for Virgos to conceive is from September 25 to October 15, January 25 to February 15 and May 25 to June 15.


People belonging to Libra sign are full of wisdom and Libra mothers will inculcate the best possible values in their kids and will also have the patience to handle the stressful portions of parenting. The best time for Libra women to conceive is from September 25 to October 15, January 25 to February 15 and May 25 to June 15.


Scorpio is a water sign and natives belonging to this zodiac love their children and families from the bottom of their hearts. They might survey a lot of options before extending their families, as they have a hard time making a decision. The best time to conceive is from June 25th to July 15th, October 25th to November 15th and February 25th to March 15th.


Sagittarius mothers are always bubbling with energy and are full of enthusiasm as they usually stay positive at all times and have a very optimistic approach towards parenting. The best time for conception is from August 25 to September 15, December 25 to January 15, and April 25 to May 15.


Capricorns mothers have a very strong work ethic and they want all the jobs to be done in scheduled time. A little bit strict with kids, Capricorn mothers will easily manage all the tasks together. The best time for conception is from June 25th to July 15th, October 25th to November 15th and February 25th to March 15th.


Aquarians natives are free-spirited by heart that is why the thought of having children makes them shy away from responsibility. But once they opt for the duty of parents they will try their level best to give their children a nurtured upbringing. The best time for conception is from July 25 to August 15, November 25 to December 15 and March 25 to April 15.


People belonging to this zodiac sign are extremely sensitive and emotional and would like the thought of having a child around them and will accept all responsibility with care creating an everlasting bond with their child. The best time for conception is from September 25 to October 15, January 25 to February 15 and May 25 to June 15.

Also find out about some of the lesser known facts about each zodiac sign and plan your pregnancy accordingly.

To sum up we can always presume that pregnancy is that universal bond of love and affection between mother and child where the mother nurtures her child with her blood and emotions putting herself at risk of life to give birth to a new life and this natural phenomena of mother-child relationship is wonderful beyond words.

