Personal Reading

Detailed Horoscope Reading

An astrological reading covering your life in terms of two important aspects – a) the description of events in your life b) the tim... more

USD 49 / Rs.3430 Order Now
Sade Sati Report

Sade - Sati means 'seven & a half'. It signifies the legendary seven & a half year of Malefic Saturn's transit over your Moon sig... more

USD 49 / Rs.3430 Order Now
Varshphal - Birthday Report

Your birthday is a very significant annual event when the Sun returns to the same point, exact to the degrees & minutes, where it was... more

Ask Your Urgent Question

Pundit Punarvasu Ji has helped over 2 million people in last two decades in solving the issues plaguing their lives by his Vedic Astrolog... more

USD 30 / Rs.1800 Order Now
Detailed Life Reading

A very specific report covering Career, Finance, Love, Marriage, Family & Health. This is available for 5, 10 and 20 years. It comes ... more

USD 55 / Rs.3850 Order Now
Gemstone Report

A unique report to give you not only the beneficial gemstones but also the areas they will enhance. Further a never explained feature is ... more

USD 30 / Rs.1800 Order Now
Co-destiny with spouse only

Some people experiencing a meteoric rise in life after marriage, while the reverse is the effect in the other cases. more

USD 49 / Rs.2940 Order Now
Gaj Kesari Reading

Gaj Kesari is known to give the native abundant wealth and fame to the size of a Gaj or an elephant. This yoga will bestow you with sharp... more


Muhurtha is the best time or the most auspicious time to conduct an event for its success. Since muhurtha is dynamic and keeps changing a... more

USD 39 / Rs.2340 Order Now
Life Fortune & Karma reading

The Life Fortune & Karma Reading will identify the opportunities & leverage them to enhance your career & finances more

Composite Astrology Report

A full Vedic Astrological analysis of your birth chart, running into more than 50 pages of prediction of your life. It provides a complet... more

USD 199 / Rs.11940 Order Now
Vimsottari Dasa Reading

The Detailed Dasa reading decodes the trends and changes that you would undergo during different dasa periods. more

Live Web Chat

Getting your problems sorted on matters related to life, health, finance, job, love, marriage is not difficult any more. Just book a live... more

USD 50 / Rs.3000 Order Now
Birth Time Rectification

There exist specific tools to work out an unknown birth time by way of going backwards based on your life events. We need 5 major events ... more

USD 59 / Rs.3540 Order Now
Ask Specific Question

What should be the right line of career for me? | Should I have a partnership deal in business? | When will I find love of my life/ Soul ... more

USD 20 / Rs.1200 Order Now
Mahadasha / Timeline Reading

Mahadasha reading can add value to your life by defining your time line – the sequence of events to be followed in your life. more