Stellium - The cluster of planets in Taurus

Stellium- means cluster of four or more than four planets in one sign. And this month it is occurring in the sign Taurus just after the Solar Eclipse occurring on this 20th/21st May 2012. On this 20th May 2012 Sun, Jupiter, Ketu and Venus in retrograded motion will be together in Taurus and Moon joins there forming Solar Eclipse.

Already this solar eclipse is expected to bring some geographical upside downs and there Mercury also joins this group of planets on 22nd May 2012. Though the angular distance of Mercury is very much closer to the cluster than Venus in the Solar Eclipse holding the promise of unexpected change in the weather system of this earth especially to eclipse hit areas.

How this cluster of planets affects the places is different for different places. As far as generally it indicates political problems, inflation etc. that may cause trouble to people. Since Taurus is the Lagna of India thus it is expected that the ruling party may face many oppositions. The full pressure from the opposing parties even independent groups is expected. Inflation will rise at its possible maxim troubling general public. Lot of restlessness even processions against the existing ruling party is also possible.

From 21st May to 4th June the cluster of five planets will remain in Taurus. All planets are hemmed around the ascendant of India closely. This suggests the waste/destruction of food crops or produce, loss in business and trade in India that may hit economy of India. Mercury rules greenery of Earth thus draught or too much of rain destroying the harvest is also expected. Since the ascendant lord Venus is farther from this cluster but is in the same sign thus the loss can be diverted too earlier – if the authorities seem to be interested. Other than that there is danger to travelers, epidemics or famine. However, people will recover soon from this disaster too. This conjunction of planets indicates trouble to people who are holding prominent positions in the country- this also includes the rulers of the country too. Essential commodities including milk, ghee and oil will become scarce or costly. The awareness of general public will try to mask off the hidden malicious activities of some people in authority. Of course, it will not be easier to do and many people will face the result of this turmoil in which general or innocent people will also suffer.

Since the first house or ascendant denotes the conditions of the cabinet and the conjunction of planets here very much close to the ascendant around Rahu indicates drastic change in the cabinet. Many ministers may drop and subsequently added. Since here Rahu is getting full effect of this conjunct indicates anarchic conditions for the people where their patriotism may create trouble or get hurt by any group. Any patriotic leader may also get into trouble. Or else, the political trap or situation will be made worse against it. However, Jupiter aspect indicates that people may rise as one to save the country from affliction. Can we expect that this conjunct will shake up the patriotism of people to save the country from disaster?

How can we forget the most developed country America which is going through the effect of Eclipse this year? The conjunction here also depicts disastrous results such as trouble to the position of the ruler. Thus it is expected that Mr. Obama is going to face challenges that may hit his position as a ruler of America. Discontent will afflict people a lot. Activity in the armed forces and movement of armies is also indicated. There is possibility of hostilities breaking out and actual fighting resorted too. An ending and new beginning related to political power. Some new rules may come into force that will be in welfare of general public. Scientific researches or any remarkable result in science is also expected.

The above events are expected to happen within four to six months of this conjunction.

After the 4th of June 2012, Mercury leaves this cluster and by and by Sun too after it. However, Venus will move back closer to Jupiter receiving its support. Thus the volatility of financial market will receive the support of Jupiter and expected to rise after it. But the change is certain during the ending days of June 2012.

As the conjunction is hitting the countries and their related matter so does it affects the events on the person certainly. Since the effect is different from person to person depending on the planets at the time of birth and how far it is affecting your chart and life can also be known. Just contact us and get to know about it.
