(Moon Sign Based)
Saturn is a planet that can cause obstruction, delays with its malefic strengths. The rigorous challenges and hindrances of a Shani Dasha can, however, teach you meaningful lessons about life. Follow these Vedic remedies to overcome the harmful influences of a bad Saturn period.
Known as the taskmaster amongst the zodiac signs, Saturn is considered the planet of Karma in Vedic Astrology. One of the slowest moving planets, it takes around 2 and a half years to cross a zodiac sign. Thereby, it is indeed a boon for us mortals that while Saturn sits on a house, it greatly teaches us the important concepts of limitation and restriction.
Do you still remember the strict teachers at school, who used to teach Biology or maybe Mathematics? The ones we used to dread if our homework was undone, or when we failed a test. Saturn’s role in Astrology is as such. It brings about meaning and structure to our lives by reminding us of our commitments, responsibilities, self-control, and boundaries. It shows that we need to strive every day and work hard, if we really want to be successful and happy. It teaches the importance of dedication and discipline, which is very much required if we need to fulfill our goals. To know more about Saturn’s influence, read here.
This analysis is Moon Sign based. Vedic Astrology predictions are so accurate because Moon Sign can be determined only with exact birth details. If you don’t know your Moon Sign, FIND OUT INSTANTLY by filling in the form below.
Though Saturn is not considered as one of the most beneficial planets in the zodiac sign, yet, it does bestow an individual with wealth, fame, and prosperity, when Saturn’s placement is in the beneficial house and sign o his/her horoscope. However, when Saturn is not in a good position, it gives loss, sorrow, health issues, disturbed relations, poverty, misery, sudden hurdles, unexpected losses, and so on. Apart from these, it might also cause joint pains, diminish one’s social circle, lessen one’s communication skills, problems relate to the stomach, accidents where one’s bones might break, or an old disease long lost could crop up again. With so many problems to face, it also gives us the power, strength, and will power to fight away evils. It also improves our decisive ability, as we have to think through every decision we make, and be conscious throughout. Therefore, no matter how big a tragedy or problem, there are suitable remedies for the same to be followed and practiced by whoever faces its rant.
Vedic Astrology is a predictive and prescriptive science. Therefore, under the influence of Saturn, if a person is facing immense problems, which have disturbed his entire life to the core, he should follow some remedial measures, which are recommended by the Divine Shashtra for Saturn cycle.
These remedies are a part of the ‘prescriptive’ science in Vedic Astrology, which are highly regarded and used for warding off the evil effects of a certain transit or planet. These remedies, known as ‘Upaya’, are beneficial and profitable for the individual affected as it would surely bring about great relief and success. ‘Shani Upaya’ are the remedial prescriptive measures an individual afflicted with Saturn’s negative influence should follow after understanding and knowing at which level of dharma and Karma is he being afflicted.
It is a thing to be remembered that, ‘Saturn always delays, but never denies.’ This being said, with hard work, perseverance, patience, and honesty, Saturn will be immensely pleased, and will greatly help in coping up with the various difficulties. Saturn is also symbolic of bad Karma and thereby under its influence; we must greatly be involved in charity, humanitarian work, donations, keep a subtle nature, and so on. As per an individual’s moon sign and their Ascendant, the remedial measures could be different for different people, though it can be enumerated as below:
Saturn 2.5 & 7.5 years of Saturn. Saturn in its Sade Sati ( 7.5 years) & Ashtam / ardhAshtam ( 2.5 years ) phase gives us a tough time. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius & Pisces need cautious and support. Get your Saturn reading to understand the impact on your career, relationships, finances, Family health etc. and important dates & phases with unique Vedic remedies to find happiness despite adversity. more
These remedies have been carried out through ages, and people have widely used them as strategies to appease and mitigate the bad influence of Saturn. Apart from these, there are a few remedial measures prescribed based on religious teachings, as it is widely accepted that no one can surpass the will of the Gods. These are as follows:
When Saturn enters the house behind your moon sign’s house or ascendant’s house, then Saturn ill effects starts to reflect in your birth chart, till it crosses through this house, then the house of the moon sign or ascendant, and then the house after that. This effect stays for the total of seven and a half years as it stays for two and a half years each in the three consecutive houses. Thereby, during Saturn’s long cycle, the bearer’s life will be met with immense challenges, hurdles, ill effects in health, work, finance, and so on, and thereby, teach him to understand the real essence of life through the hard way. Saturn compulsorily comes at least one in a person’s life, which can be rightly diagnosed and then treated by an able astrologer, by reading the concerned individual’s birth chart.
Saturn is the most important planet that helps carry luck and vitality from what you were born with to what you will carry to your next birth. It plays a crucial role in shaping your destiny as challenges, hurdles and strict teachings of life’s principles are nearly always associated with Saturn. more
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