Doctor as a profession for Taurus moon sign

Medical profession is one of the most revered and sought after career option. As a Taurus native, do you think you have what it takes to be become a successful specialist doctor? To find out, read more…

Doctor as a profession for Taurus moon sign


Doctors are the saviours of lives and humanity. It is not an easy profession. One needs to be extremely selfless and courageous to uphold the dignity of this profession and of human life. The field of medical sciences requires a lot of commitment and efforts, so it is imperative to realize whether becoming a medical specialist is a decent choice or not as per the horoscope.

For a Scorpio native, we will discuss the planetary combinations for medical profession. Find out whether you have the special celestial combinations and yoga to become a successful doctor.

This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

Taurus moon sign traits that make you a good doctor:

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, which is ruled by Venus expressing the feminine side. It is the earth sign of Venus, which demonstrates a solid nature, making a native keen on social events, and holding on to pleasures and joy.

  • Taurus is persevering, faithful, reliable individuals willing to take on difficult paths. You don’t shy away from responsibilities and therefore are fit to be good doctors.
  • You possess a sense of direction and potential to create beauty and harmony. By helping others, you are able to create a balance in the universe.
  • Taurus moon sign native is perfectionist, sympathetic, emotional and has a keen eye for beauty. These qualities are extremely necessary for being an efficient and successful medical practitioner.
  • You are very methodical and practical, and love to plan. This is needed before you are about to undertake one of the most serious professions as your career.
  • You are hardworking, intelligent and passionate to make things right. All these qualities help you to achieve Zen to become a good practicing doctor.

What are the astrological planets and houses that play a key role in the medical professional horoscope?

  • For Taurus natives to be successful in their medical career, these house associations are the real game changers.
  • 1st House-Mental and Physical attitude and dedication towards work
  • 3rd House-Hard Working Nature
  • 5th House-Higher education and intelligence
  • 6th House-Short term diseases
  • 8th House-Longevity and Long term diseases
  • 10th House-Indicates Karma and Profession
  • 12th House-House of Hospitalization
  • Venus- (for Medicine) - Venus is thought to have Sanjeevni Vidya (Provided by Lord Shiva) which is the knowledge to cure Dead Persons. Thus, Venus also assumes a vital role in turning an individual into a Doctor as per Astrology.
  • Jupiter-Jupiter represents knowledge and wisdom. It will provide the knowledge to fix. Jupiter should be positively placed in your horoscope.
  • Mars- (for Surgeon) - Mars is the significator of Blood, and during medical procedures doctors need to deal with blood subsequently, Mars assumes a significant role in making the person a good doctor.
  • Sun- According to Varahamihira, Sun signifies Doctor. It is illustrative of one's soul. It ought to be well placed, for the person to be a Doctor.
  • Moon- Moon represents emotions and feelings. To turn into a medical specialist one should not be emotional (that is the person ought not to be soft hearted). Moon’s placement should be in such a way that that makes the person bold and strong.
  • Mars rules your second house of money and your seventh house of partnerships. Its aspect over Saturn in the fifth house of Education will create unimaginable fascination for medical studies in a native’s life.
  • A perfect blend of Mars, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury by the aspect of Mars on the seventh house can offer way to a decent career, higher education, and financial gains and turn you into a good Surgeon, General Physician, and Medical counselor.
  • Mercury is the lord of the second and the fifth house where second house provides clarity to your vision. The fifth house is the significator of intelligence. The combination of these houses will provide the native basic education required to become a general physician and a child specialist.

If you’ve any sort of confusion regarding your career in medical science Click here

What are the medical specializations that a Taurus ascendant should opt for?

  • In the event that Mercury is well placed in the seventh house in Scorpio and frames a relation with twelfth house lord Aries, the native will have an opportunity to practice at his/her private clinic or even work in hospital as a physician and a proficient surgeon.
  • Here the seventh house denotes the source/helping hand which will enable you to develop your medical career progressively in an excellent way.
  • Saturn is the lord of the ninth and tenth house. If placed in the twelfth house of abroad settlement, it can make the native step out of one’s nation for the purpose of higher education and there are odds of him/her practicing as a proficient doctor in some other some country as well.

To know about your abroad settlement chances Click here

  • Jupiter is the lord of the eighth and the eleventh house where eighth house has a lot to do with Occult.
  • The concept of life after death generates from this house.
  • This house deals with longevity. It also stands for depth knowledge and research in a particular field and eleventh house demonstrates monetary Gains.
  • Wealth plays an important role in most lives. With addition of wealth, one gets tremendous power.
  • A native having combination of these two houses has an ability of building up his medical career as a natural healer.
  • Natural healers’ centers on strengthening and activating body systems for healing and preventing pain and disease by using substances from
  • Nature as remedies rather than factory produced chemicals. Along with this, the native has a descent scope in medical counseling as well.
  • If you are someone who has a good patience level and an excellent depth of understanding then you are fit for this role.
  • Moon placed in the third house of wisdom and knowledge will form an association with Saturn, the ninth house lord. A native having ideal mix of these two houses will have the choice to seek higher studies in neurology.
  • On the off chance that Moon or Saturn is placed in the twelfth house, the native may have the option to pursue neurological studies from abroad or similarly get an opportunity to work as a neurologist in some other country.
  • So, if you were intending to pursue your studies or career from abroad yet were confused to come to a conclusion, this planetary blend will provide clarity to your mind and enable you to take final step in your life.
  • The combination of Sun, Moon, Mars, and Saturn will make the native a proficient eye specialist or an ophthalmologist.
  • Sun is the significator of Soul which will bring out your inner desires and likewise convert your passion into your profession.
  • If you’ve have this kind of planetary combination in your birth chart, you’re fit for this role.

While this gives you can overview of how effective you can be as a doctor. You need an in-depth analysis of your birth chart to accurately predict the best career choice for you. To get an exclusive and detailed copy of your horoscope click here.

