“Well begun is half done”, said Aristotle once. More than anything, it applies to preparing for your next session or academic course. But in times, when there are so many subject options to choose from, but so less opportunities, the need to know what planets have to say about your education is more important than ever. Most of the higher education options cost a hefty amount. Students are often found changing subjects and courses, just because they are not aware of what they should study, what creative talent they have, and or shall we say, what’s in their stars!
This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:
Many of you would be considering to study abroad or would be baffled by the choice in academic line. Well, Vedic astrology has answer to all your questions. While a lot depends upon the placement of planets in your birth chart, transit planets also give fair idea about your education karma.
The interpretations below are based on Moon Sign and movement of transit planets. Moon sign is the sign where Moon is placed at the time of birth. If you don’t know your Moon sign, click here.
- Aries: You seem to be too concerned with whether you come off as intelligent, than actually being intelligent. In study matters, more concentration is required. Your sign has a tendency to make hefty choices but this is the time to slow down and think before you act. As per the placement of transit planets, fields like research, medicine, electricity, diplomacy, investing, politics, Govt. administration and banking would be the best bet for you. Rahu in 5th house would keep you agitated concerning results but fret not, for the scores in the coming period until September would be mostly positive.
- Taurus: You are a hard working sign, and it seems that planets are also supportive at this point. You will focus well on studies and move ahead with determination. While foreign education is not supported at this point, you would do well wherever you study, with Jupiter being 5th from your Moon sign. Prospects of studying abroad would improve from September onwards. You will understand the value of education. In fact, you would pay equal attention to sports and other physically demanding activities. It seems spending on education will also increase in the coming period. The best subjects for you would be computing, accounting, media, writing, finance, law, and advertising.
- Gemini: Mars is giving a boost to your energy level but Saturn, 7th from Moon will keep you in a position of fighting a battle against yourself. Entertainment will take precedence over other aspects it seems. Towards the end of the June, your education related expenses would shoot up. Rahu in the 3rd house indicates that you would resort to overconfidence at this time which might not serve you well. Results would be somewhat satisfactory. The period from 21st June to 25th August demands more caution in competitive examinations. It wouldn’t be wise to change your subjects often. Fields like beauty, interior, management, music, arts, writing, advertising and graphics will be more reward bearing for you.
- Cancer: Cancer, keep your mind calm in the coming time. Something might distract you from studies during the period after 19th June. It would be good to prepare for any entrance tests or exams well in advance. Transit Mars is your education lord and is combust in June, which could trigger some overconfidence. While planets suggest chances of foreign education, it is important to first retain your focus. Fields like machinery, medical, defense would be suitable for you.
If results are not out yet, you will feel very confused and anxious. Nonetheless, chances are that outcome will be positive if declared before 15th June. Study related expenses would increase in the coming couple of months. The period starting from 26th October is positive for study abroad efforts. However, you might feel more confused once Rahu enters your Moon in September so it would be good to take seniors’ advice.
- Leo: Some difficulty may be felt in learning notes. The period after June would be better in this regard, but some confusion may still persist. You will not take much interest in studies. Unnecessary tensions will only waste your time so better keep calm. Things will be much better after September when you will feel a lot calm mentally. A lot of determination and concentration will be needed to perform well in exams. Scores would be good if you are expecting results. For further studies, advisory, law, counseling, teaching, construction etc could be good options.
- Virgo: You will feel a lot lazier now, from June to August and will find it difficult to memorize ideas. Confidence level also seems low at this point. And since Mars is combust, your stamina level will also decrease. It all indicates that there is a dire need to concentrate. After September, cut down the time you spend in social involvement. Expenses on education will increase at this time. You may also go abroad to study further. Inclination towards sports and extracurricular activities will increase and you would work hard to achieve recognition in this area. Subjects like business management, trade, mining, construction, and stock broking will be lucrative in the end.
- Libra: Ketu will give you an itchy foot and a will to explore. You will struggle to sit at one place for long, let alone study. This situation may continue until 9th September. It seems you are rather in the mood for some fun and enjoyment with friends. The period after mid of June would bring some relief in the situation. Results would be satisfactory in the coming period. However, some overconfidence may be felt due to Mars being combust this month. While you seem to have a good energy level, there is a need to focus it to the right direction. For further studies, arts related, creative, language studies and IT related courses are better.
- Scorpio: You will be mentally active and have good concentration power. However, Saturn will be in your Moon sign from 21st June so thereafter, you might want to be a bit more careful until 25th August. There is a strong possibility of foreign education too. Too much indulgence in your social circle might result in extravagance and wastage of time. You will get expected results and love exploring different subjects. But primarily, advisory, writing, law, accountancy, medical, and teaching related subjects would suit you well.
- Sagittarius: Saturn’s position will cause some distress. You also need to work hard in competitive examinations. Elders’ or senior’s advice would help. Venus transit over 5th house will also keep you too invested in entertainment. And the lord of 5th house, Mars is combust, you might also feel overconfident in matters to do with education. After June, you will regain your focus in studies. For better results in the coming period, you might to improve your level of concentration. With such approach, you will get a subject of your choice. Chances of foreign education are low at this point. Most suitable subjects would be arts, hotel management, defense, machinery, and entertainment.
- Capricorn: You are confident, concentrated and have an energetic approach towards studies at this point. All these virtues would help progress in future and ensure good performance. Learning would come easy and you will like to spend time studying. The period after 20th June also brings chances of studying abroad. The coming period is also good for competitions. However, expenses on studies will increase and results may not be that satisfactory. Studying subjects related to accountancy, teaching, banking, management, science, finance, and extracurricular would be favorable.
- Aquarius: You might not feel much stable mentally as Ketu is transiting over your natal Moon until September. As combust Mars is aspecting your 5th house, your energy level would be sufficient but you might feel overconfident. It would be better to keep your sense of ego not affect studies. You might have to spend unnecessarily at times and it would be best to study in your home country this year. Subjects like medical, engineering, medical, law, business management, administration, and entertainment will be fruitful. The period after September is favorable for higher education and you will get a lot of support and encouragement from seniors.
- Pisces: Pisces, your concentration level would be exceptional and mindset would be positive too. However, some delay or break in further education is expected. This is a good time to prepare and sit for competitive exams. Subjects related to nursing, food, import, export, travel, interior designing, history, sports, and dramatics could be considered. Friends would also be supportive in studies. However, after 21st June to 25th August, you might want to be careful in terms of your involvement with friends.
Career Planner is another interesting read. It helps you understand your true calling and paves way to success.

Last Updated on
November 08, 2022