Our Zodiac signs can explain a lot in terms of our innate characters. Both good and bad traits define us and make us the person that we are. Often our bad traits can be limiting for our growth. That is why it is essential that we identify the bad habits or traits so that we can work on them.



We all have some form of bad habits; no one is perfect in this world. All individuals have a particular pattern of habits - good or bad that constitute the part of the individual's personality. The origin of these bad habits is not visible. But they may have an unknown string attached with zodiac signs.

Many factors are involved in the formation of these habits that can be unveiled with the assistance of pearls of astrology.

Vedic Astrology can provide the astrological canvas for each zodiac sign of the celestial horizon. There are unique combination of specific ruling planet, place and elements like [earth, air, fire, water]. There are also qualities like – Cardinal, fixed or mutable which can portray the habits of each zodiac sign.

This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

Astrology can also provide the preview to bless the colours of wisdom in advance to focus on those habits and bring forward a better version of your habits.

Getting disappointed easily is also another bad trait. Check out if your zodiac sign get disappointed easily.

Bad habits for each zodiac sign


Aries the first sign of the zodiac circle. It always carries the ring of impulse in its personality platter. Often, they unknowingly get themselves tangled in others web.

Bad Habits of Aries:

  • Declaring - Aries have a very strong urge to assert their presence. This drive coaxes them to communicate with emphasis on their strong words to impress others. This is even true over insignificant matters.
  • Action without thought -They will step forward with haste without any prior thought of the necessity or pros and cons of the situation. As a result, it drives them into series of complicated self-initiated troubles.
  • Interrupting - Action further will be followed by prompting the conversation by Aries. Often there is a strong drive to speak even when someone else is engaged in conversation.
  • Drinking too much caffeine - Lot of activities and action on the Aries panel brings out the flair of their over ambitious nature. Drinking more caffeine than normal reveals the symptoms of restless of nature to achieve success in their ventures.

Recommendation - Taking deep breaths and listening to others will induce reduction of stress in your daily schedule. As a result, it will prompt you to take less of impulsive action.


Taurus is the loyal and logical sign of the zodiac. They are known for their sky full of patience with everyone and in every scenario.

Bad Habits of Taurus:

  • Blunt refusal in mutual conversation - You have an undignified way of saying ‘NO’ when the other individual is still conversation. As a result, it involves losing lot of opportunities.
  • Over- indulgence in expenditure - You can always go forward with your spending spree to the market. However, you should strictly follow your budget schedule for your shopping list. This will be for your own financial prosperity.
  • Clenching of teeth -Clenching and grinding of teeth occurs when the Taurus native is in stress. However, such show of stress in public is not considered appropriate.
  • Being rigid - Taurus has a very fixed schedule and strictly loves to adhere to their same pattern of their life. This is due to the fixed element of this zodiac sign. However, this habit can hold you back with opportunities in life.
  • Fear of change – They have a very hard timing to adjust themselves to changes in any aspect. Consequently, they tend to avoid changes to the extreme point.

Recommendation- Taurus natives would benefit widely from meditation. You could also meet someone from your friend community, who will bring solace to your soul.

It is essential in the face of bad habits and traits, you remain positive and optimistic. Check out how optimistic is your zodiac sign.


Geminis are quick witted and positive thinkers with inbuilt intelligence. They have a strong sense of wit and humor, along with the art of balancing themselves in any hour of stress.

Bad Habits of Gemini

  • Love to Gossip - Gemini natives love to indulge in long conversation. Because of this telltale, it leads them to gossip about anyone and everyone. This in turn brings negative impact in their relations.
  • High level of distraction - The span of Gemini attention is very short. Often when they engage in long conversations, their attention gets dissipated which leads to the loss of connectivity.
  • Lack of concentration - Lack of concentration is the result of multitasking of many chores at the same time. This may lead you to being late for your routine work.
  • Bored very quickly - Gemini natives cannot stay stationary at one place. They tend to get bored very easily. As a result, they are on the move to try new dimensions in their life. Consequently, this indicates their lack of settling down at one place.

Recommendation - A Gemini can get over these problems by making a change in their routine habits. You could develop yourself by reminding every day for self-improvement.


Cancer natives are very sensitive, emotional, and caring human beings. However, they tend to isolate themselves and appear distant in connectivity, when facing any kind of stress.

Bad Habits of Cancer:

  • Watching TV for longer periods - Cancer natives love to stay in their comfort zone. This notion blends well with the quiet night at home. This leads them to distancing themselves from their partner and missing other opportunities.
  • Complaining over every matter - Cancer natives are extremist by nature. They will keep grumbling over every cause. However, they will not vent out the frustration quickly.
  • Resentment - They love to maneuver frustration which affects their thinking process in a negative way. Cancer natives will keep complaining with the same strength of emotions. But they will not let go off their grudges with ease.
  • Extra sensitive - They are extra sensitive which can lead to high degree of stress. This in turn may affect your health and relations.
  • Preserving clutter -This unique talent presents the Cancerians with the ability to collect lot of antique items. However, hanging on to materialistic things and associating them with undue emotions is not healthy. It will weigh you down financially for its maintenance and may also trigger you emotionally.

Recommendations - Cancer signs natives could manage themselves emotionally with professional therapist or talking to a good friend. This will save you from withdrawing yourself into your inner shell, like the crab.


Leo is a strong zodiac sign - full of energy and optimism. Their presence in any group or gathering cannot be ignored. However, they are kind and helpful to those people around them.

Bad Habits of Leo:

  • Apprehensive over any change - Changes are not comfortable for anyone. However, Leos take this fear to its extreme. They try to hold to their past at every cost. This trait can be problematic especially in personal relationship or in any job. It gives them a feeling of being stuck.
  • Over sharing of sentiments – Leo natives love to be the center of focus - both on social media or any personal social gathering. However, sometimes they tend to overshare while looking for any distractions. This is not beneficial for their productivity.
  • Insecurity - Generally Leos are very confident personality. But skin deep, they carry this insecurity related about their appearance. They always want to appear smart and elegant in their routine life.
  • Egoistic attitude - Leos are easily hurt due to their egoistic behaviour. They will take small issues personally. These can create stress in their life and bring problems in their personal and professional relationships.

Recommendation - Check yourself emotionally when you see your setbacks are affecting you in an adverse way. Motivate yourself strongly by creating a panorama of your good habits and learn to adjust with them.

Gemstones have healing powers to harness the proper energy. Check out which gemstones you should wear.


Virgo natives are intelligent with an alert disposition. They are cautious and have a practical outlook and analytical approach over their general ventures. They make good, reliable and trusted friends.

Bad Habits of Virgo:

  • Avoid unprompted advice - Avoid giving your point of view to anyone without any word of encouragement. It can cause a negative impact of criticism. So, caution is advised to be watchful over offering your advice.
  • Anxiety - Virgos have a perfectionist streak in their blood which can lead to excess tension anxiety over all matters. This can cause damage to your overall health and vitality.
  • Procrastinating - Virgos though not lazy but tend to put off everything for the last moment. As a result, they delay the process and become prone to anxiety when the deadline is about to reach.
  • Self-de motivation - Virgos have the tendency of being perfectionist. Sometimes, they will not be happy with themselves if the events do not turn out as planned to the level of excellence.
  • Precise detailing - They get engrossed in measuring the details of life which leads to their arguments in personal and professional life. Often with others, the high expectation of Virgo is not met with the action.

Recommendation - The detail-oriented Virgos can be progressive if they learn not to go overboard about routine life and learn to manipulate it with intelligence. You must do this to track your health progress and keep your life organized.


Libra natives are very diplomatic and have their own way of getting their work done by others. They carry good virtues and fair means of balancing their lives. Often, they place value on other’s priorities before them.

Bad Habits of Libra:

  • Excess expenditure - Libra natives love to spend on unnecessary things. They equate buying/retail therapy to happiness. Therefore, they tend to just go overboard.
  • Name-dropping - Avoid creating an aura of influence by creating fake association with high profile personalities. This may make you momentarily famous. But mostly, you will seem flaky.
  • Avoid being committed - You must learn to say no to others if you are not able to assist someone in any way. This will lead you to an over committed schedule and you will not be able to cope with this pressure.
  • Sentimental in love - Libras tend to pave way into the love alley very quickly with their ideal love partner. However, you are too sentimental to make sure that you build a strong relationship with the right foundation.
  • Crave for good opinion - You thrive on compliments and appreciation from others. This trait of yours stems from your people-pleasing attitude.

Recommendation - Libras should focus on their progressive energies on themselves periodically. This will help them to avoid stress of making everyone happy.


The Scorpio natives have the ability of staying focused on their goals with inherent passion and dedication. They are very courageous and can deal with difficult situations with success.

Bad Habits of Scorpio:

  • Obsessive - Scorpio have the flair of getting obsessive about everything. This habit leads to trouble in terms of mental anxiety and stress.
  • Dominating attitude - Scorpio feels the urge to control all aspects in their lives. As a result, this creates challenges especially in relationships.
  • Fear of failure - The fear of failure can lead to sleepless night for Scorpio natives. This can create a high degree of stress which is not beneficial for health.
  • Secretive - A Scorpio native likes to keep secret and maintain mysteriousness in their relationship. This gives a negative impact on the mutual understanding with your partner.
  • High expectation quotient - Scorpios are very intense and loyal partners and friends. However, they also expect the same degree of loyalty in return. This may not be fruitful for mutual relationships.

Recommendation - Meditation will help you to neutralize your obsessive thoughts. You will learn to trust your loved ones and friends without much expectation of return.

Numerology or the number game have the power to change your life. Check it out here which numbers suit you the most.


Sagittarius natives are very straight forward, honest, and generous in their personal and professional dealings. They are deep thinkers and are always impressed by intelligent conversation.

Bad Habits of Sagittarius:

  • Gambling - This habit can create problems in both personal and professional relationship and can restrict your financial ambience.
  • Straight dialect - The straight forwarded conversation without any preamble can offend anyone. However, that is not the intention of the Sagittarius natives. Usually, they have the habit of speaking without prior thought.
  • Hard working but goes overboard - They are very hard-working individuals, but Sagittarius go a little overboard sometimes. They work hard in their professional arena in their scheduled routine.
  • Break their commitment - When they are involved in any project or idea, the Sagittarius fellows tend to forget their prior commitments. They get strained mentally when they feel bounded due to their own promises.
  • Impatience - Sagittarius natives tend to get impatient with their own follies. Usually, they move forward in any venture without any plan. Getting their ventures accomplished in time becomes a very hard task.

Recommendation - You are likely to face less hurdles in your life if you make sure to take care of yourself. With boundless energy and concrete planning, it will make your life more organized.


Capricorn has a very practical and disciplined approach in life. They will never be hasty in making any important decision. Also, they are loyal and true friends.

Bad Habits of Capricorn:

  • Problem solvers - Capricorns have very sensible head over their shoulders that can solve problems with their practical approach. However, sometimes they indulge in strong involvement with other's problems, which may make them forget their own priorities.
  • Self-criticism - Self-criticism is one of the highlight qualities of Capricorns and they can drive themselves endlessly to work hard over any project.
  • Excess hard working - All work and no play applies well for this sign. They work hard to extremes to chase their dreams and to fulfill their goals. They must bring balance and fun in their lives.
  • Pessimistic - Capricorns have the highest negativity quotient. This habit may lead them to have coffee addiction while working.
    Recommendation - The best advice is to cope with your busy life and motivate yourself to devote some time to take good care of yourself. Apply all your positive traits of planning your ventures in advance and follow work ethics for a better and fun filled life.


Aquarius natives are intelligent and creative who are socially very active. They are faithful when committed in any relationship. However, they love to adhere to their emotional and financial independence.

Bad Habits of Aquarius:

  • Anxious over current matters - Aquarius are very emotional and care a lot about the activities circling around them and in the world they live. They tend to stress themselves over anything that is taking place around them. Thereby, such things demotivate them easily.
  • Gaming - Love to play game in the tech world or online games. They forget about the real world of relations and commitments. So, make sure to balance your time with other activities and priorities.
  • Sleeping late - Aquarius natives are always busy and engaged in some kind of mental stimulus. Often that causes delays in their scheduled routine which negates health care to a large extent.
  • Backing out from the group - They may back out as their mind is busy furnishing new ideas. Conflict with the group happens when the group partners start discussing the ideas. This makes you long for more space to think.

Recommendation - You should create more independence for creative thinking and innovative ideas for unusual creations. On the other hand, you should also channel yourself to take care of health by balancing your activities and spend some time outdoors.

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Pisces are more concerned and sensitive about the feelings of others. They are also great thinkers who possess some good innovative ideas.

Bad Habits of Pisces:

  • Great dreamers - They possess rich and beautiful imagination. As a result, they often get lost in their own exotic world of day dreaming. That is how they sometimes lose the track of place and time.
  • Excess expenditure - Will overlook the practical planning of their finances which will lead them to a debt trap. They are very idealistic about their financial approach in spending money during their shopping expenditure.
  • Delayed approach - Pisces natives tend to delay all aspects of their action and activities to the last moment and this delay creates big and contradictory issues for them.
  • Not committed - Pisces do not offer big promises or commitments to their associates or partner but still they tend to break it in favour of some last-minute priority.

Recommendation - Pisces are quite concerned about others' feelings and sentiments. They can go to extremes overlooking their own priority. You must spend quality time with good friends, who can always bring down the stress quotient of your daily routine work.

Bad habits are like the second skin of all zodiac signs. No matter which bad habit is related to your zodiac sign, it is always very simple to turn all habits in your favour with a little self-awareness and initiative to improve. This will bring the positive change in your habits.

