Gemstones are believed to have qualities and attributes which can positively influence your life. Gemstones will not change your destiny but will significantly improve the quality of your life and fast track the process of good results and outcomes in your life. Read more to find out which gemstone you should wear.
Gemstones are natural healers. They possess the natural beauty and luster of their own along with benefic attributes and remedial qualities. Each gemstone is believed to possess auspicious powers that may influence one’s life. Gemstones have an intense effect on human life and their destiny. They can be worn as a ring or as a neck chain or even be tied around the arms or waist. Gemstones are advised to be worn according to Moon signs or Zodiac signs to enhance the positive impact on the person’s life. According to Vedic Astrology, wearing a gemstone as per horoscope speeds up the fructification of the good results as promised in a birth chart of a person.
If you want to know about the personality traits of your zodiac sign, learn first about the lucky charms for your zodiac sign.
Planet - Mars
Cosmic Colour - Red
Sign - Aries
Element - Earth
Time - Sunrise
Day - Tuesday
Metal - Yellow Gold and Copper
The fierce planet Mars controls the trajectory [path] of those born in Aries. Coral is the gem of Mars and so people born under the Aries zodiac must wear Red Coral. This stone is a natural healer and improves the muscular system of those wearing the stone along with replenishing the energy which they are likely to overuse. The metal should be cleaned with pure milk before wearing on your finger as a ring or as a chain on your neck.
Planet - Venus
Cosmic Colour - White
Sign - Taurus
Element - Water
Time - Sunrise
Day - Friday
Metal - Yellow Gold and Copper
The magnificent planet Venus controls those with the zodiac sign Taurus. The gemstone of Venus is diamond and those individuals born under the zodiac sign Taurus should wear a diamond. It is this cosmic energy of the planet that gives people born under Taurus unparalleled creativity and a longing for a luxurious life. The metal should be cleaned with pure milk before wearing on your finger as a ring or as a chain on your neck.
Sometimes other astrological measures are needed to be taken in order to fructify the positive results. Find out the rationale behind feeding stay birds and animals as an astrological remedy.
Planet - MERCURY
Cosmic Colour - Green
Sign - Gemini
Element - Earth
Time - Sunrise
Day - Wednesday
Metal - Yellow Gold and Metallic Silver
The intelligent planet Mercury rules those born in the Zodiac sign Gemini. Emerald is the gem of Mercury and it is extremely helpful for those who wear this precious gem as it improves their thinking abilities as they are inclined to overuse their intellectual skills which sometimes lead to nervous disorders. The metal should be cleaned with pure milk before wearing on your finger as a ring or as a chain on your neck.
Planet - Moon
Cosmic Colour - White
Sign - Cancer
Element - Water
Time - Evening
Day - Monday
Metal - Silver
The planet moon rules the Cancer natives. The gem for the planet moon is pearl. Cancer natives have a very emotional life, just like this planet and hence ‘Pearls’ help them to calm the emotional turmoil in any adverse or intense emotional situation. The metal should be cleaned with pure milk before wearing on your finger as a ring or as a chain on your neck.
Planet - Sun
Cosmic Colour - Red
Sign - Leo
Element - Fire
Time - Sunrise
Day - Sunday
Metal - Yellow Gold
Leo is ruled by the sun and the gemstone for the Sun is Ruby. Those born under Leo have a well-built tendency to be overshadowed in all their relationships. Extreme ambitions take a serious toll on their mind and hormonal energy. To fulfill the gap created, these individuals should wear a Ruby stone embedded in either copper or gold rings. The metal should be cleaned with pure milk before wearing on your finger as a ring or as a chain on your neck.
If you want to know what makes you special such that others are attracted towards you, find out here why do people fall for your zodiac sign.
Planet - Mercury
Cosmic Colour - Green
Sign - Virgo
Element - Earth
Time - Sunrise
Day - Wednesday
Metal - Yellow Gold and Metallic Silver
The second zodiac sign controlled by Mercury is Virgo. Those born under the zodiac sign of Virgo are supportive in nature and are also great planners. These people involuntarily use a lot of their mind energy which needs to be rejuvenated by the use of emerald gemstone to replenish their depleted energy. The metal should be cleaned with pure milk before wearing on your finger as a ring or as a chain on your neck.
Planet - Venus
Cosmic Colour - White
Sign - Libra
Element - Water
Time - Sunrise
Day - Friday
Metal - Yellow Gold and Copper
The second zodiac sign controlled by Venus is Libra. People born in this zodiac sign are more creative in their talent, but at the same time also have a lot of emotional turmoil going on in their lives. The gemstone of Venus, i.e. diamond must be worn by them to improve their inventiveness and save them from emotional stress. The metal should be cleaned with pure milk before wearing on your finger as a ring or as a chain on your neck.
Planet - Mars
Cosmic Colour - Red
Sign - Scorpio
Element - Earth
Time - Sunrise
Day - Tuesday
Metal - Yellow Gold and Copper
Mars controls the individuals born in the zodiac sign Scorpio. Scorpions have a lot of physical energy along with the ability to think up to immense depths. The excess of mental and bodily energy leads to premature ageing and sneering away from their physical and mental endurance. It is advisable for them to wear red coral. The metal should be cleaned with pure milk before wearing on your finger as a ring or as a chain on your neck.
Planet - Jupiter
Cosmic Colour - Yellow
Sign - Sagittarius
Element - Ether
Time - Sunset
Day - Thursday
Metal - Yellow Gold
Sagittarians are ambitious, hardworking and adventurous and this explicit energy comes from their ruling planet Jupiter. Sagittarians are farsighted and have the ability to work tirelessly but an excess of these attributes in them, often creates multiple problems for them. The gemstone of Jupiter is yellow sapphire which improves their ability to attain their ambitions. The metal should be cleaned with pure milk before wearing on your finger as a ring or as a chain on your neck.
We want all our days to be abound in luck and favour. Find out here, how you can make each day lucky for you by following some simple astrological tips.
Planet - Saturn
Cosmic Colour - Violet
Sign - Capricorn
Element - Air
Time - Sunset
Day - Saturday
Metal - Silver, platinum, panchdhatu or gold.
Capricorn is the zodiac sign governed by Saturn and is inclined to create assertive people who want to surmount the entire world all at once. As a result of which, they exhaust their energies and abilities which makes life difficult for them, eventually leading to depression. Wearing a blue sapphire/ iolite will help them realize their genuine needs and work in view of that. The metal should be cleaned with pure milk before wearing on your finger as a ring or as a chain on your neck.
Planet - Saturn
Cosmic Colour - Violet
Sign - Aquarius
Element - Air
Time - Sunset
Day - Saturday
Metal - Silver, platinum, panchdhatu or gold.
Saturn is also the ruling planet for those born in the zodiac sign Aquarius. Such people are great thinkers and they have very unique mental abilities. Aquarius generally grow to be actors/models or are part of some other show business. But Aquarius is very secretive and non-communicators. They tend to develop certain pessimistic traits. They get emotionally disturbed very fast. So to gain emotional energy these people should wear blue sapphire. The metal should be cleaned with pure milk before wearing on your finger as a ring or as a chain on your neck.
Planet - Jupiter
Cosmic Colour - Yellow
Sign - Sagittarius
Element - Ether
Time - Sunset
Day - Thursday
Metal - Yellow Gold
Jupiter is also the ruling planet for those born in the zodiac sign Pisces. People born under Pisces have strong mental and spiritual desires. They are active all the time and are wise people. A good yellow sapphire ropes their material and spiritual desires and provides them a sentiment of self-actualization. The metal should be cleaned with pure milk before wearing on your finger as a ring or as a chain on your neck.
And lastly, here is the smallest crash course on numerology. Find out here how you can enhance and prolong your luck by playing with numbers.
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