Can Astrology Predict When My Financial Crisis Will Be Over?

With a deep analysis of your horoscope, Vedic astrology can clue you into the exact time frame you can say goodbye to your financial troubles.

Can Astrology Predict When My Financial Crisis Will Be Over?


Vedic Astrology principles are so strong that it can accurately predict the exact timelines for any event. It will also provide a strong and positive prediction for you to know the exact time period at which your financial crisis will come to an end.

With a deep and thorough analysis of your Horoscope by an experienced and certified astrologer, you can know of the exact time frame or period when you will bid adieu to your money related problems.

This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

Financial Crisis: What goes wrong?

To understand why you are facing a sudden financial crisis, deep study of 2nd, 8th and 12th houses need to be done.

  • Saturn: The main planet in operation here is Saturn. The malefic placement of Saturn in these financial houses will bring instability in your regular finances.
  • Sadde Satti: The second important factor which determines financial condition and judges a financial crunch is the Sadde Satti
  • If the study of your horoscope shows that you are passing through the first phase of Sadde Satti, this will cause your finances to sap away. This will deplete your resources and there will be no visible gains in the financial sphere.
  • During the last phase of Sadde Satti period, you will be more prone to wasting your funds. There may be unforeseen expenses, extravagant purchases, and serious financial crunch.
  • Dasha: Dasha of the lord of the 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th house, if malefic, may bring financial crisis. The major and minor Dasha of these houses in operation paves way to financial disasters.
  • Ketu: The shadow planet Ketu visiting the house of Wealth and house of Luck implies a drain on the current finance.
  • Rahu: Rahu, visiting the house of expenses causes financial losses and magnifies expenses.

Cautions against Financial Crisis:

Once you have identified the unfortunate placements of certain planets and houses in your horoscope, you have determined the cause for your financial crisis. Now it is important that through your actions, you do not fuel any more financial drains.

You must be cautious about the following

  • Make no big investment during this time.
  • Do not indulge in speculative or share market activities. In case you are highly tempted, only invest in long term stocks or assets.
  • Do not take any loans during this time. The result of this can be two folds – your money may get stuck, or you will be unable to repay. Either way, it is advisable to not take any loans.
  • For any financial transactions and cheques, make sure there is proper documentation, and all the papers are in order.
  • Do not invest in property or buy anything extravagant which includes any kind of big monetary amount.

Experiencing money related issues is troublesome and unfortunate. Let us see how the zodiac moon signs will fare financially.

Aries Moon Sign: Multiple Income Sources

As per the Aries moon sign, the planet Saturn is placed in the Ninth House of Fortune whereas, and Jupiter is posited in the Eighth House.

  • This indicates delays and various ups and downs.
  • But since Saturn is in the Capricorn moon sign, your financial position will remain positive.
  • You will have a good financial year ahead with incomes from multiple sources.
  • After April 2022, there will be financial growth through speculative activities.

Taurus Moon Sign: Better Opportunities in your Career

According to the Taurus moon sign, Saturn is posited in the Eighth House and Jupiter is in the Seventh House.

  • Therefore, it creates better opportunities in your career as this is a changing phase for you.
  • You will accumulate sufficient wealth and enjoy good times
  • However, after April 2022, there will be sudden rise in expenses creating imbalance in wealth.

Gemini Moon Sign: Some Unexpected Gains Possible

As for the Gemini moon sign, Saturn is well placed in the Seventh House and the Jupiter is placed in the Sixth House.

  • This could be a sign of some unexpected gains possible through any source in near future.
  • In May and June 2022, you may earn through speculative activities but still exercise control on your unnecessary and unplanned expenses.
  • After August 2022, times will be good in terms of wealth generation for Gemini natives.

Cancer Moon Sign: Unplanned and Unnecessary Expenditures

In the case of the Cancer moon sign, Saturn is placed in the Sixth House and Jupiter is positioned in the Fifth House

  • Expenses will be on the higher end because you will be plagued by health issues.
  • April 2022 will bring unplanned and unnecessary expenditures. Any unplanned investments done in haste may lead to losses.
  • Time is not favorable for making investments in the speculation market.

Leo Moon Sign: Keep your Expenses under Control

In Leo moon sign, Saturn is placed in the Fifth House whereas Jupiter is posited in the Fourth House.

  • This means that you may have to face some problems in the form of delays in terms of monetary benefits
  • You will have to keep your expenses under control in the coming months
  • August till October 2022, there will good opportunities for you to earn huge profits and monetary gains.

Virgo Moon Sign: Money Flow Will Remain Decent

For the Virgo moon sign, Saturn is placed in the Fourth House and Jupiter is positioned in the Third House.

  • Your money flow will remain decent
  • Some travels and relocations may also occur which will be beneficial for you in the long run.
  • You really need to control unnecessary expenses on futile things.
  • After mid of April 2022, Virgo natives will have good financial growth.

Libra Moon Sign: Detachment from all Materialistic World

As per the Libra moon sign, Saturn is placed in the Third House and Jupiter is in the Second House.

  • It signifies that some travels and relocations are possible and will be beneficial for you.
  • There will be detachment from all materialistic world and wealth in the coming months
  • After April 2022, you will see better times financially.

Scorpio Moon Sign: Avoid Any High-End Investment

As per the Scorpio moon sign, Saturn is located in the Second House and Jupiter is in the First House.

  • Your expenses may grow exponentially with a moderate financial status.
  • It is imperative for you to avoid any high-end investment
  • After April 2022, you may get profits from your past investments
  • September and October 2022 will be financially good months.

Sagittarius Moon Sign: Facing Consistent Problems

In the case of Sagittarius, Saturn is in the First House and Jupiter is placed in the Twelfth House.

  • It indicates that you have been facing consistent problems in your financial life.
  • Till April 2022, times will be pretty challenging on the financial front.
  • Your finances will improve and by the end of the year and you will be better placed by 2022 end.

Capricorn Moon Sign: Increase in your Wealth

In accordance with the Capricorn moon sign, Saturn is in the Twelfth House and Jupiter is in the Eleventh House of Income.

  • It is highly advised for you not to go for any high financial investment in the near future.
  • There will be an increase in your wealth, and you will be blessed with financial stability.
  • Though enormous inflows will be there however saving may be a challenge since you would be prone to spend more in 2022.

Aquarius Moon Sign: Enormous Growth in your Wealth

For the Aquarius moon sign, Saturn is in the Eleventh House Income and Jupiter is in the Tenth House.

  • Some new and better opportunities will soon knock at your door
  • 2022 will bring enormous growth in your wealth, and your financial status will see a boom.
  • Inflows are also visible from your foreign investments; there will be new opportunities for profits from the foreign land.

Pisces Moon Sign: Chances of Acquisition of Property

For the Pisces moon sign, Saturn is in the Tenth House and Jupiter is placed in the Ninth House.

  • Expenses will be higher than your expectation and you may experience some ups and downs at your workplace.
  • In 2022, the inflows of money from existing sources will be adequate and you will not face any money crunch.
  • There are also chances of acquisition of property.

These are the general predictions for you based on the 12 moon signs and the transits of the planets. The actual prediction of your financial crisis can be made only after a detailed horoscope reading of your natal chart personally.

The correct time and phase of the end of financial improvement can only be known after having your personal details. It helps in deep analysis and bringing in other elements of astrology that impact your life. Factors such as Maha dasha period, planetary placement and position etc. in every chart has a different set of planetary placements that makes different Yogas and Doshas for you.

At Indastro we have various services that may help you to analyze it with the various. If you are curious to know as to when your financial crises will come to an end. Simply give it a try and click here and get an apt and accurate answer personalized just for you!

