Jupiter Transit in Sagittarius: Effects On Pisces Moon Sign

Jupiter Transit in Sagittarius: Effects On Pisces Moon Sign


Jupiter is considered to a naturally benefic planet in Vedic astrology. It is the significator or growth, wisdom, and progress in life. Jupiter is considered to a teacher or mentor who guides you in the right direction in various aspects and dimensions of life and enlightens you with wisdom. It is Jupiter that is responsible for the native to gain name, fame, popularity, and growth in life along with enhanced knowledge.

Jupiter Transit Period:

  • Jupiter will be transiting through Sagittarius for Pisces moon sign from 4th November 2019 to 20th November 2020.
  • Ketu has conjunction with Jupiter during this transit which will remain till 20th September 2020.
  • Jupiter also conjuncts with Saturn which is said to end on 25th January 2020.

Jupiter Transit Effects on Various Houses

When Jupiter transits in the Sagittarius for Pisces moon sign, it transits through the Tenth House of Career. Here, it is the Lord of the First House of Ascendant, Personality or Character and the Tenth House of Career. It will transit through Sagittarius for approximately 13 months. For the Pisces moon sign, Jupiter will be aspecting the Second House (House of Wealth), the Fourth House (House of Prosperity), and the Sixth House (House of Service and Enemy).

Jupiter will be Influencing the Tenth House of Career or Profession

During the Jupiter transit in Sagittarius for Pisces moon sign, things will remain good on the career front for the Pisces native. Following are the effects of this Jupiter Transit on Pisces moon sign:

  • Promotion at the workplace is on the card during this period
  • Progress and growth in the career will remain good
  • Relationship with Father will strengthen
  • You will be able to get the support of your seniors and Bosses
  • Your social status will improve

Jupiter will be Influencing the Second House of Wealth

During the Jupiter transit in Sagittarius for Pisces moon sign, the things will moderately be good for the native and will give you decent results during this period. Following are the effects of Jupiter transit in Sagittarius for Pisces native.

  • Monetary or financial success is possible during this transit of Jupiter.
  • Accumulation of wealth is possible as well
  • Your relationship with your spouse will improve during this period of time
  • You will be able to impress others by your knowledge and speech
  • You may get ancestral wealth benefit during this transit period

Jupiter will be influencing the Fourth House of Prosperity

This transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius will remain decent for the Pisces moon sign native. Following are the effects of Jupiter transit in Sagittarius for Pisces:

  • Favorable period for the purchase of land and property
  • Relationship will mother will strengthen
  • Will bring prosperity in life
  • If you are planning to purchase a vehicle, this transit of Jupiter will be the right time to do so.
  • During this transit, your fixed asset will increase

Jupiter is Influencing the Sixth House of Service and Enemy

Even though you may experience slight ups and downs in life, the Jupiter transit in Sagittarius will remain good for the Pisces moon sign. Following are few effects of the Jupiter transit in the Sixth House for Pisces native:

  • Favorable for success in job-related career
  • You may get success in competitions during this period
  • The chances of you winning over your enemies are better than before
  • If you are looking for a monetary loan, you might just get it during this Jupiter transit period
  • It is a favorable period for bringing relief in health-related complications

Just in case you would like to know what are the impacts of Jupiter transit in Sagittarius on your life, just click here and get all your doubts cleared just like that. Happy reading!

