(Moon Sign Based)
Today is the World Pneumonia Day. This Day is annually held on November 12 to raise awareness of pneumonia, and to promote prevention and treatment to fight with this deadly disease. This article deals with the assessment of diseases from the horoscope of the patient through astrological analysis. An example chart has been used to explain the rules and astrological dictum.
Vedic Astrology has stood many tests of time ever since the great sage Bhrigu introduced this divine knowledge, which can forecasts the events based on the influence of the heavenly bodies on us.
Forecasting Health and Disease from the Horoscope of a native
Vedic Astrology is a great tool, wherein an experienced and learned Astrologer can see what disease the native is suffering from or is likely to suffer from. The Astrologer need not be a medical expert or for that matter he may not be able to name the disease in particular. But the Astrologer can certainly pin point what system or organ of the human body is venerable or is likely to be affected seriously.
Vedic Astrology prescribes predictions based on Moon Sign for more accuracy. Do not know your Moon Sign? Find out instantly for FREE by filling the form below!
The 6th house is mentioned as the house of disease, sickness etc. besides other negative happenings and adversities in the native’s life.
This is not all. One must check the 6th house from MOON, SUN and also from the house where the Maha Dasha Lord is posited from.
The next step is to analyze the strength and position of the lord of the 6th house vis-à-vis the Lord of Ascendant. Generally, if the Ascendant and Lagna lord are stronger than the lord of 6th house then the native will pull through and recover from the illness – should there be any.
Then it is necessary to see the planets posited in the 6th house and also the nature and humor of planets aspecting the 6th house.
Also for any native, the 6th house is supposed to represent the stomach region comprising of abdomen, intestines, navel and kidneys.
Which other houses and planets should be studied in Medical Astrology
Each planet, house, zodiac sign and aspect besides the Nakshatras (constellation) has some hidden message about the health or ill-health of the native.
At the same time, it may be helpful to keep in mind the information in the following tables:
Signs / houses and Parts of Body: Signs refer to ‘Kaal Purusha’ kundli and houses to natal chart:
House or Bhava | Parts of the body it rules. |
Aries or Lagna | Head, brain, mind. |
Taurus or 2nd house | Face, eyes, nose, tongue, teeth, ears, fingers, nails, bones, flesh. |
Gemini or 3rd house | Neck, throat, collar bones, hands, breathing, body growth. |
Cancer or 4th house | Heart, lungs, chest, breast, blood, and diaphragm. |
Leo or 5th house | Upper abdomen, mind, heart, liver, gall bladder, spleen, intestines, mesentery. |
Virgo or 6th house | Lower abdomen, navel, bones, flesh, mental faculties, anus, kidneys. |
Libra or 7th house | Groins (place between abdomen and thighs), semen, female organs, breathing, bladder, uterus, ovaries, prostate glands, pineal gland. |
Scorpio or 8th house | External genitals, urine, blood, seminal vessels. |
Sagittarius or 9th house | Thighs and limbs, femoral arteries. |
Capricorn or 10th house | Knees, bones and flesh, patella, popliteal fossae. |
Aquarius or 11th house | Buttocks and breathing, legs in general, left ear. |
Pisces or 12th house | Feet and blood, left eye. |
Planet | Part of the body It denotes | Diseases it causes |
Sun | Stomach, bone, right eye, heart, skin, belly, head constitution of body. | Trouble in right eye, high fever, disease of heart, stomach and skin, bone fracture, leprosy, internal fever, brain trouble, diseases in head and all past diseases. |
Moon | Heart, lungs, mind, blood, left eye, breast, alimentary canal, water in body. intestines, lymph, kidneys. |
Diseases of heart, lungs, left eye, uterus, sleepness inertia, asthma, diarrhea, anemia, poisoning of blood, diseases from water, vomitting, kidney trouble, diabetes, menstrual dis-order, dropsy, appendicitis, diseases of breasts and mammary glands, cough and cold, hydrocele. |
Mars | Blood, marrow, energy, neck, veins, genitals, red matter in blood, rectum veins, female organs and vitality, nose. | Diseases of head, poisoning, cuts, wounds, sore eye, leprosy, itches, blood pressure, loss of energy, diseases of female organs, bone fracture urinal diseases, boils, tumours, cancer, piles, menstrual disorder, ulcer, dysentery, rectal diseases, chicken pox, mumps, fistula, hernia. |
Jupiter | Thighs, fat, brain, lungs, liver, kidney, ear, memory, tongue and spleen, semen. | Diseases of liver, kidneys, lungs and ears, diabetes, lack of memory, malady of tongue, thighs, pancreas spleen and dropsy, jaundice, tumours, albumin in urine, blood poisoning, dyspepsia, abscesses. |
Venus | Face, eye-sight, genital organs, semen urine, luster of body, throat, water in body and glands, chin. | Diseases of face and eye, venereal diseases, fading away of bodily luster, fits, indigestion, throat trouble, diabetes, sexual incompetence, impotency, dropsy, fever and diseases of glands. gonorrhea, syphilis, goiter, gout, cysts, anemia, urethral diseases, hernia, general debility. |
Saturn | Legs, joint bones, muscles, limbs, teeth, skin and hair. knees, ears, spleen. | Weakness, stomach pain, damage and loss of limbs, bone fracture, diseases of bones, teeth, skin and legs, rheumatic pains, blindness, ugly hair, mental worry, wounds, muscle pains, paralysis, hysteria, deafness, tumours, baldness. |
Rahu | Feet, breathing, neck. | Lung problems, disease in feet, ulcers, boils, Leprosy, difficulties in breathing, enlargement of spleen, cataract and hydrocele, varicose veins, hiccoughs, stammering, poisoning, pains. |
Ketu | Belly, feet | Lung problems, fever, eye-pain, stomach pain, boils, pains in body, diseases from unknown causes, intestine worms, low blood pressure, defect in speech and ear, brain diseases, phobias. |
Mercury | Chest, nerves, skin, navel, nose, spinal system, gall bladder, veins, lungs, tongue, arms, mouth, hair | Diseases of chest and nerves, chicken-pox, epilepsy, diseases of navel, nose and gall bladder, poisonous diseases, bone fracture, typhoid, madness, paralysis, fits, ulcers, indigestion, cholera, skin and mouth diseases, neurofibroma, vertigo. |
Other important considerations
Kindly note that the idea is not to overload the reader of this article with all the technicalities which go into the study of Medical Astrology. In fact, it would be beyond the scope of one article like this one on Medical Astrology to talk in depth about the scope of Medical Astrology. But certainly an attempt has made to share with the readers how Medical Astrology can help them know about the diseases, afflictions and ailments from which a native may suffer, when and for how long.
Case I (AK)
December 15, 1968
The native, for the last many years is suffering from piles (hemorrhoids). You will notice the pressures of 4 planets – in the 8th house, which also represents the generative organs. MOON is the lord of 6th house of disease is present here and also getting afflicted by Ketu and Mars. These two fiery planets are also indicating the nature of problem. These malefic planets are also adding to the intensity of the problem.
The Lagna lord too (SATURN) is contributing the problem – being the 12th lord (hospitalization) itself and is being aspected by MOON, MARS and KETU. Waning MOON in 8th house, afflicted by SATURN and MARS is also a combination for piles.
Case 2 (AP)
February 5, 1969
This is the case of a person who is a heart patient right from his childhood. His both parents are doctors. He has had 2 major heart surgeries – one in his childhood and the other one about 2 years back.
4th and 5th house represent chest and heart respectively. Similarly MARS indicates surgery and SUN is the karka (significator) of heart.
You will notice that there is aspect of MARS on SUN which is posited in the 7th house with retrograde MERCURY.
Further analysis will show that:
Case 3 (RB)
January 9, 1942
For the last several years, the native is suffering from:
His condition is so bad, that he has to go for dialysis every week.
If you cast a careful look, it would be found that:
1. Moon (the karka of kidneys) is aspected by retrograde JUPITER which is the lord of 6th house of disease.
2. The 6th house (denoting kidneys) is occupied by a malefic planet SUN.
3. The 7th house (also denoting kidneys) is occupied by MERCURY which has lordship of 2 bad houses – 12th (hospitalization) and 3rd (difficulties & challenges).
4. MERCURY is combust.
5. The 7th house is also being aspected by retrograde SATURN which is also the lord of 8th house (death).
6. Libra sign (7th house of kaal pursha) is also afflicted due to Gullika’s presence and also the aspects of two malefic planets – SATURN & MOON.
Case 4 (TJ)
January 9, 1983
For the last several years, the native is suffering from mental disorders such as schizophrenia.
The native has
1. Moon (significator of mind) afflicted by Saturn in the Lagna.
2. The Lagna lord VENUS is posited with MERCURY the lord of 12th house and MARS.
Your rising sign, ascendant as well as the ascendant lord, Sun & Moon are the most important aspects which decide how healthy you are born and how you would maintain your health throughout life. Besides this, the dasa pattern ensures the timelines when you are likely to face some diseases and how you would cope up through those periods. more
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