Career That Suits Your Zodiac Signs!!

Career That Suits Your Zodiac Signs!!


The moon sign talks a lot about the choices a native will make according to the moon sign he or she belongs to. Even for one’s career, the zodiac (moon sign) sketched out the entire blueprint of the career as in nature, quality and many other important factors related to one’s profession. Since moon sign is the indicator of one’s personality, hence, one should get into a career that is linked with a person’s likes and dislikes in order to be successful in their professional field.

This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

In the following article, we will discuss the various career options that are available for different moon signs.

  • Career Options for Aries: Ruled by Mars as the Lord of the Moon sign, Aries are known to be strong-willed, energetic and hard workers in their nature. they are known to be highly competitive in nature and hence thrive in jobs that require or demand competition well. They do well in profiles such as mechanical engineering, real estate, sports, construction, Hotel Management, MBA, Finance and marketing, Army, Police, Advertising and Public Relations, etc.
  • Career Options for Taurus: According to the Vedic Astrology, Venus is the Lord of Taurus moon sign. The highly emotional Taurus is extremely creative and talented. They are meticulous workers with highly admirable work ethics. Careers options that suit a Taurus the most are fashion designing, animation, photography, jewelry designing, operation of a fashion boutique, ladies clothing and apparels, media, modeling, singing, dancing, art, and creation, etc.
  • Career Options for Gemini: Mercury is the lord of the Gemini zodiac sign as per the Vedic astrology. They are highly energetic soul blessed with an extremely calculative mind. they own expertise in the area of communication. Therefore profile that requires massive calculations will suits our Gemini the most. Hence, career profiles such as related to accounts, Chartered Accountant, commission or consultancy based brokerage, clerical job, share market, professional advisory, and many more.
  • Career Options for Cancer: The Lord of the Cancer moon sign is the planet, Moon. Cancerians are known to be extremely emotional and creative individuals. They are good at multi-tasking. Career options that suit the most according to their moon sign are those of productions of dairy products, speculative acts, share market, international business or trade, work related to the manufacturing of beverages, baker, psychologist, etc.
  • Career Options for Leo: Ruled the king of planets, Sun; Leo is a born leader with a keen sense of self. With their charismatic personality and positive thinking, they are a source of inspiration for many around him or her. The career that suits best for a Leo are profiles or jobs related to authority, government jobs, civil services profiles, high posts in judiciary system such as that of a Judge, sports, army, police, CEO, managerial positions, editors and may and more of the like.
  • Career Options for Virgo: As per the Vedic Astrology, Virgo is ruled by Mercury. A perfectionist by nature, Virgos are known to be meticulous workers with a keen eye for the minutest details and are extremely organized in their approach to work or any task they take up. The best profiles for a Virgo are statistician, any profile related to calculations, Chartered Accountant, clerical job, share market, investigator, translator, research, technician, and many more.
  • Career Options for Libra: Libra has Venus as their Lord of the moon sign according to the Vedic Astrology. They are highly cooperative in nature and have a diplomatic approach to life. They have the skill of gelling up well with people and can comfortably work with a group of people as a part of the team. A career that will go well with the character of a Libra moon sign is of a social worker, diplomat, lawyer, mediator, relationship manager, fashion designing, animation, photography, hair stylist, jewelry designer, media-related profiles, and many more.
  • Career Options for Scorpio: According to the Vedic astrology, Mars is the lord of this zodiac sign. Scorpio as a person is highly focused with a curious mindset that needs to get to the root of things that make him or her inquisitive in nature. profiles that match the personality of a Scorpio are Hotel industry, researcher, Finance and Marketing, Detective or Spy, construction, sports, and many more.
  • Career Options for Sagittarius: Jupiter is the lord of this zodiac sign as per the Vedic Astrology. Sagittarius as a person is extremely hard-working and introvert in nature and is pretty rigid in his or her personal belief system. If she or she considers something there’s absolutely nothing that can change the way he or she perceives that particular topic. Job profiles that suit the temperament of a Sagittarius are an administrative job, clerical job, teaching, education field, religious profiles, spiritual journeys, etc.
  • Career Options for Capricorn: According to the Vedic astrology, Saturn is the Lord of the Capricorn moon sign. They are smart workers and try to find out a new and innovative way to work where the maximum output is achieved with a minim effort put in. they are really good at distributing and allocating jobs to others. Therefore profiles that suit them the best are any profile related to science, a high post in the judiciary, oil, gas, iron, hardware, construction, the agricultural field, lawyer, accountant, banker, and many others.
  • Career Options for Aquarius: The Vedic Astrology says that Saturn is the Lord of the Aquarius zodiac sign. They are famously known as the visionary as they have an undying excitement to explore novel and creative ideas. They are also known to be a humanitarian in nature. job profiles that suit them the most are that of the inventor, scientist, artist, musician, engineering in any field, a high post in judiciary, lawyer, philosopher, and many more.
  • Career Options for Pisces: For the Pisces moon sign, Jupiter is the Lord of the zodiac according to the Vedic Astrology. As an individual, Pisces are known to be extremely passionate and creative in their approach to life and work. They have a strong sense of intuition which helps them in almost all the aspects and dimensions of life. The job profiles that suit them are profile dealing with fish, teaching, education-related profiles, clerical job, administrative job, writing, editing profile, and many more.

Although the zodiac sign determines the choice of profile a person might choose, there are other factors such as planetary placement and position, retrograde movements of the planets, degrees, malefic effects, which also come into consideration to actually know the right profile of a person. In order to check these, one needs to get his or her natal or birth chart thoroughly analyzed by a professional, certified and authentic astrologer who can give further insights to the exact job options that will work in your favor and will help you grow in your life without a single glitch or backlash.

Inquisitive about knowing what is your moon sign? Click here to check your moon and get a free horoscope reading done for a new sign up with us. Also, go through the huge collection of astrological services available with us that may prove beneficial for you in the long run. Happy reading!!

