Banking and finance as a career for Libra moon sign

Finance is one of the most promising career fields with numerous opportunities like money managing, insurance, corporate finance, and banking services. Find out for yourself as a Libra native, if you have, what it takes to be successful as a finance and banking professional in your career.

Banking and finance as a career for Libra moon sign


Libra is a lover of all things peaceful and harmonious. They would ideally choose a career, which can enhance their organizational and aesthetic skills. Banking and Finance sectors help them to fine-tune their people skill as well as their liking for a structure in their work life. You are responsible and have a flair for honesty and impartiality, which in turn help you to fit graciously in advisory roles. Let us see, if you as a Libra moon sign native, have it in you to make it successful in a financial ambit.

This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

Traits of Libra moon sign for a career in banking and finance:

Libra moon sign natives are impartial and a strong-believer in fair play. They are the ones who cannot withstand double standards and injustice in their professional or personal lives. They are intellectual but could be indecisive at times. If they need to succeed at work, they must learn to be firm with their opinions and also guard against becoming complacent or too righteous.

  • A keen observant with a balanced persuasive approach towards work, you make for effective professionals in the areas, which require advise, guidance, consultation, and socialization.
  • Libra moon sign natives are impartial and a strong-believer in fair play. Your clients will be able to trust you with their money matters, which is extremely important if you want to have a career in financial domain.
  • You have the ability to weigh all the pros and cons of a situation before finalizing a deal. This makes you a holistic banker, who will not just focus of profits but also adhere to social/human causes.
  • You don’t have an affinity for monotonous jobs and prefer movement and change. Therefore a career in finance is great for you as it facilitates both horizontal and vertical movement within your career.
  • You are diplomatic, clever, friendly, and social. You are blessed with great communication skills, which is necessary for a successful career in finance and banking sector.

Going by all these traits, banking and finance as a career option may not be a very favorable profession for a Libra ascendant. However, they can do fairly well in some aspects of this domain, such as financial advisory, wealth, loan or debt consultants, sales and marketing, etc. They can also do well as investment bankers or stock market advisors as they have the ability to weigh all the pros and cons of a situation before finalizing a deal.

What are the unique planetary combinations and houses required for a favourable banking and finance career?

The strength of some key houses and planets play an important role in giving the Libra native a flourishing career in the banking and financed domain.

  • The placements of different houses for a successful finance career are as follows:
  • Strength of 2ndand 11th house (income source)
  • Strong moon (signifies prosperity)
  • Higher education prospects
  • Foreign connection
  • Strong 4thhouse (for people and masses)
  • To begin with, the strength of their 2nd and 11th house and their 4th house plays a vital role.
  • The placement of Jupiter, Moon and other key planets in the natal chart of a Libra native are critical to assess their success in banking and finance domain.
  • This will help you ascertain your education, travel, wealth, and professional possibilities to plan your career in a better and effective way.

Know the strength of your planets to evaluate your wealth and luck.

For anyone to succeed in any profession they must have the desire and the right aptitude to make it big. Banking and finance demands a person to be open-mined but conservative, too, on some grounds, practical but considerate, as well, in various situations. Therefore, before you start with career planning, you need to first figure out if you are actually meant to follow a career path that leads to financial corridors.

  • To gauge this, you need first check the strength and placement of your ascendant and its lord.
  • In case of Libra, Venus is their ascendant lord and occupies the 1stand 8th house of their natal chart.
  • This placement of Venus in your horoscope gives you a charming and polite personality.
  • It also indicates some unexpected gains from inheritance or speculations. In-depth analysis of this placement can reveal you success ratio in the finance domain.
  • If Venus is placed in the 11thhouse of a Libra native, it gives them a natural inclination for steady and routine jobs for better financial gains.
  • Since, banking and finance demands consistency and regularity, this placement becomes crucial for a Libra ascendant to achieve success in this field, because otherwise they don’t have an affinity for monotonous jobs and prefer movement and change.
  • Mercury is the lord of your 9thand 12thhouse, which indicates possibility of higher education abroad.
  • If there is any positive association of Saturn and Mercury in the natal chart of a Libra ascendant, it enhances the communication and patience levels of the native, to make them excel in careers that require financial and public dealings.

Planetary combinations for this profession to give you long terms benefits

It is obvious that none of us work just for the heck of it. We work because we want to do something worthy in life and to earn a living for self and family. In this case, the role of your basic and higher education and your initial inclinations play a vital role.

  • To assess this, you have to weigh the strength of Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Moon and evaluate their associations in your horoscope for figuring the career sustenance ratio.
  • Jupiter is a key planet to be considered for its role in giving the native a prosperous career in banking and finance sector.
  • For the Libra ascendant, Jupiter has the lordship of their 3rdand 6th
  • This is considered a beneficial placement for the early education of the native.
  • It also makes the native compassionate but they get success with much effort.
  • So, for Libra ascendant hard work and persistence will be the key to achieve success in banking sector.

Alternatively, if somehow the above placement is afflicted, you may still succeed in the banking and finance domain, if:

  • Jupiter makes an association with the career lord Moon and if Mercury is placed in the 10thhouse, making an association with 9thor 12th house, career in service sector (which could be banking and finance) in domestic or foreign land is indicated.
  • Saturn, the lord of your 4thand 5thhouse is placed in your 12th house, it signifies long work and study related travel, with respect to the banking sector.
  • Saturn occupies 10thor 11thhouse and receives an aspect of Mercury or Jupiter. It represents the native’s ability to do well in jobs that require dealing in public finance.

Libra Ascendant and your earnings from a career in banking and finance

What is a career without financial stability? Practically, it is nothing. If you cannot make enough money from your profession, you are either engaged in charity or working without a purpose. You need a good financial status to lead a good life.

  • Here, the role of Mars is crucial to ensure you earn enough to make a good living out of your career in banking and finance.
  • In case of Libra ascendant, Mars is the lord of the money house and also of the 7thhouse, which makes you quite optimistic and strong-willed to work towards your finial stability.
  • But, can you earn well through this placement by pursuing a career in banking and finance? Well, maybe, if
  • Moon as the lord of career house is also placed in the 7thhouse of a Libra native; it will give rise to a good association, which can help further financial gains from career.

All these astrological concepts signify your success possibilities in the banking and finance sector on a broader scale. If you want to shorten the scale and weigh your personal possibilities of succeeding in the banking and finance domain, you can register here to get an exclusive and detailed analysis of your birth chart.

