Banking and finance as a career for Scorpio moon sign

Finance is one of the most promising career fields with numerous opportunities like money managing, insurance, corporate finance, and banking services. Find out for yourself as a Scorpio native, if you have, what it takes to be successful as a finance and banking professional in your career.

Banking and finance as a career for Scorpio moon sign


A career in finance requires intelligence, meticulous and sound understanding of the financial climate of the country and diligence to work towards attaining a goal. It is not an easy career to pursue since it requires a lot of hard work, analytical strengths and documentation and constant monitoring. A Scorpio native often is drawn to such careers, which is challenging for others. Let’s see if you have it in you as a Scorpio native to be a successful in the banking and finance sector.

This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

Traits of Scorpio moon sign for a career in banking and finance:

Determined and passionate are the words that define a Scorpio native. This moon sign is ruled by Mars and is characterized by a distinctive sense of loyalty, possessing a go-getter attitude and an intensity that no other moon sign possess. As a working professional, Scorpio ascendants are both headstrong and charming. This makes them quite affable and desirable as co-workers.

  • You are happy working independently with limited instructions and have an eye for minute details. Thus, a career in banking and finance could be an ideal choice.
  • They have inherent skills in research, rationality, intuitiveness, and adaptability that can be utilized in functions such as data analysis, financial research, auditing, financial advisory and wealth management.
  • You are hardworking and love taking on challenges, even if it entails boring work. Banking and finance sectors often requires tedious documentation and analysis and you have the capacity to sit through and complete your work with tenacity.
  • You are money oriented and ambitious. Usually financial sectors are big players, if you know the nitty-gritties of the trade and you are naturally inclined towards this career opportunity for the big bucks that are usually associated.
  • You are strategic and a very good long-term planner with extraordinary vision. When it comes to handling money, you can plan carefully taking into consideration the future impacts and issues, which makes you a superb strategist.

Besides these skills, you need a strong placement of Jupiter (which signifies wisdom and money) in your birth chart along with some other significant planetary combinations and strengths.

What are the unique planetary combinations and houses required for a favourable banking and finance career?

Apart from your innate qualities, which are of course extremely important, the position of planets and houses in your horoscope plays a very important role in shaping your career as a banking and financial expert. The placements of different houses for a successful finance career are as follows:

  • Strength of 2ndand 11th house (income source)
  • Strong moon (signifies prosperity)
  • Higher education prospects
  • Foreign connection
  • Strong 4th house (for people and masses)

Know the strength of your Jupiter to evaluate your wealth and luck.

  • According to Vedic Astrology, Jupiter is considered to be associated with luck, fortune and wealth. It also signifies wisdom. So, whatever you earn with Jupiter’s strength in your birth chart, it will be through your intelligence and education.
  • Since banking and finance requires both, a well-placed Jupiter can further your career graph in this domain.
  • For Scorpio ascendants, in particular, Jupiter is the lord of the 2ndand 5th house, i.e., it influences your monetary wealth and public dealing skills.
  • In case, Jupiter occupies your 1sthouse, it empowers you with knowledge and high levels of intellect.
  • A solid combination makes you someone who is action-oriented with a purpose.
  • In the domain of banking and finance, this will help you do well in roles, which require money transactions and public dealing.
  • If Jupiter is placed in your ascendant and aspects the 11th house or its lord or the 2ndhouse or its lord, and if Venus is exalted and strong with Mercury, chances of your success in the banking and finance field is high.

Moon and your prosperity in banking career need to mutually correlate.

  • A positively placed Moon in your natal chart helps ascend your affluence.
  • It also makes the native, mentally and emotionally strong, thus, boosting their concentration and relationship building skills.
  • These qualities help the native excel in profile such as core accountancy, wealth management, financial consultants and sales and marketing profession as in the banking and finance sector.
  • For the Scorpio ascendant, Moon is the lord of the 9th This placement is highly favorable for success in jobs, which require high level of intellect and astuteness.
  • This combination also makes some of you an innovator and thus, you can do brilliantly in areas, which require use of new and high-end technologies to promote banking operations.
  • Additionally, if Moon is placed in your 6th house, which has the lordship of Mars, it can help augment your ambitious spirit to touch greater heights in your career.

Mars as your ruler will bestow upon you the best of career gains.

  • Mars is the ascendant Lord for Scorpio. It occupies your 1stand 6th house and influences your attitude, aptitude, education and travel prospects.
  • If placed well it can send you abroad to pursue higher education or you may even settle abroad through your professional endeavors.
  • No career is however successful unless it supports your livelihood. A suitable placement of Mars in your birth chart will also help align income gains to your chosen field of work.
  • If the placement is afflicted, your hard work may not reap any monetary gains, in any given situation.
  • For Scorpio native to generate enough income from their career in banking and finance sector, they must have a strong Mars, well placed in the 10th house (the house of career) in their natal chart.
  • This placement will ensure that you get good career gains, as here Mars will aspects your 11th(of income) house from its position.

Sun’s strength will give you name and fame.

  • While most of us can earn well through our career, not all of us get the public recognition, status, and fame.
  • Some lucky people receive social accolades and become inspiration for masses. Most of these people have the blessings of the divine planet Sun.
  • Sun gives a native the opportunity to achieve name, fame, and status in life. It also gives the natives the leadership skills, optimism, resilience, and resolve to fight any hurdle that comes in the way of their success. However, if the same Sun is afflicted, it can lead to indecisiveness, low self-confidence and extreme aggression.
  • For Scorpio native, if Sun (as the lord of career house) is placed in its own sign and makes an association with Mars, by the placement of Mars in the 10th house of career, it can foster their chances of getting a job in a government sector bank.
  • If Sun, Mars, and Venus are well placed together in your 10th house, then too you can make it to a government sector bank.
  • In fact, this placement is also suspicious for those who want to make a career in an international banking and financial institute. Moreover, it makes the native an exceptionally good banker.

Saturn and Mercury help expand your work scope and horizon.

Work-related foreign trips and abroad settlements have become a common thing these days. Most of the new generation workforce aspires to work on the global level, as they consider it a better option for income and lifestyle enhancement. If you are also one of these people and born in the moon sign of Scorpio, you need to fulfill the below mentioned conditions to have a successful career abroad:

  • Saturn is the lord of the 3rdand 4th house in the birth chart of a Scorpio native.
  • If this is placed in your 9th house, it can give you options to travel for work and study-related matters in the sphere of banking and finance.
  • You can even pursue a career as a freelance financial consultant with this placement.
  • Saturn’s aspect on your 11th house ensures a good source of income from banking and finance sector.
  • Mercury is the lord of your 8thand 11th house and if it is placed in your 12th house you might just get some real good opportunities to earn good income from banking and finance sector, when you least expect them.
  • This placement of Mercury also connects well with your dream to travel/settle abroad, as it indicates change of place.

Unique planetary combination required in a career horoscope for attaining success in banking and finance profession:

Beside the above-mentioned planetary positions and houses, there are certain other combinations also which can support your career growth in the banking and finance domain.

One highly significant among these combinations is the ‘Laxmi Yoga’, a very rare yoga, which is generally found in the birth chart of the people who own banks. Therefore, if you have a strong and well-connected 2nd and 9th house, you are one lucky soul blessed with this auspicious yoga.

If you would like to find out your fate in the banking and finance sector, click here for a detailed and exclusive birth chart analysis report, for better and accurate career and life predictions.

