Banking and finance as a career for Taurus moon sign

As Banking and Finance is lucrative, it is always in high demand. Do you have the skill and talent to make a career in it? If you are someone with the Taurus moon sign, read on to find out more.

Banking and finance as a career for Taurus moon sign


People with Taurus moon sign are reasonably organized and persistent in their efforts. Patience and perseverance are the key traits that describe such a person. Taurus people are also quite methodical in their approach towards work.

Vedic astrology helps you to decode all the complex aspects of your personality and identity, including your career choices. Let's find out if a job in the finance sector is a good fit for you as a person with Taurus moon sign.

This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

Traits of Taurus moon sign for a career in Banking and Finance:

  • Taurus ascendants can thrive in any work environment, given its not very dynamic. This trait Taurus already makes them a good fit for the banking sector.
  • They like fixed routines, since it’s comforting for their inflexible nature. They like the routine of 9 to 5 jobs and the discipline that comes with it.
  • They are structured and an avid follower of hierarchy. Hence working in banking and following a fixed set of rules should not be a problem for them.
  • They are most comfortable being behind the desk, taking orders and following instructions. Since banking is a desk job, people with Taurus moon sign are perfectly suitable for this.
  • They are able to coordinate well with their superiors and also turn out to be excellent team players. With this trait and the adherence to power structure, Taurus people will thrive well in this setup.

Thus the established setup of the Banking and Finance domain is perfect for a person with Taurus moon sign.

What are the unique planetary combinations and houses required for a favourable banking and finance career?

For a Moon sign to have a successful career in any industry, the right planetary placement and combinations are important. Following are the planetary combinations and the houses that support a career in banking and finance.

  • Strength of 2nd and 11th house (income source)
  • Strong Moon (signifies prosperity)
  • Higher education prospects
  • Foreign connection
  • Strong 4th house (for people and masses)

Taurus is an earthy sign ruled by Venus. This makes the native down to earth and humble. With Venus having the lordship of both 1st and 6th house, a person born in the Taurus moon sign tends to be practical, calm, patient and diligent. If you are one of them, you surely know how to work relentlessly for long hours and not miss the minutest details in the process.

Know the role of Mercury and Saturn for a career in banking and finance domain

  • Mercury, which is the lord of the 2nd and 5th house of the Taurus Moon sign, gives good wealth, finances and articulacy to the native.
  • So, if you are born in the rising of Taurus or in the Taurus moon sign, you are kind of blessed with both – good speech and wisdom to succeed in jobs, which require public dealing, with astuteness and poise.
  • Saturn is a slow-moving planet and with its rule on the 9th and 10th house in the natal chart of Taurus ascendant.
  • It gives them a natural liking for professions which are routine and settled. And, banking and finance just fits fine in that category!
  • If the 4th house has the placement of Sun, Mars or Venus in Leo sign, there is a high likelihood of you taking up government jobs. Aspect of a strong Sun in your career house will give rise to career prospects which require dealing with the public, making you fit for customer and client interfacing roles.

Unique planetary combination required in a career horoscope for attaining success in banking and finance as profession:

  • The aspect of Mercury in the 9th house of Taurus ascendant gives an indication of long travel.
  • It also strikes an association with the career lord to beef up your chances of going abroad for higher education.
  • When Mars transits upon your 7th house, good partnership possibilities in work or business take shape.
  • With this placement, you could also get a transfer to a foreign location or may even settle abroad, to further your career in banking and finance sector.
  • When Jupiter will transit over Scorpio sign in the house of partnership, it provides an opportunity to go abroad for higher education or career growth.

Will you earn enough money in this sector?

Job satisfaction is one thing, but to sustain livelihood, you need to earn enough money. Numerous surveys suggest that for millennials, compensation is no way the secondary thing. They need instant gratification from jobs and that includes financial contentment.

So, while banking makes for a good career choice for Taurus native, would it help them earn sufficient income? Well, yes indeed, as it is quite evident from your natal chart. In Vedic astrology, Jupiter signifies money, and in the case of Taurus ascendant, it is the lord of the 8th and 11th house. This placement results in the emergence of sudden and unexpected opportunities for monetary gains. Thus, a career in risk management, financial advisory and corporate wealth management will help you make big bucks through your intelligence and resolve. If you have the entrepreneurial talent, you can even think of doing your own business in the financial domain to turn your fortunes around.

Know your worth…

For anyone who is willing to work, sky is the limit. If you have the desire, you will definitely find the job that you truly deserve. A career should not be just a necessity but it has to be an aspiration. By keeping in mind the above-mentioned points, a Taurus native can proceed on the work front, better informed and ready to take control of their career to get remarkable results.

The best thing about all Taurus moon sign people is that you have the ability and will to carry on your work with utmost dedication and honesty, and that makes you an ideal employee. And, since banking and finance caters to most of your needs for a desirable workplace, you could well end up making a flourishing career in this sphere!

While this is the overall representation of the natal chart of Taurus ascendant it doesn’t represent the accurate picture. Since, everyone has different planetary positions during the time of their birth, the results will vary for different people. To get your accurate Career Horoscope, click here.

