Medical profession is one of the most revered and sought after career option. As a Libra native, do you think you have what it takes to be become a successful specialist doctor? To find out, read more…
Doctors are the wealth and health of a nation. With the current pandemic at its peak, our frontline workers have become the most essential asset. While being a doctor depends upon your aptitude, humanitarian attitude, and skillset, a lot depends on the house and planetary placements in your horoscope as well.
Libra moon sign traits that make you a good doctor:
Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. Represented by a perfect scale, it is not surprising to see a Libra, balancing life. A Librarian keeps working hard to create a balance between personal and professional life.
- A Libra can be a great leader, capable of praiseworthy sacrifices. Neither applause nor discouragement can carry him away. They remain cool and calm even in the midst of crises. This is most essential in a medical profession.
- A Libra moon sign is firm in conviction, practical, keen observer, has a good foresight to reason out things. They move with a practical approach not bothered about their reputation. They rely on their own judgment. These are the makings of a successful doctor.
- By virtue of their inborn nature, Libra like to nurture and take care of others, which make them do well as doctors.
- You are warm, social and talkative, which makes your patient comfortable around you and ease them to open up.
- You are versatile and adaptive. You react quickly to a situation and as a doctor that is very important, as you need to make decisions just in time.
This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:
What are the astrological planets and houses that play a key role in the medical professional horoscope?
- For Libra natives to be successful in their medical career, these house associations are the real game changers.
- 1st House-Mental and Physical attitude and dedication towards work
- 3rd House-Hard Working Nature
- 5th House-Higher education and intelligence
- 6th House-Short term diseases
- 8th House-Longevity and Long term diseases
- 10th House-Indicates Karma and Profession
- 12th House-House of Hospitalization
- Venus- (for Medicine) - Venus is thought to have Sanjeevni Vidya (Provided by Lord Shiva) which is the knowledge to cure Dead Persons. Thus Venus also assumes a vital role in turning an individual into a Doctor as per Astrology.
- Jupiter-Jupiter represents knowledge and wisdom. It will provide the knowledge to fix. Jupiter should be positively placed in your horoscope.
- Mars- (for Surgeon) - Mars is the significator of Blood, and during medical procedures doctors need to deal with blood subsequently, Mars assumes a significant role in making the person a good doctor.
- Sun-According to Varahamihira, Sun signifies Doctor. It is illustrative of one's soul. It ought to be well placed, for the person to be a Doctor.
- Moon- Moon represents emotions and feelings. To turn into a medical specialist one should not be emotional (that is the person ought not to be soft hearted). Moon’s placement should be in such a way that that makes the person bold and strong.
- Mars rules your second house of money and your seventh house of partnerships. Its aspect over Saturn in the fifth house of Education will create unimaginable fascination for medical studies in a native’s life.
What are the medical specializations that a Libra ascendant should opt for?
- Venus rules the first house of intelligence, mental ability and it is the lord of the eighth house, which represents venereal diseases, scrota, sex organs, ovaries and prostate glands.
- In the event that Venus gets placed in your eleventh house of aspirations and wealth, there are great chances of you becoming a gynecologist or urologist.
- If Venus is well placed in your eleventh house of income, at that point you’re likely to receive descent monetary gains from your profession and also earn a reputable name.
- Jupiter has a command over your third house of courage and initiatives and sixth house of medical services. Its aspect over the tenth house of profession, status, and dignity with placement of Mercury will pave a way for native’s career as a proficient Oncologist.
- Saturn rules your fourth house of learning and has an aspect over the tenth house of success. Its placement in the tenth house can make you inclined towards Radiology.
- In the event that Saturn owns your fifth house of wisdom and creativity and at the same time has an aspect over your seventh house partnership, at that point you’ll get opportunities to work as a Radiologist either at your private clinic or in partnership with any other doctor or hospital.
To know about the precise planetary combinations that lead to yoga for becoming a Doctor in the Horoscope Click here.
Since choosing the career is one of the most important decisions in one’s life so before proceeding to choose any career one should always consult an astrologer.
The above-mentioned results are generic in nature and may vary from one individual to another. If you have any doubt related to your career Click here.

Last Updated on
November 10, 2022

Pt. Punarvasu