An astrological analysis and interpretation is brought to you for the Omicron crisis that has gripped our country and consequently the world. The third wave, though not as destructive, continues to challenge our daily existence. Let us find out the fate of Omicron and eventually the fate of Covid-19 in the world.
Just when the Covid crisis was settling down, we were all shaken up by news of the new variant WHO named Omicron in November 2021. This was reported on 24th November by South Africa & was marked as a variant of concern by 26th November, commencing the world’s race against the Covid’s Omicron variant.
While a lot has been said about the origin of Omicron ranging from the virus jumping from humans to mice & back to humans and then developing in an immune-compromised human, we will try and focus on the astrological interpretation.
Astrological Interpretation of Omicron:
The last significant astrological event that can justify a mutation, occurred on 9th October 2021 in the sign of Scorpio that is deeply secretive and has very heavy undertones of lack of clarity. It is interesting to note that:
- Scorpio is associated with South Africa (A Scorpio Moon Sign & a natural geographic interpretation links South Africa & Scorpio)
- Venus-Ketu conjunction signifies a deep technical link, which explains the extremely complex mutation that has the biggest genetic code amongst the Covid variants.
- Venus in Scorpio is a highly sexual position that also signifies unknown or undisclosed sexual diseases and that helps explain the origin.
Based on the above, we can assume that:
- The variant did originate in South Africa around the 9th of October in 2021. There are strong chances that it could have come in the Transvaal region.
- The astrological trends point more towards an HIV host rather than a mice connection in this mutation.
Further the Omicron crisis has developed as below:
- Increase in numbers with retrogression of Venus from 19th December 2021.
- Assumption of grave nature when Venus was conjunct with Pluto on 12th That was when the global numbers began rising.
- Significant rise in numbers after 30th December when Venus ‘fell’ back into Sagittarius from Capricorn.
Predictions for Omicron variant & Covid:
It was predicted by us in May 2021 that the next Covid wave would come back after 20th November 2021. The main predictions are reproduced for our reader as below:
- Jupiter would re-enter the airy sign of Aquarius and that could build up another wave. However, that wave might not be as destructive as the present one. The virus could mutate to another version that could make it very infectious but not as damaging as the current mutation.
- November 2021 to April 2022 will see rise in number of cases worldwide, but the level of damage might be much lower due to vaccine protection or loss in power of the Virus.
- The world might see the end of Pandemic (not the end of Covid 19) on or before 12th April 2022.
- God willing, we might see the end of Covid-19 challenge by April 2023.
- As we return to normalcy, there are concerns causing combinations between April 2025 & February 2026, at some other theatre of action in the world. It might be time again to handle the next crisis.
You can read the original article that we had first published in May 2021 regarding future predictions on Covid 19 here.
Going forward the Omicron crisis is likely to work out as below:
- 29th January onwards the wave conditions could improve all over the world & especially in India & China
- We will continue getting smaller waves with even smaller peaks all the way till end April 2022.
- Death rates in some countries could rise a bit after 30th January 2022 till the 3rd of March 2022, when Venus would again conjunct Pluto but cross it this time to not look back again.
- 3rd of March onwards till 12th April might see infections rise further but the efficacy of the virus could still get lower and less destructive, but the number of largely harmless infections could balloon even further.
- We might see a shift in the crisis & the classification of pandemic to a lower or less dangerous form by end of April 2022.
Let us all hope & pray that the Covid Crisis comes to an end as per our predictions to ease the quality of life and bring an end to such hassle-some living, brought to us by Covid-19.

Last Updated on
November 09, 2022

Pt. Punarvasu