This article deals with importance of tarpanam in Pitru Paksha and understanding of Pitra Dosha in the horoscope.
In Sanskrit, Pitru would refer to our ancestors or our forefathers and Paksha would mean the time period. Pitru Paksha is the time when the Hindu community pays homage and respect to their forefathers through means of food offerings. Usually considered inauspicious since this period deals with death and death rites, it is however important that this Paksha is honoured and observed with gratitude and respect.
Pitru Paksha is a 16-day lunar period. When the Sun transits in Virgo, it is considered to begin the day of the ancestors. This period is sacred and the ritual of Shradh is carried out during this time as a tribute to our forefathers. If the Shradh rituals aren’t performed on the day of Ashwin Amavasya during Pitru Paksha, then it is believed that the ancestors go back to their world feeling disappointed. Therefore, in order not to disappoint your ancestors and to seek their blessings, you should perform the Tarpan while offering them a mixture of flowers, fruits, food, and water etc. and pray for their salvation.
Performing the ritual of Shradh ensures that the soul of our ancestors go to Heaven. Performing Tarpan (rituals of Shradh) is said to bring peace to their souls. It is believed that during the Pitru Paksha, our ancestors descend on Earth. It becomes imperative to please them to help their souls and attain peace and get their blessings. It is also necessary to not anger our forefathers in any way during this time, therefore certain activities are prohibited or curtailed to honour and worship them after their death, posthumously.
According to our puranas, before worshiping the Gods, a man should worship his ancestors because it is believed that the Gods are pleased with that. For this on Amavasya, on Shradh we remember our ancestors by doing tarpan and offer food and dakshina to Brahmins or needy people.
In Hinduism, it is believed that the soul of three generation of our ancestors reside in the Pitrilok, the realm between heaven and earth. This is the territory of Lord Yama, who is considered as the God of Death. Lord Yama is the carrier of the dead from earth to the Pitrilok.
When someone in the next generation dies, the first generation of our dead ancestors move to heaven, becoming one with God and entering Moksh. Thus, as per custom, only three generations in Pitriloka are given Shraddha rites, in which Yama plays a significant role. Pitru Paksha alleviates the sufferings of souls of our ancestors before undergoing rebirth. The ritual of Shradh adds to the happiness in their new birth.
Apart from this, this period of Pitru Paksha is considered very special for the natives whose horoscope shows indication of Pitru Dosh.
Pitru Dosh is considered as the Karmic Debt of the ancestors that becomes the obligation of the present generations. It is believed that this affliction is someone’s horoscope appears when their ancestors may have knowingly or un-knowingly committed sins or misdeeds or evil acts in their own lifetime. These appear as evil debts in the horoscope of later generations. To overcome the ill-effects of Pitru Dosh, the rituals of Shraddha are performed which please the souls of the ancestors.
You will know your horoscope has Pitru Dosh, if you face any or all of the following consequences in your life.
Pitru Dosh can be attributed to three causes- effects of the planets, deeds of the ancestors and one’s own karma.
These are all the major reasons that can give Pitru Dosh in your horoscope.
Rituals of Shradh are performed according to the lunar calendar. In 2022, Pitru Paksha will begin on 10th September, Saturday and end on 25th September, Sunday. The date of the puja is determined based on the tithi of the death of the ancestor. Below is the complete list of Shradh dates of 2022.
Below are listed some of the general remedies to remove the ill effects of Pitru Dosh from your horoscope. Following them
Tarpan or offering food to our forefathers by conducting proper rituals during the Pitru Paksha, on the death anniversary of the ancestors, is a great remedy to overcome the pain and suffering. These remedies will help you to neutralize the ill-effect of Pitru dosh in your horoscope and help you to reduce suffering and lead a good life.
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