Jupiter transit in Sagittarius and its effects on Aquarius Moon sign

Jupiter transit in Sagittarius and its effects on Aquarius Moon sign


As indicated by the Vedic astrology, Jupiter comes after Mercury to relate most of that information gathering with a higher target and reason. It is seen as a normally supportive planet, and is said to be the significator of improvement or advancement. Along these lines, for any blessed or appalling occasions occurring in our life, the yoga of Jupiter realizes an extension in the equal. The planet indicates our teachers, seniors of the family, relatives, wealth, and brain and manages for the duration of regular daily existence.

Jupiter is connected to significance, thinking, trust and more noteworthy things for the duration of regular day to day existence. Since in spite of the way that life is in the details, which is the manner in which a large number individuals take a view at things, those details need a sort of significance and some sort of goal in case they're going to lead towards advancement and development.

Jupiter is the second slowest moving planet out of all 9 planets. Jupiter takes around 13 months to travel through a sign. Jupiter will travel through Sagittarius sign from 5th Nov 2019 to 20th Nov 2020. During this travel Jupiter will be in conjunction with Saturn till 25th Jan 20. Simultaneously, it will be in transit with Ketu till 20th Nov 2020.

Jupiter is the Lord of the 3rd and the 12th house and it will be transiting through the 11th house of elder siblings, friends circle, financial/liquid gain, public relations, skill set, short distance travel, love and romance and marriage from your Moon sign.

Greet new companions whole heartedly

In contrast with the past period, you will in general form associations with new part of companions who will positively affect your life. They will stimulate religious slants inside you and will propel you all through to learn and accomplish something new.

Resolve all the issues with your siblings

Jupiter will be having an aspect/influence on the 3rd house of; siblings, short distance travelling, communication skills. Your relations with your siblings will improve during this time frame. In case you were not in contact with a sibling due to certain reason, this condition will improve. You will be able to spend quality time with them and will most certainly clear out all the misunderstandings.

Unforeseen is yet to come

To your surprise, you will receive sudden and unexpected gains from some resource which you had not thought of. This is the ideal time frame to receive great benefits and monetary gains. Set yourself up for this astounding phase of life.

Little feet will arouse emotional sentiments in you, a blissful period

Jupiter will be having an aspect/influence your 5th house of intelligence which includes children, love and romance and recognition/selection and teaching or realizing what we adore. This period marks satisfaction, happiness and achievement in your life. You will cherish some real glad moments with children around you and to your surprise, will gain new useful knowledge from these little ones. You’ll be extremely happy and this period will be brimming with bliss.

Want to set relationship goals?

Simultaneously you will pass on some remarkable values to others by the mode of teaching. Your love life will be very fruitful. You will build a descent and understandable relationship with your partner. You may also go out for a short get away with your partner, which will work as a cherry on the cake and take your relationship and commitment to a next level.

Planning to give an interview: GO AHEAD!

If you’re preparing for an interview, then chill. There is nothing to worry about as there are very high chances of your selection and that too for your desired position. You will receive a confirmation call/mail.

Fortune favors you

Jupiter will influence your 7th house of Union which incorporates business partnerships, marriage life, relationships, import-export, cooperation, second child. Your official conferences/meetings will be very effective and you might end up landing in a partnership in business venture. Everything will flow very smoothly. Your married life will be happier than it has ever been. A short outing or trip can turn the tables and help you clear any sort of misunderstanding. Overall, your married life will be loaded with love, romance, care and great understanding. If you have some sort of import-export business, it’s time to take your business to another level as you’ll get full support of your stars. You might receive good news as your wife can expect a 2nd baby.

Now let us study about the impact of Aquarius moon sign on:

STUDENTS: Wanted to learn something innovative and productive? Set up your belts as this is the perfect call to put in all your efforts and diligent work into something you’re really passionate about. You will receive full support from your parents and guides. All you need to do is work really hard in order to fulfill your dreams. You will come out with beautiful colors and will leave a positive mark on the society. Parents shall support their kids throughout and believe in them. If you’re someone who loves playing with words, congratulations! You’re on the right path. Your verbal and written skills will stand out extremely well and will favor your career positively. Group studies will be exceptionally advantageous for you. You will learn new methods and techniques which can help you score good results in your exams. Parents shall likewise persuade their children for group studies. Jupiter in Ketu closely conjuncts Sagittarius moon sign which may result in a good friends circle with positive values. This likewise brings about right instinct. SO, you must listen to your gut feeling as there is a very high possibility that things may work according to your instinct.

Professionals: There will be some sudden, unexpected and unplanned business related short distance trips which will be really beneficial for your profession. You will get a descent arrangement for your business. Your boss will be truly impressed with you and might offer you promotion. There will be a development in your decision making abilities. Your gut feeling and instinct will help you take professional decisions. You’ll be able to choose your own good or bad based on this instinct. There are chances of interactions with your ex-colleagues. They may come up with a new career opportunity for you. You will spend a good amount of your income but this will not harm your monetary status as your return will cover all these costs. But, do not overspend!

Businessman/Independent professionals: If you’re an independent professional with Aquarius moon sign then the transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius is going to be a boom for you. Get ready to cherish some extraordinary business opportunities, just have faith in your decisions and ideas. This is indeed a golden opportunity for your business to expand and progress as Lord Jupiter is directly influencing your business house with its 9th aspect. In the course of this period there are high chances that you might restart an old business with a friend or some of your relative. Whenever given an opportunity, take this open door immediately as you won't be baffled this time. Short distance tour will be beneficial for your business as you may earn some good clients.

Progeny: Planning for a baby? Go Ahead! This is the right time for family planning. You will receive good news within a very short span of time reason being Jupiter is in conjunction with Ketu and Ketu gives sudden results. Yet, at the same time you need to have some precautions. It is very important to take care of the expected mother because of this vigorous nature of Ketu. Rest there is nothing to worry about.

Marriage and relationship: If you’re feeling the need of a partner in your life then RELAX because your stars know what you’re exactly craving for. During this period a close friend might come up with a love proposal. If this happens, do not panic or feel cheated, because this person will be having genuine feelings for you. You shall not think of ruining your friendship with him/her instead take this friendship to another level. This will result in a fruitful relationship. You will find yourself in a happy and contended space. Also, if you were having a secret crush on someone since a long period of time, Go Ahead and disclose your feelings to them. Congratulations in advance, because he/she will accept your proposal and there will be beautiful new beginnings. You might also go out for a small trip with your beloved. This will help you to take your love life to a next level. All this while you need to handle every matter with love and tenderness. Rude behavior can affect your relationship adversely. So be cautious about this, rest everything will run smoothly.

Health: Health is not a major concern during this period. Just, do not involve in any conflicts at home or office which can give you stress or result in dysfunctional behavior. Work load can bring about stress yet this can be resolved if you take it easy. Try not to leave the projects and assignments for last day, complete them on time to put yourself away from any sort of stress. Also, there are chances of throat infection so avoid fast food and adapt healthy eating habits.

