Pitru Rin Ke Graha (Planets for Debt of lineage)

(Moon Sign Based)

Pitru Rin Dosha indicates ancestral debt, manifesting through planetary placements. Lal Kitab remedies offer solutions to break these cycles, heal financial and emotional challenges, and transform negative karmic patterns, and improving spiritual growth and family lineage.

Pitru Rin Ke Graha (Planets for Debt of lineage)

What is Pitru Rin or Dosha?

Pitru Rin/Dosha is a certain planetary combination or placement in our Horoscope that indicates where energy is blocked due to lack of gratitude and emotional support at the soul level, especially from our lineage.

Planets also reveal who may be reborn in your family to fulfill these needs. It could be you, or perhaps a great-grandparent or grandmother, who has returned to complete the pending deeds, whether it's positive or negative.


In one family, the same planet gets in abatement status is the strong clue that the family will suffer through the challenges of Pitru Dosha.

Rahu in the 11th house, Saturn in the 4th or 6th house, and Mercury will in 2nd, 3rd, 8th, or 12th houses in family members' horoscopes.

Vedic Astrology prescribes predictions based on Moon Sign for more accuracy. Do not know your Moon Sign? Find out instantly for FREE by filling the form below!

Insights from Lal Kitab on What and why Runa/Rin and Dosha play a significant role?

Even though having an innocent approach and honest personality, we all face hurdles and challenges in terms of finances, relationships, and the most challenging chronic health issues, whether it is mental anxiety or unforeseen challenges that affect our close ones, sometimes leaving them bedridden. But Lal Kitab, which is popularly known for its exhaustive work on behavioral patterns, can see the minute mistakes and ignorance in our personality traits that manifest through the planetary placement in our horoscope.

Somewhere in the mind, the stagnant emotions and challenges manifest in the form of anger, jealousy, and hatred, and Lal Kitab's in-depth analysis helps us to find the clues on how to overcome those hurdles that manifest in the form of Pitru Dosha in our life.

As per Lal Kitab, symptoms in the horoscope and behavioral patterns or any chronic health issues also manifest in the dosha.

For Example:

As per Lal Kitab, any planet in the 9th house, or in the house of Jupiter, that has an inimical relationship with Jupiter or for the Ninth house, starts to weaken the strength of Jupiter and can cause the Pitru Dosha.

A similar principle works as per Vedic Astrology when the 9th lord or 6th Lord makes a relationship in the horoscope, causing debt of lineage.

That will manifest in the form of not having the same opinion as the father and mentor causing a loss of opportunity and challenge to have the company of the father. This causes a lack of faith in the idealism of family and a wandering approach, causing loss in career and finance.

This combination signifies that challenges will arise, but they can be addressed with a problem-solving approach. To help with this, Lal Kitab recommends performing the Ghar Kyam Karna or Nullifying the negative result of that planet by donating the things related to that planet in the name of the forefather.

Lack of gratitude and emotion is the reason that the blessing of Pitru gets deformed and causes Pitru Rin/dosha. But thanks to our cultural heritage and the great scholar of Astrology with different branches like BPHS and the mystic book Lal Kitab, who found out the solution for this Pitru Rin/Dosha.

Simplification of Pitru Runa/Dosha as per Lal Kitab

We are blessed to live in a great culture where we celebrate debt and dependency in the form of rituals, transmitting blessings through offerings to our ancestors across all castes and religions. However, the lack of information and understanding creates a gap that cause hurdle to have the blessing of knowledge and lead Pitru’s Dosa. It is important to clear this out and understand how Pitru Rin/Dosha plays a significant role in our lives through Lal Kitab, and why it manifests in our lives.

We all are here on earth living our lives as independent personalities, but on the micro level, each one of us is connected and transmits energy. This is why help and support must be shared among us, so that debt or dosha/deformity will not be there. This was observed by our ancestral scholars who have given this information through Astrological text like BPHS OR Lal Kitab.

Our great Sages and scholars of astrology were aware of how nature works, how to maintain equilibrium, and why is it important to ensure that debt or dosha/deformity will not passed on a future generation.

They were highly conscious and aware that nature and other creatures play a significant role in our lives to make it easy. During this process, we all become dependent on each other whether it’s for physical help or emotional support.

This dependency is celebrated in the form of festivals, donations of food, and helping others, protecting nature, but a lack of knowledge transition and generational gap cause energy deficiency because of not giving support or not thinking for each other and for the next generation.

How does the Astrological remedy as per Lal Kitab Help to get rid of Pitru Rin/Dosha?

The seventh-generation thinking was well used in Lal Kitab and this book also simplifies the remedy suggested in the Vedic Astrological text, BPHS, by our ancestors to protects us from the deformity that manifests in the form of anger, jealousy, lust, unusual desires, ego, and attachment and eventually manifests as anxiety, stress, and overthinking that drags towards disease and many other problems. All these problems were termed Pitru Dosha in the horoscope and can be overcome through donations or by simply changing the behavioral patterns, as suggested steps by the expert analysis, based on Lal Kitab.


If you have a Question you can ask our Astrologers

How Many types of Rin are there in any horoscope and how does the dosha or Rina cause challenges?

Each one of us is connected and reciprocates with each other through nature, and the cosmos, influenced by our deeds. Lal Kitab helps us to get rid of the Rin/debt which is required to sustain our live. Even the debt from our lineage gives us the blessings to understand where the loopholes and mistakes lie, so that we can rework them in this birth.

Rinu manifests through the planets as follows and when it gets deeply analyzed with our expert of Lal Kitab Astrologer, the unique Remedy invents that will work only for you and your family and help you get rid of ancestral problems, relief from relationship challenges, and give abundance and peace.

To decode which planet corresponds to which debt, and to identify the combination of remedies, an expert Lal Kitab Astrologer analyze your horoscope and helps you rid yourself of the Pitru Dosha.

However, the suggested remedy for Pitru Rin/Dosha as per Lal Kitab also needs your effort to make the correction in your karma/deeds. Remember, it could be you from your lineage, so it is important to understand which planets signify which deed and cause the Rin/Debt of Pitru.

  • Sun: Debt from your deeds (Rin Apna)
  • Moon: Debt from mother/maternal family
  • Mars: Debt from friends
  • Mercury: Debt from Sisters and Aunt
  • Jupiter: Debt from Mentor, parental or lineage Guru
  • Venus: Debt from feminine energy
  • Saturn: Debt because of your wrong deeds related to hurting others emotionally and physically.
  • Rahu: Debt because of conspiracy from your end to cheat others.
  • Ketu: Nature curse due to not having care for it.

When we dive deep into remedies, we are amazed by in-depth research, or we can say the divine blessings, that the Lal-Kitab Author, Roopchand Joshi Ji, received and passed on to practitioners and expert Lal Kitab Astrologers. All the remedies are co-related, showing how to overcome the challenges that are genetically inbuilt within us. This is why the D12, D27 and D60 are significant.

For Example, in Lal Kitab, the remedy for certain planetary placements suggests burning specific items and flowing the remaining (Bhasma) Ash in a river. Bhasamsa is associated with D27 commonly known as SaptaVimsamsa (Strength and weakness) , closely connected to our DNA. That’s why our great rishis and scholars of Astrology emphasized the practice of Bahsma lep (offering Belva or certain wood ash offering) Bhasma to Shiv linga. It is one of the remedies for Mercury.

Lal Kitab is known for its remedy, but the misconception and not implementing those in the right guidance, causes backfire. It works like a prescribed medicine and comes from an expert Lal Kitab Astrologer. And Pitur Dosha's remedy requires the family horoscope to find out how that works in lineages and who will be the right person to break the chain.

Lal Kitab Guidance will help you work on these and find out the right approach at the right time to liberate your lineage and yourself from the chronic challenges whether it's financial, emotional, relationship, or most importantly, your spiritual upliftment journey.


Astrological Remedies

We shall be suggesting a remedy only if there is a genuine need for the same. Please understand that the remedy cannot be the short route to success but it can help you tide over the difficult astrological times. more

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