Jupiter-Saturn transit in different moon signs can have both good and bad repercussions in the life of a new-born. This article focuses on the effects of Saturn and Jupiter transit during childbirth and how it affects the 12 moon signs.
During pregnancy, the body of a female goes through many changes making the entire experience exciting and joyful along with periods filled with feelings of overwhelm, stress and fear. For predicting the childbirth according to the Vedic astrology, it is essential to know the houses and their lord along with the good and evil effects on the baby.
In the case of the planet Saturn, it takes around 30 years to complete or cross through all the moon signs. Known to be a strict and most disciplined teacher of all the planets, Saturn rewards its native with rewards for good deed from the previous life or birth and vice versa. It is generally the most feared planet as well because of its Sade Sati and Dhhaiya phases.
This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:
On the other hand, Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System and is considered as the most promising planet according to the Vedic astrology. It helps in enhancing the spiritual side of an individual and brings it to the forefront. He is also known to grant the blessing of financial growth while improving the lifestyle status of the native.
The transits of Jupiter and Saturn according to the Moon signs have been known to bring both good and bad effects in the life of the newborn with respect to the precise placement of both them in the chart of the child at the time of birth. In the following article, we will be totally focusing on the moon sign and the effects of Saturn and Jupiter transits according to the children born under the 12 moon signs.
As per the Aries Sign, Jupiter is the Lord of the 9th (Fortune) house whereas; Saturn rules over the 10th (career) and 11th (Income) houses respectively that indicates that Jupiter and Saturn play an essential role for the Aries Child. If Jupiter and Saturn have a strong placement according to the child’s native chart, then without a single doubt it rests assured that he or she will taste the flavor of success and stability in life especially in the area of education and career. But it is imperative that one is mindful that Saturn and Jupiter should not move in a retrograde motion, otherwise it will show ill effects on the over the development of the child. This reverse motion may result in the child developing an aggressive, violent and stubborn nature.
According to the Taurus moon sign, Saturn is the Lord of the 9th (Fortune) and the 10th (Career) houses. On the other hand, Jupiter rules over the 8th (Age Factor) and the 11th (Income) houses. If the placement of Jupiter along with Saturn’s placement does not complement each other, it will not be good news for the income and profession of the child in the future. The child may fall prey to depression and anxiety and probably will not be able to focus on important things in life.
As claimed by the Gemini moon sign, Jupiter is the Lord of the 7th (marriage and business) and 10th (Career or profession) housed whereas; Saturn happens to be the ruler of the 8th (age factor) and the 9th (fortune) houses, thus the placement of both the planets happens to be in favor of the Gemini child. If the placement of both Saturn and Jupiter do not be a foil for each other, the child may have to face issues in his or her career and loss of fortune in future life. He or she may become unreliable and impulsive in nature if there is a retrograde motion of both or either of the planets (Jupiter and Saturn).
For Cancer child, Jupiter will be in the 6th house which is the house of the enemy, health, and debts along with the 9th house which stands for fortune. Similarly, Saturn will rule over the 7th house which stands for marriage and business as well as the 8th house which symbolizes the age factor for the cancer child. In Gemini moon sign, the role of Jupiter is crucial as it is important to have good placement of Jupiter for experiencing a good marital life along with partner (both in terms of life-partner and business-partner).
In case of the Leo moon sign, Jupiter is the lord of the 5th house which stands for study, intelligence, gains, and love along with the 8th house which represents the age factor of the Leo child. In the case of Saturn, it is ruling over the 6th house of the enemy, debt and health club with 7th house of marriage and business. Thus, both Jupiter and Saturn will play an important role for Leo birth child.
As per the Virgo moon sign, Jupiter is the lord of the 4th (family, relations & property matters) house along with the 7th (Marriage and Business) house. As for the Saturn planet, it rules over the 5th (study, intelligence, love, and gain) house along with the 6th house of health, debt and enemy. If Jupiter and Saturn are not placed well in the native chart of the child at the time of birth; he or she become over analytical and impulsive in nature. Therefore, it is crucial for both the planet to be in harmony and well positioned in the native chart of the child.
With respect to the Libra moon sign, Saturn is the most important planet in the birth chart of the child where it rules the 4th house which stands for family relationship and property matter and the 5th house which signifies study, intelligence, love, and gain for the child. Whereas; Jupiter happens to be the lord of the 3rd house symbolizing gallantry, sibling, and travel along with the 6th House of debt, health, and enemy. Imbalance of either of the planet or both Saturn and Jupiter at the time of birth in the native chart may make the child pretty indecisive and extremely diplomatic (more than the healthy limits considered).
As per the Scorpio moon sign, Jupiter is the most important planet in the child’s birth chart. This is because Jupiter is the Lord of the 2nd house of wealth and the 5th house of study, intelligence, gain and love. On the other hand, Saturn governs the 3rd house of gallantry, sibling and travel and the 4th house of family relationships and property matters. These transits play a crucial role in the life of the Scorpio child. If there is a slight imbalance of either of the planets Jupiter and Saturn during the time of the birth of the baby in the native chart, it may have adverse effects on the child as the child may become a violent, manipulative, secretive and extremely jealous personality in future.
For Sagittarius native child, Jupiter is the most crucial of all planets in the native chart. He is lord of the 1st ascent house of personality and character along with the 4th house of family relationships and property matter. As for the Saturn, it rules over the 2nd house of wealth and the 3rd house of gallantry, sibling, and travel. Just in case (let’s hope against it) that either of the planets Jupiter or Saturn go off balance during the birth time in the native or birth chart of the child, it may have side effects on the child. The child may become impatient, careless, over-confident and inconsistent in nature and things will grow as he/she grows.
Saturn is considered as the most essential planet for the Capricorn child as he is the Lord of the 1st ascendant house of personality and character along with the 2nd house of wealth. Whereas, Jupiter rules over the 3rd house of gallantry, sibling and travel and the 12th house of spirituality, expense & travel. One needs to be careful that neither Jupiter nor Saturn should show any retrograde motion during the time of birth in the native chart of the child as it may cause the child to become pessimistic, shy, stubborn or moody in nature.
In the case of the Aquarius moon sign both Jupiter and Saturn are equally important for the child in their native chart. In this moon sign, Jupiter is the lord of the 2nd house of wealth and the 11th house of income. On the other hand, Saturn is the ruler of the 1st ascendant house of personality and character and the 12th house of spirituality, expense, and travel. On the off chance, if either of the planets either Jupiter or Saturn is a bit off track during the time of birth in the native or birth chart, the child may become an extremist, detached, unpredictable, stubborn and aloof in nature.
In case of Pisces moon sign, Jupiter is the most important planet and hence is the lord of the 1st ascendant house of personality and character and the 10th house of career or profession whereas Saturn, on the other hand, rules the 11th house of income and the 12th house of expense, spirituality, and travel. If either Jupiter or Saturn is slightly off the balance during the time of the birth of the Pisces child as per the native chart, the child may become weak-willed, over-sensitive, pessimistic, escapist, and lazy in his/her nature or attitude towards life in future.
Just in case you want to know if your child has both Jupiter and Saturn positioned well in his/her birth or native chart, then simply click here to get your child’s astrological report or visit www.indastro.com in order to take a look at the various services offered by us for making your astrological problem a little easy.
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