It is utmost important for a person to choose the right Gemstone before planning to wear one. The mystical and magical colors of all the gemstone have different effects on the human body. Wearing the gemstone has strong effects (both positive and negative) on the psycho-physical health and well-being of the human body and life. According to historical belief, Gemstone is believed to be powerhouses of energy, fortune, good luck, protector from evil energy and effects, peace, prosperity, love, name and fame; happiness, and many more.
According to Vedic Astrology, Gemstones are worn according to the Ascendant Lord and the Moon Sign along with its friendly planets. The Gemstones of the Ascendant, Centre, and Trine are generally considered to be good for the wearer. According to the belief, the ascendant is the representative of a person’s personality and health (both mental and physical). Gemstones worn according to ascendant and friendly group offer all the positive a person expects and desire the most such as wealth, prosperity, good health, love, success, good luck, good career, growth, happy married life, long life, and many more. Usually, it is good to wear that gemstone whose ruler or lords are related to the Centre or the Trine houses. One should generally avoid those planets related to the 6th and the 8th houses.
It is important that the individual should consult good and certified astrology or specialist before wearing a gemstone and get his or her birth chart thoroughly analyzed.
According to the Vedic astrology, Red Coral is known to possess supernatural powers to calm down the agitated planet Mars. Being the first Sign of the zodiac, Aries is a pioneer or a champion along with being an inventor in nature who is always charged and ready to face new challenges every single second of their life. Being a fire sign with Mars as the Ascendant of the moon sign, Aries believe in living in the moment and moves pretty swiftly.
Apart from the birthstone, the Lucky Stone for Aries moon sign will be Yellow Sapphire with ruling Lord Jupiter which rules over the 9th House of Fortune and spirituality and the 12th House of overseas success. Other friendly stones will be Pearl (ruled by the planet Moon) which rules over the 4th House of family relation especially with Mother, property matters and Vehicles. Next Gemstone in the friendly category is Ruby which is ruled by the String Sun which rules over the 5th House of study, intelligence, gain, love, pleasure, and creativity.
In the case of Taurus moon sign, the Diamond is the gemstone for Venus which is the Lord and Ascendant of the moon sign. Venus is famously known as the Significator or ‘Karak’ of wealth and is the main culprit behind the happy and pleasant feelings, positive approach in the relation of a person and is a huge reason behind the great expectations humans have from their relationships. The Diamond bestows the Taurus native with a disposition of being a quiet, calm, diligent, determined, methodical and traditional in his or her approach to life. Opal being the substitute of Diamond can also be worn by the Taurus moon sign.
The lucky stone for a Taurus moon sign would be Blue Sapphire which is ruled by the planet Saturn. Saturn is the lord of the 9th house of fortune and the 10th house of career or profession; hence, the stone will ensure success in native’s career or profession. Apart from the birthstone and the lucky stone, Emerald is also a friendly stone that will be beneficial for Taurus. Mercury rules the 2nd house of wealth and communication which means it will help the native in saving for the ones who face a hard time doing so. Mercury also rules the 5th House of education, intelligence, love relationship gains, pleasure, and creativity.
As per the Vedic Astrology, Emerald (Panna) speaks to the planet Mercury and is the Ascendant and lord of the Gemini moon sign, the planet that is the ruler of the brain and its powers. Wearing Emerald helps the Gemini native in improving their wisdom and in addition, can deepen their intelligence. As spoken to by Twins, Gemini is an Air Sign with Mercury as the Lord of the moon sign. As a matter of fact, Gemini natives are great at performing various tasks and are known to be incredible writers (both fiction and poets). The versatile kind of abilities of Gemini moon sign can benefit the world and the flexible nature of the Gemini native will be profitable on the professional front. As has been mentioned in the Vedic Astrology, emerald is famous for being an extremely creative and innovative gemstone and consequently, designates the same set of powers to its moon sign, Gemini. Since Jade is the substitute of Emerald, hence, Gemini moon sign can also wear Jade.
The Lucky Gemstone for Gemini will be Blue Sapphire with Saturn as the Lord of the 9th House of Fortune and the 8th House of sudden gains. Diamond or Opal will be also a good option for the Gemini native. Diamond or Opal has Venus as its Lord that rules over the 5th House of education, intelligence, love relationship gains, pleasure, and creativity.
As suggested by Vedic Astrology, Moon reflects or mirrors the human personality which further affects our process of thinking. Pearl being the representative of Moon as an Ascendant, helps the Cancer native to maintain equilibrium in our mind. Pearl plays an essential role for cancer moon sign in boosting the career of the native with the innovativeness and uniqueness of the way he or she thinks and helps them to come up with new ideas that will beneficial for the native to excel in their respective fields. It intensifies the native’s thinking power and sharpens the memory of the wearer.
The lucky stone for Cancer is Yellow Sapphire with Jupiter and the lord of the stone ruling over the 9th House of fortune and spirituality. Apart from the lucky stone, red Coral is also a friendly gemstone that can be donned by Cancer moon sign with Mars as the Lord which rules over the 5th house of education, intelligence, love relationship gains, pleasure, and creativity. Another good option for Cancer will be Ruby with Sun as the Lord which rules over the 2nd House of wealth.
As per astrology, Ruby speaks to Sun, who is the lord and ascendant for Leo moon sign. As a Leo, the native is known to be pretty orderly and. As a Leo, an individual has the ability to make big decisions, thanks to the strong headed attitude towards life that further boosts your confidence. It is with the unfailing support of Ruby; the Leo native can circuitously receive the blessing of healthy life as this gemstone is sworn to guard the wearer against bad health, financial losses; helps to boost self-confidence while correcting any issues related to speech.
The lucky stone for Leo will be Red Coral with mars as the Lord and it rules over the 4th house of family relations especially the mother and travels. The next in the lines of favorable gemstone for Leo will be Yellow Sapphire with Jupiter as its Lord and it rules over the 5th house of education, intelligence, and love relationship gains, pleasure and creativity and the 8th House of age factor.
Since Virgo is the 6th sign in the zodiac framework and is an Earth sign which is ruled by the planet Mercury; it gives its native a practical or realistic personality and flair at imparting ideas to individuals and a fascination towards nature. Since the lord of Virgo moon sign is planet Mercury, they have the inborn talent for taking care of business effectively. It is said that Mercury has a strong connection with speech and voice, and because of this, Virgo natives have a special power of the word that comes easily to them or without much effort.
Diamond is the Lucky Stone for Virgo with Venus as the Lord and it rules over the 9th House of fortune and spirituality and the 2nd House of wealth. Apart from Diamond, Blue Sapphire is another gemstone that is favorable to the Virgo moon sign with Saturn as its Lord which rules over the 5th house of education, intelligence, love relationship gains, pleasure, and creativity.
In case of Libra is ruled by Venus which is represented by the dazzling Diamond in the gemstone category. Venus as an Ascendant chiefly classifies with the emotion that is connected with love and romance, sensuality, humble behavior, wealth and refinement, prosperity, culture, affection, luxury, politeness, manners, excellence and creative outlook of the native. Libra is known as the quietest, the uncomplicated and relaxed up sign of all and moon signs.
Emerald is the lucky Stone for Libra moon sign. Mercury is the lord of Emerald and rules over the 9th House of fortune and the 12th House of overseas travels. Blue sapphire is also a favorable gemstone for Libra with Saturn as the lord of the gemstone and it rules over the 4th House of family relations especially with Mother and property matters and the 5th House of education, intelligence, love relationship gains, pleasure, and creativity.
Scorpio with Mars as its Ascendant is the most complicated and most powerful sign at the same time. Scorpio likewise has the inner strength which comes after one has experienced their inner devils and greatest feelings of trepidation or fear and defeats them. Ruled by the Fiery planet Mars, Red Coral stone gemstone brings in the feeling of a high adrenaline rush, courage, straight-forward attitude, truthful, the independence which is a must-have by every Scorpio native to surmount every one of the hurdles he or she may have to face in life.
The lucky stone for Scorpio is Pearl with Moon as the lord and it rules the 9th House of Fortune and spirituality. Followed by the lucky stone, ruby is another friendly stone which has Sun as its Lord and it rules over the 10th House of career or profession and the 4th House of family relations especially with Mother and property matters. Yellow Sapphire also goes well with the Scorpio sign with Jupiter as the lord of the gemstone and it rules over the 2nd house of wealth and the 5th House of education, intelligence, love relationship gains, pleasure, and creativity.
Yellow Sapphire is the stone that speaks to the positive forces and powers of the planet Jupiter according to the Vedic astrology. Known to be a classic benefic planet; Jupiter as an Ascendant of Sagittarius moon sign talks of divine grace and direction, ultimate knowledge, good education, enormous fortune and luck, and the insightful ability of speech clubbed with soaring intellect.
The lucky stone for Sagittarius moon sign is Ruby with Sun as the lord and it rules over the 9th House of fortune and spirituality. Red Coral is another friendly stone which can be adorned by the Sagittarius native. Red Coral speaks to the planet Mars and it rules over the 5th House of education, intelligence, love relationship gains, pleasure and creativity and the 12th House of overseas travels.
Since Blue Sapphire is the stone associated with the planet Saturn, it has all the peculiarities of the planet. Saturn as an ascendant for Capricorn helps the native in straining out all the negative forces and energy so that the persona of a person is further refined and helps the native to come out with butterfly colors.
The Lucky stone for Capricorn is Emerald, with Mercury as the lord which rules over the 9th House of Fortune of the Capricorn birth chart. Diamond is also a friendly stone and can be worn by Capricorn native. Diamond speaks to Venus which rules the 5th House of education, intelligence, love relationship gains, pleasure and creativity and the 10th House of career or profession in the Capricorn native’s birth chart.
The Saturn impact on Aquarius on Aquarius both as the lord and the ascendant, bestows the native with the gift of divine wisdom and instinct, profound intelligence Be that as it may the Aquarian believes in increasingly genuine, philosophical thought and the capacity to see things from a 'higher' perspective as opposed to only for the fulfillment of the self-image or one's material solace.
The lucky stone for Aquarius is Diamond with Venus as the lord and it rules over the 9th House of Fortune and the 4th House of family relations especially with the Mother and property related matters.
As an ethereal water sign, a Pisces moon sign is notable for being spectacular sentimental and extremely empathetic. A Pisces moon sign's major wish is the need or craving to be felt required which makes them the most unswerving of companions. Yellow Sapphire is the gemstone assigned for Pisces and speaks to the planet Jupiter who is the lord and ascendant of the moon sign.
The lucky gemstone for Pisces is red coral with Mars as the Lord of the 9th House of fortune and spirituality and the 2nd House of wealth. Pearl is a complementing gemstone for Pisces with Moon as its lord who rules over the 5th house of education, intelligence, love relationship gains, pleasure, and creativity.
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