Every ascendant or the rising sign in the horoscope has its uniqueness. That gives the native a personality that is very different from the others. By analyzing the horoscope one can determine the most suitable business options for each ascendant sign.
It takes a lot of guts for a person along with sharp business acumen to dive into the world of independent business and being the owner of your own work. Even though it gives the feeling of ownership and independence, it is still a nerve-wracking decision or choice that one makes. But before making this strong move, wouldn’t it be good if you knew if independent business and the type of business that will suit you beforehand? Well, Vedic astrology helps you in knowing and taking the decision of getting down with your business.
According to Vedic astrology, there are multiple strong placements, conjunctions, and interchanges that give a powerful indication of success in the business for all the 12 ascendants.
This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:
Here, we will discuss the career astrology prediction for the lucky businesses for all the 12 ascendants.
Just in case, if you have any complexity or reservations about which zodiac sign is your Ascendant’ then Indastro will help find a solution to it! Simply click here and get to know your ascendant right away and then get to know the profession prediction of the native as per the birth chart!
As per the Aries ascendant, Mars is the ruler planet of the zodiac. Apart from the ruler, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter are the most favorable planets for the success of the native in the career or profession of business. The business field that will suit the Aries ascendant the most will be:
For the Taurus ascendant, Venus is the ruling planet. The most favorable planets for consistent growth in business for the Taurus native are Saturn and Mercury. Fields of business that suit well to the Taurus ascendant are:
In accordance with the Gemini ascendant, Mercury is the ruling planet for the zodiac. The planets Jupiter and Venus play a crucial role in the constant growth story for a Gemini native who chooses business as his or her career or profession. The business lines that suit the Gemini native the most are:
According to the cancer ascendant, Moon is the ruler of the Zodiac sign and Mars and Sun are the two most important planets when it comes to the consideration of the choice of career as a business> for the native. The business profiles that suit the Cancer native are:
Sun is the ruling planet for the Leo ascendant and the most essential planets for the rapid growth and success for the native in business are none other than Venus and Mars. The business choices that will help Leo native to have a prosperous and better future are:
As per the Virgo ascendant, Mercury is the ruling planet of the zodiac sign. Venus and Saturn happen to play a very important role in the prediction of the lucky business for the ascendant. Following are the lucky business by the date of birth of the native:
For the Libra ascendant, Venus is the ascendant Lord. Moon and Saturn are the two most crucial planets that help in the prediction of business by the date of birth of the native in accordance with their zodiac sign. The following are the best and beneficial business fields for Libra are:
According to the Scorpio Ascendant, Mars is the ruler of the zodiac sign. Mars and Mercury are the two planets that play a major role in the prediction of the business and its rate of success for the native of the zodiac sign. The best business options for the Scorpio will be:
In the case of Sagittarius ascendant, Jupiter is the ruler of the zodiac sign. Mars and Mercury play a significant role in the success story of the native in the chosen field of business during their lifetime. The business field that will yield major profits for the Sagittarius ascendants are:
Saturn is the ruling planet for this zodiac sign. Venus and Saturn play a very important role in order to get huge profits and gains from the business for the native through his or her life. Just in case the native has thoughts to go for business as a good career prospect, the following are some good and beneficial business fields for them:
For the Aquarius ascendant; Saturn is the ruling planet. In order to make big in business, the Aquarius native needs a good placement of Mars and Jupiter in their natal chart which will bring high rates of success and growth for him or her. The business fields that will remain favorable for the Aquarius native are:
The Pisces ascendant is ruled by the planet Jupiter as its Lord. Mars and Jupiter play a very crucial role in bringing growth and prosperity for the native if he or she chooses to take business as a profession. The business fields that will remain in favor of these natives are:
Please note down that these are general business field recommended entirely on the basis of each ascendant. It may further vary according to the placement of the planets in the chart from person to person. For this reason, only after a detailed horoscope reading can one is acquainted with of the precise fields of business as per the certain being.
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