Good Dates to Buy Property in November

Would November be a good month for you to invest in property? Would your financial quotient support you to plan a purchase this month? If yes, what are your good dates for purchasing property in November? Read this article to find out.

Good Dates to Buy Property in November

Purchasing a property is a celebration as it connotes positivity, growth, progress, happiness and, above all, financial security in everyone’s life. Hence, it is wise to consider the auspicious days, best nakshatra and good dates while buying property.


Planets that influence the purchase of property

  • Mars, Jupiter and Venus are the planets that are responsible for creating possibilities for purchasing a property. Property is generally purchased in the dashas/periods of Jupiter, Venus or Mars.


Houses that influence the purchase of property

  • 1st house of self throws light on the selection of property, corresponding with your attitude and personality.
  • 2nd house of wealth and savings indicates the amount of money you can shell out for buying a property.
  • 4th house of property indicates whether you will inherit property.
  • 11th house is that of gains and fulfillment of desires, which will help you outline the sufficient amount of money for purchasing property.

It can be concluded that when Jupiter, Mars and Venus are transiting or aspecting 4th, 8th and 11th houses it is a beneficial period for the purchase of property.


Nakshatras favorable for purchasing property

  • Rohini, UttaraAshadha, UttaraBhadrapada, Uttara Phalguni are the favourable constellations/nakshatras for purchasing any property.


Directions to be kept in mind while purchasing property

  • The entrance of the property should be East facing for overall prosperity.
  • Slope of the property should be from West to East or South to North.
  • The North direction of the property should not be blocked as it brings prosperity and wealth.


Good time for purchase of property

The main period of the 2nd, 4th, 9th, and 11th house lords is capable of providing the ability to purchase property, depending on certain aspects:

  • Sun and Mars bring properties in middle age.
  • Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Rahu bring property at an early age.
  • Saturn and Ketu may bring property at a mature age after 50.


Transit of planets in November that will bear an impact

  • Mercury will be in Libra
  • Venus will be in Libra
  • Venus enters Scorpio on 11th November
  • Mars falls back in Taurus on 13th November
  • Sun enters Scorpio on 16th November 2022
  • Jupiter turns direct in Pisces on 24th November
  • Saturn will be in Capricorn


What are your GOOD DATES for purchasing property in November?



For Aries property horoscope, Mars is the lord of the ascendant. The significator of property, Mars is placed in the 3rd house of initiative in the first half of November and will fall back in the house of wealth in the latter half of November. Moon is the lord of the 4th house of property. The 2nd house lord of wealth, Venus is placed in the 7th house in conjunction with Sun, Mercury and Ketu - which will give mixed financial results. Saturn is placed in the 10th house of career and aspects the 4th house, which will cause delay in results. Jupiter is placed in the 12th house of expenditure and aspects the 4th house of property, indicating delay in property matters. You may cherish a dream to buy property in Read More



For Taurus property horoscope, Venus is the lord of the ascendant. The significator of property, Mars is placed in the 2nd house of wealth in the first half of November and will fall back in the house of ascendant in the latter half of November. Sun is the lord of the 4th house of property. The 2nd house lord of wealth, Mercury is placed in the 6th house in conjunction with Sun, Venus and Ketu in Libra and will give positive financial results. Saturn is placed in the 9th house of luck and aspects the 11th house, which will bring you beneficial results with gains. Jupiter is placed in the 11th house of gains, indicating good deals in property matters. You will be blessed with beneficial results this month in relation to the purchase of Read More



For Gemini property horoscope, Mercury is the lord of the ascendant. The significator of property, Mars is placed in the 1st/ascendant house of self in the first half of November and will fall back in the 12th house of expenditure in the latter half of November. The 2nd house lord of wealth is Moon. Mercury is the lord of the 4th house of property and is placed in the 5th house in conjunction with Sun, Venus and Ketu that will give you mixed financial results. Saturn is placed in the 8th house of ancestral property and Jupiter is placed in the 10th house of career and status, indicating good budget plan is mandatory in property matters. You will have minor setbacks in the consistency of inflow of money during this month as the Read More



For Cancer property horoscope, Moon is the lord of the ascendant. The significator of property, Mars is placed in the 12th house of expenditure in the first half of November and will fall back in the 11th house of gains in the latter half of November. The 2nd house lord of wealth is Sun. Venus is the lord of the 4th house of property and is placed in the 4th house in conjunction with Sun, Mercury and Ketu that will give positive results. Saturn is placed in the 7th house of partnership and Jupiter is placed in the 9th house of luck, visualizing dream come true in property matters. The Cancer sign is the most nurturing and caring in the world, so creating the aura of security becomes a prime importance for you. The accumulation of wealth in Read More



For Leo property horoscope, Sun is the lord of the ascendant. Mars is the lord of the 4th house of property. The significator of property, Mars is placed in the 11th house of gains in the first half of November and will fall back in the 10th house of career and status in the latter half of November. The 2nd house lord of wealth is Mercury, placed in the 3rd house in conjunction with Sun, Venus and Ketu that will give you positive results. Saturn is placed in the 6th house of loan and debts and Jupiter is placed in the 8th house of ancestral property, blessing you with stability and security in property matters. November will be favorable for you with contentment over money matters and your financial stability will be accurate and strong for Read More



For Virgo property horoscope, Mercury is the lord of the ascendant. Mars is the lord of the 3rd house of courage and initiative. The significator of property, Mars is placed in the 10th house of career and status in the first half of November and will fall back in the 9th house of luck in the latter half of November. The 2nd house lord of wealth is Venus, placed in the 2nd house in conjunction with Sun, Mercury and Ketu that will give you encouraging results. Saturn is placed in the 5th house of creativity and speculation. Jupiter is the lord of the 4th house of property and placed in the 7th house of partnership, initiating you to make efforts for the consistency of flow of wealth for property matters. You will have the fortune of consistency in Read More



For Libra property horoscope, Venus is the lord of the ascendant in conjunction with Sun, Mercury and Ketu that will give a mixed perception to your nature. The significator of property, Mars is placed in the 9th house of luck in the first half of November and will fall back in the 8th house of hurdle or inheritance in the latter half of November. The 2nd house lord of wealth is Mars. Saturn is the lord of the 4th house of property and is placed in the 4th house which may cause delays in the realization of purchasing of property. Jupiter is placed in the 6th house and therefore this period is not conducive for loans or mortgage of finance/property. November is appropriate for you in terms of accumulating wealth and the need for disciplined Read More



For Scorpio property horoscope, Mars is the lord of the ascendant. The significator of property, Mars is placed in the 8th house of hurdles and inheritance in the first half of November and will fall back in the 7th house of partnership in the latter half of November. The 2nd house lord of wealth is Jupiter. Saturn is the lord of the 4th house of property and is placed in the 3rd house of initiative whereas Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Ketu are in the 12th house of expenditure, indicating mixed but positive results in property matters. The month of November will be excellent for you in terms of finances. You will have the possibility for good monetary gains in the form of good earnings from your profession. You will have a full bag of Read More



For Sagittarius property horoscope, Jupiter is the lord of the ascendant. The significator of property, Mars is placed in the 7th house of partnership in the first half of November and will fall back in the 6th house of debts in the latter half of November. The 2nd house lord of wealth is Saturn. Venus is the lord of the 11th house of gains and is placed in the 11th house in conjunction with Sun, Mercury, and Ketu that will give you positive results. Jupiter is the lord of the 4th house of property and placed in the 4th house of property, revealing the necessity for you to read documents carefully related to property matters. November indicates a good financial roll for you and growth in the financial arena without much effort. But it becomes Read More



For Capricorn property horoscope, Saturn is the lord of the ascendant. The significator of property, Mars is the lord of the 4th house of property and is placed in the 6th house of loan in the first half of November and will fall back in the 5th house of speculation in the latter half of November. The 2nd house lord of wealth is Saturn. Venus is the lord of the 10th house of career and is placed in the 10th house in conjunction with Sun, Mercury and Ketu that will give you positive results. Jupiter is placed in the 3rd house of initiatives that indicates delay in the purchase of property but no denial in property matters. You will have the opportunity to purchase property in the latter half of the month as the first part of the month will have your bags Read More



For Aquarius property horoscope, Saturn is the lord of the ascendant. The significator of property, Mars is placed in the 5th house of speculation in the first half of November and will fall back in the 4th house of property in the latter half of November. The 2nd house lord of wealth is Saturn. Venus is the lord of the 4th house of property and is placed in the 9th house of luck in conjunction with Sun, Mercury and Ketu that will give encouraging results. Saturn is placed in the 12th house of expenditure and Jupiter is placed in the 2nd house of wealth, revealing that your dream will come true in property matters. You will have the opportunity to sell some old properties in the market with good profit, which will help you in investing Read More



For Pisces property horoscope, Jupiter is the lord of the ascendant. The significator of property, Mars is placed in the 4th house of property in the first half of November and will fall back in the 3rd house of efforts in the latter half of November. The 2nd house lord of wealth is Mars. Mercury is the lord of the 4th house of property and is placed in the 8th house of inheritance in conjunction with Sun, Venus and Ketu that will give positive results. Saturn is placed in the 11th house of gains and Jupiter is placed in the 1st house of self and is the lord of the 10th house of career, indicating the purchase of property. The Pisces property horoscope indicates that your financial quotient will be sufficient with good earnings from career ventures and Read More

