Engineers Day (India) : 15th Sept- Astrological Analysis

Today is International Internet Day. Since the year 2005, this Day is celebrated across the world, every year on 29th of October. Internet has been an Engineering marvel and Engineers across the world have been appreciated for developing this worldwide web which today is the backbone of the Digital Era. Now let us understand Astrology behind a person becoming an Engineer.Engineers Day article has the astrological significance of the combination of planets and houses for an engineering profession. The article describes that everyone’s horoscope has a particular combination which helps them in choosing an appropriate career path.

Engineers Day (India) : 15th Sept- Astrological Analysis


Engineering is a dynamic profile. Engineers are not the ones who sit back and see the world changing; they in fact, make the world change. Using a healthy mix of innovation and knowledge, they bring ideas into reality. Finding solutions to critical technical problems of the world is another major task that engineers strive to fulfill.

With so much at stake, effective engineers are needed by small and large organizations, across the globe. While it is a fascinating career with a humungous universal demand, it isn’t a cakewalk to become a good engineer. Besides, more common factors, there are some specific astrological factors which contribute in making of a successful engineer.

As we celebrate Engineer’s Day on 15 September to recognize the contribution of engineers in the development of the nation, and to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, a prominent civil engineer, we bring you some astrological facts that help reveal the engineering instincts in a person.

Astrology Connection With The Engineering Profession

We cannot deny a person’s hard work in this, however, along with hard work and zeal, the planetary position and combinations take a person to great heights. Your stars and planets play a great role in your growth and achievements. This is nothing else but Astrology.

The horoscope is the mirror of one’s life and it truthfully reflects all the aspects related to the future of a person. Your Horoscope can very well describe your interests in the particular field of study, and very accurately indicate your inclination towards a particular stream of subjects. Similarly, there are some indications in the person’s horoscope, which prompts or motivates them to study engineering and become a proficient engineer.

In astrology, every profession has some particular planetary positions and combinations of houses associated with it. ‘Career Astrology’ is that branch of astrology, which is helpful in deciding whether you’re likely to develop an interest in Engineering, or not.

Role Of Planets In Engineering

  • Mercury and Jupiter are the main planets, which are considered for any education-related astrological analysis. Apart from this, they’re also important for a successful career in engineering as Mercury is the ruler of intellect, power and mathematics. Besides, planet Mercury is linked to technical education or engineering.
  • The malefic Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are connected to 4th house/lord and 5th house/lord- Any relationship between Saturn and Ketu indicates a successful career in engineering. Also, the connection between 5th house/lord and 10th house/lord, and the dasha at the time of choosing job/service is taken into consideration for engineering career.
  • Association of Saturn and Mars likewise gives strong chances of a bright career in engineering profession. This is because Saturn signifies machines, engineering, one’s foresight, the concentration of mind, depth of thought and ability to plan, and Mars signifies practical ability, efficiency in organizing, logical thinking and instruments. All these traits are necessary for a smooth career in engineering profession.

Role Of Mathematics In Engineering

Mathematics also plays a crucial role in the field of engineering, as it is one of the elementary objects required for this field. Mercury is the planet that represents ‘Mathematics’. Therefore, it becomes very important to look at the placement of Mercury while considering the yog of engineering in a person’s horoscope. When this planet is placed in a positive position, it indicates a good career in engineering profession.

Sundar Pichai (June 10, 1972)

Sundar Pichai is an Indian- American Business executive. He is the CEO of Google, Inc. (2015), and its holding company, Alphabet Inc. (2019). At an early age Pichai displayed an interest in technology. After earning a degree and a silver medal at IIT Kharagpur, he was awarded a scholarship to study at Stanfort University. Pichai joined Google in 2004. In 2008, he was named the Vice President of Product Development. In August 2015, Pichai was named the CEO of Google. In December 2019, he was named the CEO of Alphabet.

How did a middle-class boy turned out to be the CEO of Google and Alphabet? Besides his hard work and endeavours, his destiny played a major role in making him a successful entrepreneur. Today, he is the role model for people across the globe.

The fact is that the “Role of Astrology is far Greater than You Believe”.

Astrological Analysis Of Sundar Pichai’s Horoscope/Birth Chart/Kundli

A Birth Chart, also known as Natal Chart, is a map where all the major planets and astral bodies are located.

  • Jupiter and Mercury are the planets that are responsible for making someone academically successful.
  • In Sundar Pichai’s Horoscope, Jupiter is the Lord of Lagan and is posited in the Tenth House of Profession.
  • Mercury is the Lord of Fourth House and is posited in the Fifth House in his Horoscope.
  • Saturn (the Lord of Eleventh House) is forming a powerful RajYoga with Venus.
  • Sun is well placed in the Fourth House, and aspected by Jupiter.
  • A cluster of planets (Moon, Mars, Mercury and Rahu) are posited in the Fifth house in his Horoscope. Moon the Lord of the Fifth House) is with the other three planets. Furthermore, the Fifth house is aspected by Saturn. This particular combination is extremely favorable for Engineering profession.

This is the Astrological Reason behind Sundar Pichai’s success story.

Sundar Pichai’s horoscope proves the fact that your Horoscope has all the answers, and a deep study can help you unveil the secrets of your life. This way, prior information could be provided to the native at an early stage, which can help them plan things in a better way.

Choosing your education /career according to planetary position and dasha will prove to be beneficial for you because it is something that is written in your destiny. If you prepare yourself in advance, nobody can stop you from performing exceptionally well in that field.

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