Career In Astrology

What planetary influences and combinations are instrumental in choosing astrology as a career choice are being discussed here in detail.

Career In Astrology


Astrology is basically the part of science that deals with the study of the various effects that the different planetary movements have on human life. Completely based on astronomy, the complete blueprint of a person’s life can be read if the accurate placements of all the nine planets are known at the time of the birth of the person in question. The birth chart basically is a layout of the planetary position in different ‘Bhavas’ or houses that signify different aspects of human life such as education, career, income, health, .love marriage, children and so on and so forth. It also gives us a glimpse of our previous life’s karma which further helps us understand how the current life will unfold for us and also decides the quality of the karma in the present one.

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In order to have a successful in the field of astrology, it is imperative that Rahu, Jupiter, Mercury, and Saturn have good placement in the natal chart of an individual as they play important roles in deciding whether astrology will be a good career choice for the person or not. The deep analysis of these planets lets the person know of the level of success he or she may achieve in this field. Just in case that these planets are not placed well that is they are either moving in retrograde motion or have conjunction with malefic planets such as Rahu and Ketu then they will never be able to have any expertise in the subjects related to astrology and will never gain perfection at reading the charts as well.

There are few ascendants that are or will have a good and growing career in astrology. They are:

  • Virgo
  • Leo
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Pisces

Here we will discuss in details the effects of Rahu, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in choosing astrology as a career option.


On the off chance that the above-mentioned ascendants have a good placement of Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and Rahu and especially if Rahu’s placement is in the First House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character), Eighth House (House of Age, Unexpected Gains, Gains in Ancestral Properties, Result of Previous Life’s Karma), Tenth House (House of Career), and the Eleventh House (House of Income) then it is an auspicious indication to have a great and prosperous career in astrology.

The placement of Rahu in the Fourth House (House of Family Relationship and Property Matters), Fifth House (House of Intelligence, Study or education, Love, and Gains), and the Twelfth House (House of Spirituality, Expenses and Overseas Travels) should be avoided at all times else the person will never attain perfection in the art of telling or predicting future which is the basic understanding of astrology hence, leading to a failed career in astrology.


The planet of Mercury plays an important role as it bestows the native with qualities such as presence of mind, calculative skill with a sharp and absorbing brain, etc. in order to be successful in astrology Mercury should be well placed in First House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character), Fifth House (House of Intelligence, Study or education, Love, and Gains), Ninth House (House of Fortune), and the Tenth House (House of Career). A good placement of the planet Rahu in the in these houses is a strong indication of having a successful career in astrology.

If Mercury is placed in the Sixth House (House of Debt, Health and Enemy), Eighth House (House of Age, Unexpected Gains, Gains in Ancestral Properties, Result of Previous Life’s Karma), or the Twelfth House (House of Spirituality, Expenses and Overseas Travels) then the person will lack in-depth analyzing skills and hence will not be able to make accurate and correct predictions


Jupiter as a planet represents religious and spiritual activities, education and fields related to it, morals and ethics, wealth, prosperity, so on and so forth. In case of an astrological career, Jupiter is considered the most important planet as it indicates success and stability in the field of astrology.

On the off chance that Jupiter is placed in the First House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character), Second House (House of Wealth), Fifth House (House of Intelligence, Study or education, Love, and Gains), Eighth House (House of Age, Unexpected Gains, Gains in Ancestral Properties, Result of Previous Life’s Karma), Eleventh House (House of Income), and the Twelfth House (House of Spirituality, Expenses and Overseas Travels) then there are extremely high chances of being a successful and renowned astrologer. If any one of the placements above exists in the birth horoscope of the native then he or she will automatically have a strong inclination towards the field of astrology.

Apart from this, one must be careful that Jupiter should have any placement in the Third House (House of Siblings, gallantry and Travels), Sixth House (House of Debt, Health and Enemy), and the Seventh House (House of Marriage and Business) at all as this is a sign of failure in the same field and will create obstacle in understanding the basics of astrology to the native.


In any natal chart, if Saturn is placed in the First House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character), Fifth House (House of Intelligence, Study or education, Love, and Gains), Tenth House (House of Career), or the Eleventh House (House of Income) then the native will have high odds of becoming big in the field of astrology.

On the other hand, the placement of Saturn in the Third House (House of Siblings, gallantry and Travels), Sixth House (House of Debt, Health and Enemy), Eighth House (House of Age, Unexpected Gains, Gains in Ancestral Properties, Result of Previous Life’s Karma), and the Twelfth House (House of Spirituality, Expenses and Overseas Travels) should be avoided as far as possible else the chances of being successful will extremely get narrowed and almost impossible to achieve.

Astrology is a field of high calculation and computations where one needs to have a sharp and absorbing brain to take things in and let it sink in. it is important to understand the different concepts of the various verticals of astrology. This entire process is pretty time consuming and hence, people who want to pursue it as a career should have a lot of perseverance and patience before they plan to take up the task of entering the world of astrology. It may take years together for a person to even get the basics completely and hence most people leave the training midway and call quits. Therefore, it is imperative for a person to be extremely patient in order to learn and completely grasp the complete concept of astrology in order to have a great career in the same.

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