Dots of Destiny: The Ashtakavarga Number Game

(Moon Sign Based)

Ashtakavarga is an elaborated point system that gives you a clear picture of the strengths of the planets and the houses that are often not apparent enough from the birth chart of the native. Here's an insightful article explaining the concept of Ashtakavarga with its relevance in detailing crucial information about your life.

Dots of Destiny: The Ashtakavarga Number Game


What is Ashtakavarga?

Ashtakavarga is another method where we can find the balance sheet of our previous birth’s karma in our current birth. It is the easiest and the most technical method in Vedic Astrology.

This method is also based on Point-system similar to Sarvashtak Varga and has some common features shared between them.

Detailed Understanding of the Ashtakavarga Concept

This is a unique method of dividing the 12 Moon Signs into Eight Sub-Categories on the basis of the influence of their ascendant and the other Seven Main Planets namely Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Mercury and their placement in the 12 moon signs. Rahu and Ketu are not considered in Ashtakavarga. On the basis of these seven planets individually in the Kundali or Horoscope and the ascendant, the contribution of each planet individually is decided for their positive and negative impact on the 12 moon signs. These impacts are generally known as ‘Bindu’ or ‘Dots’ and ‘Rekha’ which symbolize the positive and negative points in the Ashtakavarga. To avoid further confusion about the term, we will further use ‘Points’ as the point of references for Bindus and Rekha.

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If the points in the House come in between 18-25 then the score is considered ‘Average’. The points above 25 ‘Dots’ are known to bring positive results and news for the native but in the event that the House has a debilitated or retrograde or malefic planet placed in that House then it will decrease the points of that House. The Higher the points, it will assure higher prosperity in the various elements associated with that House.

To Simplify Ashtakavarga…

To clarify the point let us take an example. Income House (Eleventh House) is having higher points in the House, it will ensure higher income status if the native and will keep every aspect of the native’s life related to income remain positive and flourishing. Along with this, Twelfth House (House of Expenses) should have points lower than the Income House. This is because of a higher score in the House of expenses the sources of Income for the native unstable and stays at the lower end. Therefore, the House of Expenses should always have lower points than the House of Income House. It is because of this reason that Ashtakavarga is considered important and unique in the Vedic astrology as it shows the connection between various Houses and Planets and their impact on the life of the native.

Ashtakavarga can let the native know exactly which planet and which year will be fruitful and which will cause losses and negatively impact his or her life. It helps the native to cautiously plan his or her life and financial calendar accordingly to make the maximum out of it.

The higher the point in the House increases the power of that House. For instance, as per Vedic Astrology, in the event that there is a malefic planet posited in the Second House, then in Ashtakavarga, this House will get the highest points. This will further assure string financial and professional status even though the native faces delay and failure in life.

But at times this can be a complicated method for prediction. For instance, if the Profession House and the Twelfth House have a moderate or average score but the Second House or the Ninth House or the Eleventh House has good score or points then after some delay the professional status of the native will improve and grow exponentially.

If the Seventh and the Eighth House have good points, that means that they have “Dots” between 25-28 points then the native will have a prosperous, stable and peaceful married or love life together. But just in case, these Houses have points lower than 20 then the chart will not show good results in terms of married and love life despite a good placement of planets in various Houses.

There are many applications for the Ashtakavarga in the Vedic Astrology. It gives several hints and clues about the various effects of the different Houses and planets on the life of the native which can be known via a thorough analysis of the various effects of Houses and keep an account of the positive and the negative points of each of them. It is also applied in the analysis of the longevity of a person which is completely dependent on complicated calculations and computations of the Ashtakavarga.

Ashtakavarga is considered as a highly advanced application in Vedic Astrology and hence, the extremely learned and experienced astrologer only can give a detailed analysis of it to the native correctly. One trivial mistake in the computation can lead to disastrous results in the prediction of the horoscope of a person.

Therefore, to conclude, we can safely say that this method is extremely unique and outstanding which is a part of Vedic astrology and yields amazing and important results for the apt and precise prediction of the various elements and aspects of a native’s life because despite of a bad placement of a planet in the chart, if the Ashtakavarga shows positive or good points in that House then positive results are certain to increase and tend to bring good and positive news for the native. Therefore, Ashtakavarga is also a point to bring into consideration while analyzing the Horoscope or Kundali of a native in detail.


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