How the Full Moon affects moon signs?

In Vedic Astrology terms, all the 9 planets have some or the other impact on us which cannot be neglected. The Moon is a reflection of our Soul. The different phases of Moon show how the Moon affects the human mind, soul, and body. Find out more...

How the Full Moon affects moon signs?


As per Vedic Astrology, the Moon is a natural benefic. It is the Queen of the Solar System and is capable of giving great mental powers and prosperity to the natives. Moon holds great significance in Vedic Astrology as the entire astrological prediction is based on the position of the Moon and its relation with other planets of the zodiac cycle.

In astrological language, the Moon governs your emotions, how you nurture yourself, and how others nurture you. It gives clues on how to keep yourself balanced and sane. A Birth chart cannot be created without the moon sign as it is one of the most important parts of your chart to know. Also, the Moon sign predictions are considered accurate and reliable. The horoscope, which is prepared using the moon sign predictions, is known as Moon Kundli or Chandra lagan.

Phases of Moon: Waxing and Waning Period

Waxing Crescent Moon is an immediate Moon phase that starts after the New Moon and the Waning moon occurs between a Full Moon and a New Moon. These two phases are also known as Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha in Hindi. In astrological language, the waxing moon is the bright half phase of the Moon and the waning moon is the dark half phase of the Moon.

The Waxing or increasing moon signifies intension. This is often when we begin to actualize events. On the other hand, the Waning or decreasing Moon symbolizes the winding down of activities and purification.

The New Moon signifies the beginning of a new lunar cycle when Moon moves into the same zodiac sign in which the Sun is located. On the other hand, the Full Moon phase is the one in which the Moon enters a position where it is at the opposite end of the earth in relation to the Sun. Also, the Full Moon occurs when the Moon is at its brightest. When Moon enters the Full Moon position, it is in the zodiac sign which is opposite to the sign, in which the Sun is located in.

Moon Cycles and their Spiritual significance

Astrologically speaking, Moon governs our mind, soul, and body. Even history cannot deny the mystical role the Moon plays on us. The Moon is called a planet in astrology as it has got on an impact on all the natives. It represents our emotions and feelings. The placement of the Moon in our Birth chart describes how we express our feelings or respond to other’s emotions. It also has a great impact on our thinking patterns and decision-making power. However, if the Moon is in a malefic position, it can disrupt our thinking and make us paranoid.

When the Moon is strongly placed in a native’s horoscope or has an aspect or is associated with any benefic planet, then it gives you mental stability and makes you intelligent. On the contrary, a weak or afflicted Moon in the native’s horoscope may cause dissatisfaction and anxiety.
All this is a reflection of the fact that the Moon holds great importance in the Vedic Astrology predictions.

The ‘Moon is a reflection of our Soul.’ It shows us our intuitive nature and the parts that we are unaware of. The Moon also symbolizes a feature of our souls’ impression and the core that our soul consists of. Our feelings, emotions, and our soul are naturally linked, as our emotions are our souls’ expressions. The Moon is also related to our childhood experiences. The rapid movement of the Moon around the zodiac brings about or represents how our emotions are consistently changing throughout the month.

We all have a unique Moon sign, which sheds light on our inner-self.
Moon sign helps you understand how you process feelings, your gut reactions, and what makes you feel safe.

Full Moon marks the period in which you almost tend to lose control of your emotions and feelings.

How the Full Moon can affect you?

  • Aries – The Full Moon endows Aries people with self-confidence, gives them a penchant for maximalism. However, on a separate note, it makes them impatient, restless, and anxious.
  • Taurus – The Full Moon makes Taurus natives lazy and lethargic. They may start daydreaming and become apathetic sometimes.
  • Gemini – The Full moon effects for Gemini moon sign are characterized by changeability, doubts, and thirst for novelty.
  • Cancer – The Full Moon helps Cancer moon sign natives strengthen your intuition and makes you empathetic. Also, you tend to become very sensitive during this period.
  • Leo – The Full Moon makes Leo natives egocentric giving you a desire to be the center of attention.
  • Virgo – The Full Moon makes Virgo people native pedantic, squeamish, suspicious, timid, and constrained.
  • Libra – Full moon effects for Libra natives characterized by increased diplomacy, tenderness, and tolerance.
  • Scorpio – The Full moon makes Scorpio people uneasy and short-tempered causing stress in life.
  • Sagittarius – The Full moon makes Sagittarius people sociable and active extroverts.
  • Capricorn – The Full moon makes Capricorn natives vulnerable inside, but on the outside, you look soulless and cold.
  • Aquarius – The Full moon gives Aquarius natives a desire for independence and freedom making them eccentric people. Aquarius people follow a slightly different orbit from the rest of the people during the Full moon period.
  • Pisces – The Full moon makes Pisces natives very sentimental and emotionally vulnerable.

New Moon

The arrival of the new moon marks the lunar phase in which the moon loses all its lighting and disappears in the night sky. New Moon is the time to rest and rejuvenate or recharge yourself in the dark until the lights are turned ‘On’ by the Full Moon. Though the Moon turns its face away from us and brings darkness, it is the time when we are prompted to introspect and focus on our relationships, our vision of life, and our set targets. For some, the New moon can bring challenges also. Irrespective of the sign that you belong to, the impact of the new moon may appear to be very subtle but its impact on your inner self is immense.

