(Moon Sign Based)
Pluto takes around 248 years to go through all the twelve signs. Depending on its pace, it spends nearly 14 to 31 years in one sign. Being a slow planet, it may affect an entire generation. Pluto has the Lordship of the Eighth house and rules over Scorpio sign.
According to Vedic Astrology, Pluto signifies challenges that we, as a society, may face in the future. A new approach and a new perspective, is what the Planet Pluto is all about. It denotes power, dreams, and subconscious efforts. It reveals hidden sexual desires. The abolishment of the old traditions, values, culture, principles, and regeneration are the main traits of Pluto.
Pluto plays an important role in breaking a long-held taboo. In any natal chart, Pluto governs those matters that require a deep understanding, analysis, and an important transformation. It governs the areas of mental obsession, emotional resistance, and mysteries.
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Just like any other planet, Pluto also manifests certain things related to the sign, in in which it is located.
The placement of Pluto in the Aries sign makes the natives change their fundamental outlook in a very fierce and energetic manner. It makes the native impatient. The natives having Pluto in Aries sign would experience new changes in life. They will also demand independence for themselves or for the group that they belong to. These natives tend to detach themselves from the traditional customs and beliefs and try to change the mindset of the people. It takes every ounce of willpower to bring a transformational change in society. Since they resist old rules and define new rules, they are known as rebellious people.
These natives need to understand that impatience makes things go haywire. Thus, changes must be carried out in a stable and not impulsive manner.
When Pluto is in Taurus, the natives want a change in the way they look at the wealth and their immediate family. They want the transformation to be everlasting. These people are very possessive about their family and financial matters.
Being stubborn, they do not take the risk of abrupt or sudden changes. They are also very adept at handling their resources. They could be greedy in terms of sensuality, in the sense that they want to experience more and more romantic pleasures.
These people need to understand that life is not all about materialistic pleasures and they should get involved in charity work or support a social cause. Also, they must learn to adapt themselves to some unexpected changes.
When Pluto is in Gemini, it makes the natives adept at learning new things. These people are not scared of changes and they love to transform every aspect of life of their life. The most significant area of change would be communication. The way and level of communication may change when Pluto is in Gemini and new ideas will be generated. These natives will feel comfortable even during a major shift in technology. Their ideas are unique and they have the ability to imagine things. They know how to deal with a highly secretive matter. They are blessed with excellent spoken and written communication skills.
The only thing they need to learn is to stick to their views and perspectives, as they tend to change them very quickly. They must know that changes do not come with mere ideas and practical implementation is required.
When Pluto is in Cancer, it makes the native yearn for a change in their level of personal comfort. For them, home is where they feel safe and secured. The natives would like to change things in a manner where they are not hurt sentimentally. They would like to change certain norms to protect their roots, homeland, and their ethnic group. They mostly stick to their traditions and values and raise their voice against those drastic changes that could hurt their feelings/sentiments. Family values and social needs hold great importance in their lives.
These people should understand that some traditions change over time. They must keep in mind that it is not necessary that every change will destroy their cultural values. Depending on the need of the time, certain transformations may even enhance their traditional values. They should let go of toxic relationships and traditions.
When Pluto is in Leo, it makes the natives confident and they can transform themselves from a fixed mindset to a growth-oriented mindset. The placement of Pluto in the Leo sign makes these people attention-seekers. Leo craves recognition and wants to be in the limelight all the time. The major impact is on the areas related to romance, entertainment, education, and speculation. These people develop creative thinking and writing skills. They are not afraid of taking risks during their transformational journey. They sometimes go through a drastic change, just for the sheer fun of it.
They must remember that transformations are for the betterment of their own self and not for impressing others. If the natives make decisions based on facts, they will be able to change their lives for the better.
When Pluto is in Virgo, it gives the natives an ability to critically examine things and make decisions based on facts. This combination mainly affects the areas related to their health and service. When Pluto is placed in the Virgo sign, the natives use their intelligence to understand the impact of the change on their life. These people may be influenced by external factors. However, being practical and artistic in approach, they use their intelligence and come up with a solid strategy to make certain things happen. They are obsessed with sanitation and feel compelled to clean excessively.
They want everything to be perfect. However, they need to understand that not every change will turn out perfectly. Stop being irritated over these things and do not criticize yourself unnecessarily, if something goes wrong.
When Pluto is in Libra, the natives become diplomatic while going through changes. They seek changes in their relationships as well. Their compulsive behavior craves extreme equality, justice, and fairness. They want either everything or nothing at all. The natives having this combination in their birth chart, deal with changes positively.
Being a hard worker, they will put too much effort into a relationship. However, if it does not works out well, they could become impulsive and may make hasty decisions to leave.
They do not want to get into conflicts. Peace, love, and harmony are the fundamental prerequisites in their life. They find harmony even in disharmony and do things with a lot of passion. However, they need to look at things through a grey prism rather than considering everything in just black or white.
When Pluto is in Scorpio, it makes the native highly passionate, intense, sensitive, and emotional during a transformational journey. They will try to go into the depth of every matter and will find solace in changing the mindset of other people towards taboo topics. They love debating about controversial topics.
This position of Pluto will give the native an ability to do deep research in order to make secretive discoveries. They love destroying and recreating things. They consider the matter of sex as something that has a deep meaning attached to it. They give a lot of importance to their emotions and sentiments. Even if they are sexually involved with someone, they try to build an emotional connection with that person.
They need to understand that every individual has a different outlook towards certain activities and they should not impose their decisions on others. Besides that, they should learn to express their feelings, as people around them may not be as intuitive as they are and they might be misunderstood.
When Pluto is in Sagittarius, it gives the native a sense of freedom, adventure, and a thirst for exploring new things. Traveling becomes their passion and they learn a lot of important lessons through it. Being bold and courageous, they love to take risks in life. They make the best use of what is in their power. You will learn a lot of things from these people. For them, transformation is all about changing the religious and spiritual outlook of society. However, they do not follow the traditional method to achieve spiritual success. This is because they are obsessed with foreign culture.
They spread awareness through their philosophical knowledge, which may bring a drastic change in society. They need to understand that everyone has a different perspective, which comes from their personal point of view and is shaped by life’s experiences.
When Pluto is in Capricorn, the natives seek change in career and professional matters. Since Capricorn is a very practical sign, the natives do not make decisions based on impulse. They want things to be done in a systematic manner. Pluto came in Capricorn sign in 2008 and it will remain posited here until 2024. Some of the major transformations have taken place in this combination and some more are likely to happen in the near future.
The world will go through a lot of changes during this period. The children born between 2008 and 2024 will bring about major transformations. Since Capricorn rules politics, a big revolutionary change in the political setup can be expected during this period. This placement of Pluto is the most disciplined, patient, and practical one.
The natives need to understand that some changes may result in conflict. Also, in some exceptional cases, the change is required instantly, and thus, the step-by-step method may not work in this case.
When Pluto is in Aquarius, the natives have an unconventional way of doing things. They want to do something good for society. Being a humanitarian, such natives would love to transform all the rules, regulations, and social norms in a way that benefits the poor and needy people. They want the people to be more affectionate towards the underprivileged sections of society.
They love to challenge cultural norms that may cause discrimination in the world.
They believe in the universal brotherhood of humanity and try their best to change the mindset of people to bring a positive change in society. Breaking the boundaries is their method of changing things.
Pluto will be in the Aquarius sign from 2024 to 2044. During this time, the natives will see a drastic change in their relationship. However, they must remember that not every traditional approach needs to be challenged. They must look at the bigger picture before reaching any conclusion.
When Pluto is in Pisces, it makes the native extremely emotional and highly sensitive. However, on the other hand, they have good imaginative power. Spirituality, religion, foreign connections, sensual pleasures, and universal love are the main areas of focus. They are likely to fantasize about things and live in their own fairyland. They are naturally empathetic towards their partner. They always try to maintain a harmonious relationship with their lover, friends, and family. They love to indulge in sensual and romantic pleasures. Being selfless and compassionate, they make the best healers.
However, they must remember that they cannot change the whole world with their sacrifices and they need to take their own stand in the relationship.
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