Medical profession is one of the most revered and sought after career option. As a Cancer native, do you think you have what it takes to be become a successful specialist doctor? To find out, read more…
Being a doctor is no child’s play, you need to be intelligent, patient, diligent, and compassionate at the same time to succeed as a doctor. Besides, you need to have the intrinsic healing tendencies and a serving nature, to become a good doctor. A Cancer Moon sign native, more or less identifies with these qualities.
Traits of the cancer ascendants as doctors:
Ruled by Moon, these natives are loving, caring and empathetic in nature. This is because the planet Moon depicts all the motherly instincts. Moon also gives them a strong sense of intuition which helps them identify others pain and sufferings, quite easily.
- Cancer natives are extremely caring, kind hearted, protective, and nurturing. As doctors, these traits would be of prime importance.
- You know how to keep cool in stressful situations. This is very important, as the work of a medical professional is extremely nerve wracking and time sensitive.
- You are outgoing and energetic. You do not shy away from responsibilities. You handle accountability with ease and care. Responsibility is a huge part of doctor’s profession.
- You are sensitive to other people’s feelings. You are considerate. This helps you as a doctor to break delicate news to your patients.
- You are compassionate and very intelligent. This is needed very much overall, in order to become a successful doctor.
All these traits make them a seemingly perfect fit for a doctor’s profession.
However, this is not it. There are other significant planetary play and house involvements, which helps predict more precisely if it is in your destiny to become a successful doctor.
This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:
What are the astrological planets and houses that play a key role in the medical professional horoscope?
- Checking the strength and connection of your 6thand 10th house, 5th and 4th house
- The placement and influence of Jupiter, Venus, Moon, and Mars in your birth chart.
- The possibilities of good basic education, higher education, and foreign travel too, should be ascertained to understand if a profession in medical science is worth the deal for you.
Having said that, you need to comprehend why these houses and planets are significant, in aiding your career as a doctor.
- Strength of 6thhouse is essential to be able to crack the entrance exams for medical profession
- Strength of 4th house is important for good basic education
- A positive combination of your 4thand 6thhouse with your 10th house signifies that this will be a favorable profession for you
- Venus, Jupiter and Mars play a major role in defining a career in medical science, by the virtue of their respective natures
- To know if you have it in you to successfully clear the Common Entrance Test to be eligible to pursue a career in medical science, you need to check the strength and planetary positions of your 6th
- This house is ruled by Jupiter and if it is present in all its strength in your 6thhouse, you are sure to do well in your medical entrance exam.
- If Jupiter is placed in your 1sthouse, you will be blessed with wisdom and intelligence, which will further help you in excelling in medical entrance tests.
- Any association of Jupiter with Mars is also beneficial for you to clear your entrance test, as this enhances your decision making ability.
- Mars rule intelligence and mental strength. Thus, it is important to check if Mars is placed well in your 5th
- In case not, then planetary placement of your 5th house along with placement of Mars with respect to your 5th house, helps define your mental strength to pursue a career in medical science.
- Along with the strength of the 6thhouse, Jupiter’s presence need to be ascertained in the birth chart of the Cancer native.
- If Jupiter is in your 9thhouse or if it is making any relation with your 9th house or Venus, it gives you excellent opportunities in the areas of higher education. This is the placement, which is present in the birth charts of individuals who are able to do specializations such as MD and MS.
- If Jupiter is in connection with your 12thhouse lord, then you have a strong likelihood of getting your higher education in some foreign university. This placement also favors your career growth abroad.
- However, if these placements are not evident in your birth chart and if you have a weak 6thhouse or a debilitated Jupiter, do not worry. There are some other parameters, which can still give you an opportunity to chase your dream of becoming a doctor.
- If Jupiter and Venus conjunct in the 9thhouse of the Cancer ascendant, it signifies a favorable position for higher education in the field of medical science.
- Doctor is a broad term and encompasses many specializations. Your planets and their combinations and connections suggest which area of expertise would give your better career results.
What are the medical specializations that a Cancer ascendant should opt for?
- If Mars, Ketu, or Jupiter makes any sort of connect with the 6thhouse of a Cancer ascendant, they are said to be blessed with excellent healing powers and therapeutic capabilities. This is a favorable placement for those who want to become surgeons.
- If Jupiter and Venus are placed in Moola Nakshatra, which will be in your 6thhouse, you will make for successful surgeons.
- When Ashwini, Magha or Moola Nakshatra have any relation with Jupiter, Mars or Saturn in your birth chart, it signifies success as a surgeon.
- When Jupiter forms a connection with Aradra Nakshatra (which is related to Rahu) you can do well as Ayurvedic or Homeopathic doctors.
- Any direct or indirect influence of Rahu or Mars on Aradra Nakshatra favors the study of alternative medicine, including Ayurveda and Homeopathy.
- When Rahu or Ketu influences your 6thor 12thhouse, you may be more inclined to take up profession as a pathologist or radiologist. They can also succeed in the field of manufacturing medical devices.
- If Rahu or Ketu in association with Mars have any relation with Chitra or Moola Nakshatra in your birth chart, you will possess in-depth knowledge of medical devices, instruments and technologies and may further your career in this field.
- Jupiter in relation with Ashlesha Nakshatra favors your career as an Entomologist.
- Positive influence of Mars, Jupiter or Mercury in the birth chart of the Cancer ascendant, makes them effective Veterinary doctor.
- For Pediatricians, a connection between Jupiter and Mercury gives favorable results.
- If there is an association of Mars and Saturn in your birth chart, you can do very well as a specialist in treating leprosy patients.
- If Ketu or Mercury, which signifies nerves, has any connection with Jupiter in the natal chart of Cancer ascendant, they can succeed as physiotherapists and neurologists.
- When Venus, Mars or Jupiter conjunct, it gives success in the area of orthopedics.
- If Jupiter, Mars or Rahu has a close relation with Shatbhisha Nakshatra (which is related to Ketu), a person can do well in treatment of mentally challenged patients.
While this gives, you can overview of how effective you can be as a doctor. You need an in-depth analysis of your birth chart to accurately predict the best career choice for you. To get an exclusive and detailed copy of your horoscope click here.

Last Updated on
November 09, 2022

Pt. Punarvasu