Great Moms According to Zodiacs

Mother is the first protector of her child. Zodiac signs help us understand the nuances related with mother - the biggest support one could have in life. Which zodiac signs make great moms?

Great Moms According to Zodiacs


Your Mother is your biggest critic; truest admirer; friend; coach; philosopher, and guide in every walk to life. These are just a handful of roles a mother plays on a daily basis for her children without failure or getting tired. A mother is a combination of multiple feelings, sacrifices and behavior at the very same time, a superwoman who is truly and completely dedicated to her children either biological or adopted; doesn’t make a difference to her, she is a mother and that is all she knows.

Here, we will discuss the positive or negative effects of the moon signs, in relation to the day of the week you were born. This would be done on a ‘Day-wise Basis’, for better understanding of the topic.

This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

Aries Mother / Mom

According to Vedic Astrology, an Aries Mom is a person who will forever try and inculcate good values such as honesty and hard work to her children. She is a fighter and independent woman and hence never lets anyone know of the struggles she goes through. Even though their intention may be noble but it is a difficult task for them to express the same in the spirit of their genuine emotions. However, they can exude the characters of being a moody, blunt and extremely competitive lady in nature.

Taurus Mother / Mom

Taurus mother as per Vedic astrology is the ideal images to promote woman power. They are a hard shell to crack and raise their kids to be independent and capable of handling things on their own. They boost the confidence of their children so that they excel in every walk of life be it being the class Momitor or the football team captain. They are sensitive as well but are bad at revealing her softer side to others. For her children, she plans out a perfect routine to be followed on a day to day basis and is known to be quite stable and extremely predictable. This earns her the tag of being controlling and stubborn by her children. Taurus Mom is always active and keen on participating in her kid’s school events and makes it a point of being a part of every event of her children’s life.

Gemini Mother / Mom

The sensitive and understanding Gemini mothers are truly a mother at heart more than anything else. According to Vedic astrology, she believes in behaving like a best friend to her children and guides them while being in the same role. Her kids just adore her beyond boundaries and also respect her at the same time. Her children consider her to be their role model to whom they look up to. As a mother, Gemini female knows how to calm her kids when they are hurt or furious, she just knows how to sow in the right seed of wisdom at the precise time that will have a long-lasting impact on them. They are a complete powerhouse, full of energy and stay active and get involved in multiple activities with her kids to keep them engaged, active, and happy. She can be called progressive as she keeps her children abreast with the latest trends and developments around them that may have a long or short term impact on their life.

Cancer Mother / Mom

The Vedic Astrology calls a Cancer mother as the most compassionate of all the 12 moon signs. She is a natural born mother and has maternal instincts coded in her genetics with a Golden Heart. Cancer mothers according to Vedic astrology have been blessed with a nurturing heart of a mother naturally. They love the feeling of ‘Being A Mother’ and are completely and totally dedicated to her children. They are known to be timid in nature but once they step into the motherhood, they come out with shining colors. This means that being a mother brings out the best in them. They are known for making sacrifices and are known to be quite emotional in nature. Her concern for her kids may earn her the label of being an overprotective mother. For a Cancer mother, her family comes first and her entire world revolves around them.

Leo Mother / Mom

Leo mothers according to the Vedic astrology are the ‘Family Oriented Mothers’. She is the force of nature that keeps the entire family together even after her children grow up and move on with their personal life and family. The Lioness Mother is playful in nature and greets every challenge in her life with a bright smile on her face. She loves spending time with her kid and getting involved in various activities along with them just in order to be a close part of their everyday life. Even though they are tough little bird, Leo mothers are bad in hiding emotions; this means they project exact same feeling on their face as they feel inside. They are pretty blunt and transparent in their thought and actions. If her kids need something, she will do her best to get it for them with ultimate grace. But the demands of the children are not fulfilled without barter. She adores her kids but also is strict about various factors and even if she wants to give her children everything they demand it is done against a task assigned to them so that they learn the value things on a personal level. Leo mothers are highly reliable and hence can be called a blessing for those who have her around them.

Virgo Mother / Mom

Virgo mothers are the more of the serious types according to the Vedic Astrology. She mostly loves spending time while being worried about her children. Being a perfectionist, she loves to plan ahead and have a structure in every aspect of life. This helps them gain confidence and the feeling of safety blankets their existence as well. The health of her family is her priorities and hence she does not compromise on the health and nutrition front at all. They are known to get quite judgmental in a certain situation for certain people or situation. She inculcates the best working ethics and manners in her kids while also making them understand the meaning of healthy competition. This in the long term helps them prepare for future endeavors.

Libra Mother / Mom

According to Vedic astrology, Libran Mothers are considered to be the kindest of all the moon signs. She is blessed with a good heart and her magic or goodness not only touches the heart of her children but she somehow also reaches the soul of the people. The most trustworthy person in a kid’s life, a Libra mom can also act as a friend to her children and helps them at various walks of life in the role of a mother or a friend as the situation may demand. She is known to be extremely compassionate with a little edge of her own. She’s easy to talk to and loves spending time with people. Her jolly nature keeps the home like heaven where children feel completely cozy and safe. She is good at expressing her true feeling for her children and does not hesitate in doing whatever it takes to keep them happy. In return, she is bestowed with unending love and respect from her children through her life.

Scorpio Mother / Mom

Internally strong and confident Scorpio mothers have immense inner power as per the Vedic astrology. A kid at heart, Scorpio Moms are super protective about their children, more than any other zodiac can even think of. Even thinking of hurting her children or causing them minutest of the problems could cost you greatly; that would make you repent for your life. She believes in staying disciplined and is strict to kids for their own good even though they are labeled as a tyrant by her own kids. This disciplinary action helps her children ace in every field and be successful in the future.

Sagittarius Mother / Mom

According to the Vedic Astrology, Sagittarius mother is extremely sympathetic and kind in nature. She has a nurturing heart full of love and compassion for her kids and extremely understands. Her sole intention is to raise her children who grow up to be a good soul and human being. This is why she is complimented to have the most well-behaved and kind children in her circle. She is the most trustworthy person in her children’s life. They also are known to be quite spontaneous in their attitude towards life.

Capricorn Mother / Mom

According to the Vedic Astrology, Capricorn Mother is overly protective for her children. Even though she may have a strong and tough exterior to her, but within that rough exterior lies a super delicate and soft on the inside. She is a pretty planned person and has everything under her control and remains at top of everything at all given times. Even though she has everything well in position; yet she cannot help doubt things as to whether she is taking the right step or not. Her sense of duty is quite strong and has demarcated boundaries for her children. Capricorn Mom is Mama bears who will go to any extent to make sure that her family is financially stable and has a safe and cozy rood over their head.

Aquarius Mother / Mom

As per the Vedic astrology, Aries Mother is the most mundane of the entire lot. It means that they accept their flaws with grace and do not want or need to attain perfection in the way they are. She loves to religiously abide by the rule book. Her kids have strong levels of confidence in them placed by their Momma dearest and can strive to do better. The feeling of acceptance in her kids is higher than other kids as they are taken off the hook of unnecessary pressure. Aquarius Moms are super concerned for her children and cannot rest unless she knows her children are not in any kind of troubles.

Pisces Mother / Mom

Pisces Mother according to the Vedic astrology is considered to be the kindest and most sensitive aMomgst all the mothers. A Pisces mother spends a lot of time in guiding and teaching her kids to treat and behave well with others. Her relationship with her kids is that filled with trust, respect, and friendship where her kids approach her directly without any hesitation when anything goes wrong.

Want to know which mother are you according to your moon sign. Click here and get to know your moon sign on a correct analysis based on your Date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. Also, go through the wide range of services available to see what the future has in store for you and your family.

