Astrological Yogas for success and fame in Life

What is the recipe of success in this life? Can Vedic Yogas help you achieve life goals? How can the different conjunctions and planetary placements influence your name, fame, and success? We answer these intriguing questions in connection with your horoscope.

Astrological Yogas for success and fame in Life


When you meet an astrologer, the first few questions of you will always come as to ‘when and how will we become successful and earn name and fame’. But becoming famous and successful requires both luck and hard work in equal proportion. In astrology, one can get to know the various Yogas and time frames during which if you put in the required effort, it will give you a good return. But you need to keep in mind, success has multiple versions and what you consider successful might not be the kind of success destined for you.

Yogas help you to understand the period during which things will or may work according to you and also make you successful and get the desired name and fame that you crib so much for.

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So what is Yogas? In the simplest language according to the Vedic astrology, there are many different conjunctions and placements of the planets which are strongly indicative of the upcoming Success, Name, and Fame for you in the near future. One needs to always keep in mind that success that you might receive could be permanent or temporary based on the combination and conjunctions of the various planets in your Kundali or horoscope.

To throw some light on the same let’s take an example. Here we will talk about various Yogas that occur in horoscope that are beneficial for the native who experiences them.

Position Of The Ninth House Lord

If the Lord of the Ninth House (House of Fortune) is strongly placed in the First House (House of ascendant, personality and character), Fifth House (House of Intelligence and Gain), Tenth House (House of Career or Profession) and the Ninth House and has direct aspect on the Ninth House then success and chances of it possibility is guaranteed to the native and will shower the native with the gift of name and fame.

Connection Between The Lord of the Fifth House And The Ninth House

Yoga will be if the Lord of the Fifth House (House of Intelligence and Gain) and the Ninth House (House of Fortune) have conjunctions a good House or are interchanging Houses with one another then it assures success, financial stability to the native while paying off the hard work put in and prove beneficial in the larger picture.

Jupiter or Venus Connections With The Various Houses

A good yoga also forms when the Jupiter or Venus have a relationship with the First House (House of ascendant, Personality and Character), Fifth House (House of Intelligence and Gain) and the Ninth House (House of Fortune) or have a direct aspect on them then factors such as financial stability, success, name and popularity drops in the arms of the native and making everything around them work accordingly and in their favor.

Sun and Mars Conjunction

In the event that the Sun and Mars have a conjunction with the Ninth House (House of Fortune) or the Tenth House (House of Career), the chances of a successful grow exponentially and native enjoys an extremely successful career with financial stability bring him or her most desired name and popularity.

Exalted Ascendant Lord

On the off chance that the Lord of the ascendant is exalted as is placed in the First House (House of Ascendant, Personality, and Character), Fifth House (House of Intelligence and Gains) or the Ninth House (House of Fortune) then is indicative of a high road to success accompanied with financial stability, name, fame, popularity, and respect to the native.

The Exalted Lord Of The Tenth House

In the event that the Lord of the Tenth House (House of Career or Profession) is exalted and is placed in the Fourth House (House of Property Matters) or the Tenth House (House of Career or Profession) or the Eleventh House (House of Income) then the chances of having an unwavering success in the career increases for the native.

Lords Of The Houses Interchange Their Place

On the off chance that the Lord of The Ninth House (House of Fortune) interchanges his place with the Lord of the Tenth House (House of career or Profession); then the probabilities of unfathomable success are laid down for the native. Such a combination shows the way straight to millionaire with no stopping anywhere on the way.

To conclude, we can further say that along with the above mentioned Yogas, there are numerous other conjunctions and placements of planets that form numerous Yogas for assuring success along with unstoppable growth and prosperity in the career of the native. In order to find the various Yogas in your natal chart, you need to get a detailed horoscope reading done by a good astrologer. Just in case you are a bit curious to know it at the earliest, click here and get to know the various auspicious Yogas waiting for to be discovered by you.

