Relationship Between Vedic Astrology & Gemstones

Each planet is determined by a specific gemstone and, thus, nine gemstones are related to the nine planets. What is your lucky gemstone according to your Zodiac sign?

Relationship Between Vedic Astrology & Gemstones


There is a strong relationship between the human body and celestial bodies of the solar system. The movement of these planets in relation to each other has a consistent effect upon us through our lifetime. There are methods that can balance and enhance our past life actions through meditation, physical exercise (such as yoga), medicine, color therapy, prayers, and wearing of gemstones.

Bond between Vedic Astrology and Gemstones

Astrological Horoscope is the planetary arrangement of all planets present in the cosmos at the time of our birth, placed with varied degrees of benefic, malefic or neutral results in our horoscope. The placement of all planets in any horoscope can be calculated and mapped with the astrological horoscope at the time of birth that originate due to the actions of our previous birth. It is believed universally that your past life actions are not eternal and they can be modified with Astrology and gemstones.

Gemstones and Vedic Astrology have a very close bond since spiritual rituals from the sacred books have incorporated gemstones to restore the balance of energy fields, peace of mind to strengthen love and security of relationships.

Our ancestors considered methods to combat the evil effects of negative cosmic influence by discovering the theory of gemstones. Gemstones emit positive astral light that neutralizes the negative pulls of the planets. Another striking feature has been revealed in Vedic Astrology about gemstones - when they are placed in direct contact with our skin, with the correct weight, they are very beneficial and have healing properties.

How does Vedic Astrology and Gemstones work for You?

When we wear a gemstone related to a planet, it enhances the vibrations and aura of the planet in our horoscope. There are numerous opinions among astrologers in Vedic Astrology about the selection of gemstones, and several factors, such as the following, are considered in the selection:

  • The Ascendant or the planet that occupies the Ascendant or aspects the Ascendant strongly.
  • The elevated or exalted planet in your horoscope.
  • The afflicted planet that is weak in your horoscope and a gemstone is worn to enhance the strength of this planet.
  • Each planet corresponds to a specific gemstone according to one’s Zodiac sign, and that should be worn by studying the person’s horoscope.

Planets and their Gemstones

Vedic Astrology is considered to be the mirror of the ancient scriptures ‘Vedas’ where profound information about gemstones is based on the fact that the nine celestial planets and their constellations in the cosmos represent energies. Every planet releases its own particular colour, energy, wavelength and the transmission of all these properties influences everyone’s life.

Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are the seven visible planets along with the two invisible lunar nodes: Rahu and Ketu in our planetary organization. Each planet is determined by a specific gemstone and, thus, nine astrological gemstones are related to the above-mentioned planets.

  1. Sun-Ruby

The planet Sun is the significator of good health, self-confidence, authority, status, and independence in nature. Ruby is the gemstone that defines the power of Sun. When Sun forms any kind of relation with planets like Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, the astrologers recommend wearing a Ruby in the form of a ring or pendant that will enhance your lifestyle and status, bring you fame, good virtue and strength for all ventures in life. Leo is the Zodiac sign of the cosmos that relates with Sun as its personal planet.

  1. Moon-Pearl

The planet Moon guides our mind, emotions, moods and mental satisfaction. Moon is the lord of emotions and the placement of Moon in any horoscope defines the feelings and sensitivity of that individual. Pearl is the gemstone that defines the power of Moon. When Moon forms any kind of relation with planets like Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, the astrologers recommend wearing a Pearl in the form of a ring or pendant that will enhance your mental strength, luck, mental health, popularity, and will reduce the negative effects of Moon. Cancer is the Zodiac sign of the cosmos that relates with Moon as its personal planet.

  1. Mars-Red Coral

Mars is the planet that infuses one with the impulsive urge to be successful in life and take all your ventures to the finishing line with consistency and leadership. Red Coral is the gemstone that defines the power of Mars. When Mars forms any kind of relation with planets like Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, astrologers recommend wearing a Red Coral in the form of a ring or pendant that will initiate courage with a positive drive in the person who wears it to complete their goals for gains in life. Aries and Scorpio are the two Zodiac signs of the cosmos that relate with Mars as their personal planet.

  1. Mercury-Emerald

Mercury is the planet that governs our intelligence, business, job, investments, education prospects, and the ability of analysis to handle things with tact in life on an everyday basis. Emerald is the precious gemstone that is related to the power of Mercury. When Mars forms any kind of relation with planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu, astrologers recommend wearing an Emerald in the form of a ring or pendant that helps in improving one’s analytical power, intelligence, expressions, communication and writing skills. Gemini and Virgo are the two Zodiac signs of the cosmos that relate with Mercury as their personal planet.

  1. Jupiter-Yellow Sapphire

The planet Jupiter rules over a person’s good fortune, is the significator of wealth and success in life. It is also the significator of good health, vitality and physical immunity of the body. Yellow Sapphire is the gemstone that defines the power of Jupiter. Afflicted Jupiter can bring forth health issues related to ears, diabetes, liver, kidney or it can even affect the person’s memory; so astrologers recommend wearing a yellow sapphire in the form of a ring or pendant that will improve one’s health, enhance the wealth and financial quotient with increment in status. It also indicates progeny and marriage in a woman’s horoscope. Sagittarius and Pisces are the two Zodiac signs of the cosmos that relate with Jupiter as their personal planet.

  1. Venus-Diamond

Venus is the planet of love, romance, beauty, your overall charm and personality, and controls the reproductive system. Diamond is the gemstone that defines the power of Venus. Weak or afflicted Venus can bring forth lack of physical attraction and pleasant social behaviour; and can create problems in handling personal relationships with partner/spouse. So astrologers recommend wearing a diamond in the form of a ring or pendant that will help enhance marital bliss, mental happiness, physical satisfaction, wealth status, artistic flair and creativity, and enhance physical charisma. Taurus and Libra are the two Zodiac signs of the cosmos that relate with Venus as their personal planet.

  1. Saturn-Blue Sapphire

Saturn is the planet of discipline and it introduces stability in one’s life, that can bring a good reputation and overall progress. Blue Sapphire is the gemstone that defines the power of Saturn. When Saturn forms any kind of relation with planets like Mars, Rahu and Ketu, it can bring forth hurdles in opportunities, delay in prospects, and overall general detachment in behaviour. Plus, the longevity of one’s life depends on the strength of Saturn in any horoscope. So astrologers recommend wearing of a Blue Sapphire in the form of a ring or pendant to help one gain wealth, health, overall happiness and prosperity with a long life. Capricorn and Aquarius are the two Zodiac signs of the cosmos that relate with Saturn as their personal planet.

  1. Rahu-Hessonite Garnet

The positive of planet Rahu is that it increases awareness, detachment, gives popularity and infuses self–satisfaction. But, on the contrary, its negative impacts include illusions over events, mental tension and confusion. Hessonite is the gemstone that defines the power of Rahu. Rahu is a shadowy planet and it represents shadowy matters like ghosts, black magic, laziness, and hurdles. So astrologers recommend wearing of a Hessonite in the form of a ring that helps you to overcome your rivals, obstacles and restores your peace of mind. Hessonite should only be worn if your planet Rahu is placed in the 3rd, 6th and 11th house of your birth chart.

  1. Ketu-Cat’s Eye Chrysoberyl

Ketu is the planet of wisdom and works in your overall spiritual development and insight. Cat’s Eye Chrysoberyl is the gemstone that defines the power of Ketu. Ketu is a shadowy planet, called south node, and it represents matters like poverty, spiritual beliefs, mental strength, troubles, and black magic. So astrologers recommend wearing of Cat’s Eye Chrysoberyl in the form of a ring that will enhance and strengthen your physic and spiritual insights. It also gives you the wisdom to overcome your rivals with tact. A well placed Ketu can bring you confidence and courage, and bless you with good memory and knowledge.

Your lucky Gemstone according to your Zodiac Sign

  1. Aries

Aries is the first dynamic fire sign of the zodiac with Mars as its planet and Red Coral as its gemstone, that is red in colour. Aries are not alien to competition as they love to dive with impulse into any challenging situations. They possess energies like fire, passion, creativity, and strengths to move ahead with force in all ventures of life and tend to get overworked with their overenthusiasm. Red Coral is a natural healer gemstone that replenishes the physical energy that is generally consumed in excess by the person by improving the muscular system of those who wear this gemstone.

  1. Taurus

Taurus is the second earth sign of the zodiac with Venus as its planet and Diamond as its gemstone, that is white in colour. The cosmic energy of Venus gives Taureans a craving for luxurious life and good creativity with serene work atmosphere, comfortable home surroundings with soothing sounds and aromas. Diamond is the gemstone that brings clarity in relationships with spouse and loved ones and raises the bar of the romance quotient of this sign.

  1. Gemini

Gemini is the third air sign of the zodiac with Mercury as its planet and Emerald as its gemstone, that is green in colour. Gemini are ruled by spontaneity with insatiable curiosity that drives them towards many pursuits at the same time; and this inspires them to use their intellectual strengths double fold. Emerald is a very precious gemstone that has the unique quality of sustaining a sense of calmness in those who wear it and controls the nervous anxiety that is born out of their complex work style.

  1. Cancer

Cancer is the fourth water sign of the zodiac with Moon as its planet and Pearl as its gemstone, that is white in colour. Cancerians are highly intuitive individuals who have the unique ability to balance both their emotional and material worlds by their presence. They are the most nurturing sign of the zodiac but will take every precaution to guard themselves and their loved ones from any kind of emotional turmoil. Pearl has the quality of channelizing the energy of Moon to bring peace, stability and serenity in the life of those who wear it for self-healing.

  1. Leo

Leo is the fifth fire sign of the zodiac with Sun as its planet and Ruby as its gemstone, that is red in colour. Leo natives have royal status, authoritative personality and has the habit of overshadowing others in relationships. Leo is one of the most daring signs but sometimes they also need help in sorting out their problems. They are ambitious so this drive can take toll on their mind and energy, that creates a void in their well-being – which can be restored by wearing Ruby laid in gold. This will help to tide over anxiety and stress.

  1. Virgo

Virgo is the sixth earth sign of the zodiac with Mercury as its planet and Emerald as its gemstone, that is green in colour. Virgos are very systematic in their approach due to their strong logic and perfectionist attitude. They keep busy with consistent efforts to improve their skills through continuous and diligent practice. Virgo is the second sign ruled by Mercury and they are good supporters and great planners. Emerald works as a healer that brings balance, wisdom and patience in their life to balance their intellectual energy.

  1. Libra

Libra is the seventh air sign of the zodiac with Venus as its planet and Diamond as its gemstone, that is transparent in colour. The energy of Libra is well defined with the qualities of balance, harmony and honesty in their personality traits and this zodiac sign is creative and obsessed with balancing all their ventures with perfection and hard work to create equilibrium in all arenas of life. Libra is the second sign ruled by Venus. They are extra creative with a perfectionist streak that leaves them stressed and Diamond possesses healing powers that protects them from stress and anxiety related to work or personal relations.

  1. Scorpio

Scorpio is the eighth water sign of the zodiac with Mars as its planet and Red Coral as its gemstone, that is red in colour. Scorpio have the ability to think in excess detail about any matter and their excessive physical work can lead to the premature sapping of mental and physical energy and vitality.Scorpio has this extraodinary courage to work with strength. Red Coral has the quality of restoring the vitality and motivation that revives their creativity. Scorpio is the second sign of Mars and this gemstone can enhance the person’s courage and positive approach towards life by boosting self-confidence of the person wearing it.

  1. Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the ninth but last of the fire sign of the zodiac with Jupiter as its planet and Yellow Sapphire as its gemstone. Sagittarius are very hard working individuals, always on the quest to gain knowledge, are adventurous with consistent energy, and have the foresight of future events. They strive to work tirelessly for their prospects but, at times, over extension of these attributes create problems for them. Yellow Sapphire is the gemstone that has the quality of restoring their confidence and positive energy, that improves the strength and ability to work towards their ambitions, by boosting the self-confidence of the person wearing it.

  1. Capricorn

Capricorn is the tenth and the last of the earth signs of the zodiac with Saturn as its planet and Blue Sapphire as its gemstone, that is blue in colour. Capricorn always love to be in their assertive mode of behaviour with people around them since they invest all energy in one stance or activity that is their focus. This makes them exhausted very quickly, making it difficult for them to maintain consistency of energy in their ventures. Blue Sapphire has the quality of restoring the confidence of Capricorn to understand the depth of their strength and ability to work towards their ambitions by crossing the hurdles with clarity of mind and perspective as this gemstone stimulates the creativity of those wearing it.

  1. Aquarius

Aquarius is the eleventh and the last of the air signs in the zodiac with Saturn as its planet and Blue Sapphire as its gemstone, that’s blue in colour. Aquarius have very good mental abilities but are hesitant to share their viewpoint and do not communicate well; so there are very strong possibilities of them getting disturbed in their routine life. Blue Sapphire has the quality of restoring the emotional equilibrium of Aquarians as it is the second sign of Saturn, of those dedicated to making the earth a better place to live. Wearing Blue Sapphire will endow courage and a positive approach towards life by reducing the blockages in the life of those wearing it.

  1. Pisces

Pisces is the twelfth intuitive sign of the zodiac with Jupiter as its planet and Yellow Sapphire as its gemstone, that is yellow in colour. Pisces have strong mental and spiritual inclinations that keep these wise people very active; but they are prone to fear and anxiety as they try to cover all dimensions together. Yellow Sapphire has the quality of binding the material and spiritual goals into the thread of self-realization. Pisces is the second sign of Jupiter and the last sign of the zodiac that works with hope and fears, joy and pain - the two extreme directions of life together. Wearing of Yellow Sapphire as a ring will make you aware of the difference between fantasy and reality.

Wearing of gemstones can greatly benefit you, provided you follow guidelines from expert astrologers.

