Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

The planet of intelligence and energy, Mercury will transit in retrograde motion and travel into the sign of Taurus, which is an earth element. The effects of this retrogression will impact various houses of your horoscope and bring unexpected outcomes on your professional and personal relationships as well as on your life as a whole.


Mercury will retrograde in the sign of Taurus on the 10 May 2022 and then will again turn progressive on 3 June 2022.

Mercury is the planet of communication and perception; so, during its retrogression, following effects will be visible:

  • It will affect your communication in your personal and professional front
  • All types of communication devices will pose problems
  • Impact on relationships will be there
  • Financial insecurities in speculative market can also exist

Mercury is the planet of communication and it governs all forms of communications, be it social media, technology, perception. Hence,during its retrogression all these modes get thrown off their natural balance. All heavenly bodies in the cosmos look like as if they are moving backwards in their path in the sky. It feels as if there is a backspin in all events in general. So to overcome this cosmic upheaval it is recommended for all zodiac signs in general that it is not the right time to pursue any new dimension; rather it is a good time to slow down and step back to review all your options of progress with an observant eye and pay more attention to your communication with everyone.

What are the effects of the Mercury Retrogression, Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse during this period? To get a detailed insight CLICK HERE.




Mercury will retrograde into Aries sign in the 2nd house of speech, wealth and family.

Cautions- During this retrogression your professional life will be charged up with challenges. So, you will have to manipulate your abilities and efforts with your intelligence and hard work for gains and financial stability. Your personal arena will be prosperous with your partner, family and friends. Be spontaneous in your gesture and avoid controlling or manipulating your relationships in order to build strong bonding. Maintain your good health and immunity during this transit through regular good diet and exercise regime.


Mercury will retrograde into Taurus sign in the 1st house of self and personality.

Cautions- This retrogression will be very progressive both for your personal and professional life and all this progress will enhance your actions and mental thinking process. You will have to balance your abundance of action energy and thinking process or you may suffer from mental fatigue, headache and sleeplessness due to the stress caused by over-thinking. Maintain your good health and immunity during this transit through regular good diet and exercise regime.


Mercury will retrograde into Gemini sign in the 12th house of expenses, losses, travels and salvation.

Cautions- During this retrogression, in your professional life you will have to endure strong challenges at your workplace which may affect your mental peace. Avoid any kind of financial investment during this transit. Your personal relations may face a blow due to your aggression in personal and familial relationships. Therefore, maintain your decorum of behaviour for personal peace and harmony. Take care of your health in a general way with good diet and exercise regime, along with meditation. Conflicts in personal and professional front may disturb you mentally.


Mercury will be retrograding in the 11th house of income, gains, and fulfillment of desires.

Cautions- During this retrogression, you will see a fulfillment of desires on the professional front but be vigilant in your approach towards your money matters in your ventures. Personal relations will be marked with peace in personal and family relations but avoid being too emotional over small matter with your partner or loved ones. Maintain your good health and immunity during this transit through regular good diet and exercise regime.


Mercury will retrograde into Leo sign in the 10th house of career and status and profession.

Avoid being resistant towards your personal or professional adversaries and try to adjust with them by lowering down your expectations and giving yourself some leverage to be strong and positive when your options are more favourable for you to handle with ease. Take good care of your personal and family’s health as any past disease may be active again. Keep your stress level balanced for good health. Avoid any kind of speculation with your wealth quotient to keep it fruitful in the coming times.


Mercury will retrograde into Virgo sign in the 9th house of luck, fortune and spirituality.

Cautions- The retrogression of Mercury will bring unpredictable work challenges and arguments in your professional relationship with your superiors. All these events will demand vigilance and hard work in your career ventures. Personal relationship will be normal but frequently a friction with your father or elders is visible. You are advised to retain your religious inclination and practice meditation on a regular basis for your mental peace. Maintain good health and diet regime.


Mercury will retrograde into Libra sign in the 8th house of hurdles, sudden gains /loss.

Cautions-  Professionally, it will not be a very progressive period for you. You will have to work very hard to glide through these tough times. There will be financial stringency for those Libra natives who are involved in speculative market as tentative calculation regarding money matters will not be successful. Your personal arena will also be challenging, and any kind of emotional conflict will not by fruitful for your health. Maintain good health and immunity during this retrogression by regular good diet and exercise regime.


Mercury will retrograde into Scorpio sign in the 7th house of marital bliss, partnership and associations.

Cautions-  Your professional partnership will be prosperous in terms of gains, but you will still have to be alert against any professional partnership. An underlying conspiracy in professional arena is visible. Personal relations will bring fluctuation in personal bonding. Both partners would require good mutual understanding to avoid any misunderstanding in relationships. Keep a tab on your personal behaviour and avoid lending money during this retrogression period as its recovery is unlikely.


Mercury will retrograde into Sagittarius in the 6th house of service, debt and disease.

Cautions-  Take good care of your health, spouse’s health and of your family as there may be a relapse of any past disease due to the retrogression of Mercury. Your personal life will be lined with confusion and conflict with your partner. On the other hand, single natives may also face uncertainty in their personal relationships. So, be careful in this regard such that your harsh speech does not tamper your relationship with your partner and family members. Professionally, it is an encouraging time for professionals working in partnership. But you have to put in effort to work with mutual understanding for good and beneficial results.


Mercury will retrograde into Capricorn sign in the 5th house of love, entertainment, children and education.

Cautions-  Students will see a very progressive trend during this retrogression for their educational pursuits due to the enhanced analytical power and concentration. This coordination of good concentration and sharp memory will give you a good chance to balance your study pressure. Avoid any kind of financial movement in professional ventures as it will not give you any fruitful results. Take care of your personal and familial life with love and affection, rather than merely thinking of it as your responsibility to make it progressive.


Aquarius Mercury will be retrograde into Aquarius sign in the 4th house of domestic peace and prosperity, stability, and property.

Cautions- The retrogression will not be favourable for you in terms of your family and personal relations as there may strong miscommunication or gaps between all the family members. Natives away from their home may have a good chance of coming back to their roots but that may result in a change of professional scenario below their expected salary quotient. Maintain your good health and immunity during this transit by regular good diet, exercise regime and meditation. Avoid any kind of major physical exertion as it may not be suitable for your physical stability and strength.


Mercury will retrograde into Pisces in the 3rd house of courage, initiative, siblings and short trips.

During this retrogression there will be enhancement in your initiative, approach and communication skills that will be very progressive for your professional ventures. However, maintain your decorum in behaviour as over-confidence may add roughness in your speech. Your personal life will be good but take care to not go overboard by stressing yourself in efforts to maintain these relationships. You may face some impediments in sharing your thought process with others and may tend to keep to yourself. Maintain your good health and immunity during this transit through regular good diet and exercise regime

Mercury is the planet of intelligence and analytical power that will give creativity to all natives to work hard with vigilance. Mercury will also bestow action-oriented wit to overcome any obstacles in your path of success during this retrogression of Mercury to Taurus sign.
