Best Compatibility Match for Taurus Woman

(Moon Sign Based)

Taurus woman is ruled by the Goddess of love & fortune, Venus. She is emotional, passionate & has great admiration for nature & beauty. She loves to be with someone who would understand & respect her feelings, as she would for her partner.

Best Compatibility Match for Taurus Woman


A Taurus woman is down to earth yet loves luxury, harmony and beauty around her. She has a strong attraction towards all materialistic things needed to lead a niche and luxurious lifestyle.

An accurate prediction about your love compatibility can be arrived at only when certain parameters are studied, for which we require the exact birth details as mentioned in the form below.


When a Taurus woman is in a relationship, she is one of the most gentle and tender partners one can wish for and really wants to settle down in life. She is a hard-working, dedicated lover/partner who always keeps her home in order, with the best décor of the finest quality.

The neatness freak Taurus needs a partner who can get her feelings, desires and needs even when she doesn’t speak about them. Like any other female, she wants her partner to value her even if he fails to take her out on fancy dinners and dates.

Personality Traits of a Taurus Woman

Taurus are known for their need for independence. She has the capability of completing a task on her own no matter how difficult or impossible it might seem without the help of anyone else.

She is never afraid of a challenge and is quite emotionally strong. She believes that emotions make a person strong and not vulnerable. She can easily handle any amount of stress without a single line of worry on her forehead.

Aesthetics and natural beauty are highly appreciated by the creative Taurus woman. Beautiful landscapes catch her attention and she loves spending time admiring the beauty of nature (whenever she gets time).

In a relationship, a Taurus woman is very caring and affectionate, completely dedicated and committed to her partner. Loyalty is her second name. If her partner faces any difficulty in any area of life, she becomes the most patient woman and perseveres in a manner many people wouldn't know she had it in her.

But at times, a Taurus woman can become extremely difficult to handle as she can be stubborn and stuck up if she feels she is right in a certain situation. She hardly ever changes her opinion about someone neither is she flexible when she makes up her mind about something.

It is a very rare sight to see a Taurus woman lose her temper but when she does, may the good Lord save you! Also, in a conflict or argument, she keeps a passive-aggressive approach. It means she may just either completely dodge the reason for the argument or she has an indifferent attitude.

Even though she does not believe in flaunting her knowledge, she is known for her intelligence. She believes in the practical application of knowledge rather than enagging in endless discussions or debates.

To learn more about Taurus Woman personality, CLICK HERE


In this piece, we will take you through 4 compatible love matches for a Taurus woman based on her personality traits’ analysis to enjoy a happy relationship/married life.

Taurus Woman and Virgo Man

This couple creates a landslide of love for others to watch and learn. The major reason taht makes them a good couple is the incredible compatibility they share beacuse of numerous common personality traits, which connects them at a deeper level.

The perfectionist Virgo is a very down to earth, practical, extremely organized guy who loves to talk to people. He is a go-getter and a doer and never shies away from hard work. With his stable persona and kind-hearted nature, he is very comfortably able to gel with the Taurus woman as these are some common traits that both the partners share.

Other common traits that a Taurus woman and a Virgo Man share are:

  • They are highly down to earth.
  • They are both extremely hard-working.
  • They both remain dedicated and devoted to their loved ones without any expectation.
  • They both are very intellectual and knowledgeable.
  • They both are extremely practical.
  • They both share a calculative approach towards life.

Taurus woman and Virgo man are a great match together. They have more similarities than differences to dodge problems or issues that come their way.

Taurus Woman and Libra Man

A Libra man has a natural inclination toward a Taurus woman. He is a man with a high intellect, quick and perfect solution for every problem or situation. Known for his sense of fashion and a killer smile, he is a conqueror of many hearts. He is an extremely loyal and dedicated lover who puts his partner’s needs and desires before him.

He treats his Taurus woman with all the respect she deserves and spoils her with his pampering and showers her with all sorts of gifts such as chocolates, perfumes, bouquets of flowers, jewelry, clothes, and much more. Both the signs are ruled by the Goddess of Love - Venus - and so share some common traits between them. They are:

  • Great levels of mutual understanding.
  • They support each other in their respective areas of expertise.
  • Strong sexual attraction for each other.
  • Stable personality.
  • They both hate drama and risk-taking in life.

The chic Taurus woman and the enigmatic Libra man is a great recipe for a happily married life or relationship.

Taurus Woman and Capricorn Man

They can be called a match made in heaven. Both belong to the earth element and, hence, share similar views on life. Similar to the Taurus woman, the Capricorn man also appreciates finer things and luxuries in life and works hard towards achieving them and making them a part of his everyday routine.

Some common traits between a Taurus woman and Capricorn man are:

  • Both are practical.
  • Both share a down to earth personality.
  • Both are ambitious.
  • Both are easy going.
  • Both share strong mutual understanding.
  • Both are generally peaceful and grounded.
  • Both believe in hard work.
  • Both love and appreciate beauty.

It is working on their common traits, drawn from their earth elements, that make this couple sustain a long-lasting and loving relationship.

Taurus Woman and Aquarius Man

An Aquarius man is extremely friendly in nature and loves independence. He is a humanitarian and works towards making the life of people around him easier. He remains loyal to his Taurus woman and both share a high level of intellectual romance.

Common traits between the Taurus woman and an Aquarius man are:

  • Both are stable in nature.
  • Both love a niche and elite lifestyle and finer things in life.
  • Loyalty matters the most for both.
  • Amazing sexual compatibility.
  • They are both humanitarians.

With an effective line of communication and perseverance always open, an Aquarius man and a Taurus woman will remain the best love match for each other.

Besides the above-mentioned matches, there are other signs who share good compatibility with a Taurus woman. They are:

A Taurus woman is a strong, smart woman. She is the one who does things brilliantly. She is a highly affectionate lover and partner with a caring nature. She remains loyal and dedicated to her partner and expects the same in return.

In her soulmate or partner, she wants someone who is capable of handling her bullish character of stubbornness as well as tendency to get fixated at one particular point.

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