(Moon Sign Based)
Taurus is reliable, patient, persistent and sensual where you love to enjoy beauty and luxury in your life, but you can be stubborn and possessive in relationships and resist sudden changes in your life. Sagittarius is optimistic, independent, honest, straight forward and free spirited, and can be impulsive in relationships.
Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus and is well known for its practical and grounded personality which is marked by their steadfast approach, loyalty, determination and strong work style. They have the patience and persistence to work for your stability and physical comforts. They have a sensitivity to admire fine and beautiful things in life.
Sagittarius is the fire sign ruled by Jupiter, and is free spirited, innovative and despises stagnation and lack of changes in surroundings /relationships. They have the innate quality of judging all the aspects of the issue and trying to bring solutions to the existing problems with change and flexibility to bring resolutions. They hold an intelligent sense of innovative techniques in solving problems that can create strong personal /professional relationships.
This astrology compatibility is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. Please fill in your birth details below to confirm your moon sign for the purpose of compatibility analysis.
Taurus and Sagittarius in relationships is average due to their difference in attitude and nature. Taurus individual will take their own time to develop tuning in relationships whereas the Sagittarius will not take time in reciprocating his/her feelings and their relationship preferences may change according to physical attraction and connection with their partner.
The relationship between Taurus and Sagittarius depends a lot on emotional connectivity and trust. The mutual connection between the two signs is unpredictable, as the Sagittarius partner cannot always be trusted to be available in their partner’s urgent need due to fluctuating moods. On the other hand, the trust factor in a Taurus partner is strong, but getting connected emotionally is uncertain due to their inflexible attitude and difficulty adapting to the ever-changing attitude of the Sagittarius partner.
Taurus has a focused, grounded approach and is attracted to attaining finer things in life with materialistic comforts. They focus on working hard to achieve their desires and are goal-oriented for succeeding in life. On the other hand, Sagittarius is attracted to adventure and freedom in life like a moth to a flame. They are optimists who love to live their life with enthusiasm and energy.
Overall, Taurus and Sagittarius compatibility may have the potential for harmonious relationships after overcoming extreme strengths and challenges from these two contrasting signs. If Taurus can teach Sagittarius the value of patience and routine, and Sagittarius can help the Taurus partner be more flexible to enjoy life with more energy and liveliness, they can achieve a balanced relationship.
The basic equation between Taurus & Sagittarius is good with a strong initial attraction which may develop due to their contrasting nature. Taurus will be drawn towards Sagittarius partner due to his /her outgoing and adventurous nature while Sagittarius initial attraction towards Taurus partner will be due to his/her stability and reliability.
Taurus will appreciate Sagittarius partners, enthusiasm and zest in life whereas Sagittarius will love and admire Taurus partners, practicality and the ability to provide a sense of security.
Initially Taurus /Sagittarius may have contrasting expectations but basically one will desire stability in relationships and others desire will be independence in relationships.
Taurus can offer grounded support to Sagittarius while Sagittarius can promote Taurus’ confidence to work out of their comfort zone to embrace new experience and skills in life.
Harmony in partnerships will be created with balance of security and personal independence in relationships and mutual respect and understanding for each other. They can build a contended bond by connecting a common ground to work upon their strengths and weakness.
The Taurus man is calm and composed, ad is always ready to take responsibilities and fulfil his duties with dedication. The Taurus man is hard working and is always sensible and even tempered even in adverse situation. On the other hand, the Sagittarius woman will always be honest to her emotions and connection in relationships but will demand her personal space and freedom in relationships.
Taurus woman is the individual with a practical reasoning, independent and mature approach in relationships who loves to take care of her partner, and her love and affection is practical rather than just being surface level. Sagittarius man will be adventurous, will lack the initiative of taking responsibilities in relationships but will connect with his partner over intellectual conversations /debates and will make extra effort to make his partner/spouse happy despite several contrasts in their personalities.
Taurus and Sagittarius are different individuals with contrast in their personalities, but their relationship will bring balance. Initially the contrast in their personalities attracts them to form a union for life. This helps them to develop a new perspective and progress in their respective fields by each other’s support and knowledge. | When Taurus, the earth sign and Sagittarius, the fire sign connect with each other in relationships, it is evident that a clash is likely to occur in their personal belief system. There will not be a natural sync in their relationships but will require efforts to build the right correspondence between them. |
Sagittarius possesses an unrestrained energy that fills energy and enthusiasm in the quiet and unwavering world of Taurus, whereas Taurus brings stabilizing influence into the restless mind of Sagittarius that helps them to curb their irresponsible attitude. Thus, both can help each other to maneuver their weakness into strong positive traits for developing stronger bonds. | The moody behavior of the Sagittarius will not be supported by the Taurus partner and the stubborn Taurus attitude will frustrate the Sagittarius partner. Taurus will avoid confronting drama in relationships while Sagittarius is generally loud in expressing his /her emotional outbursts when disturbed. Thus, the arguments and conflicts between these two signs may get more controversial and will make it difficult for them to bond. |
You can request a free Vedic Compatibility Report on Indian Astrology principles. The report will need the birth details of you & your partner covering Date, Time & Place of birth. Our team looks forward to amaze you with the powerful Vedic Matching Report covering your thinking, social, sexual, financial & instincts related compatibility.
Taurus- Sagittarius can complement each other to have happy and content relationships in many ways.
Taurus offers unwavering support and practical perspective in mutual relationship whereas Sagittarius will bring spark and excitement in personal relations.
Taurus can bring stability in Sagittarius restlessness by listening to his/her problems and in return Sagittarius can initiate the inflexible Taurean to come out of their comfort zone to embrace changes and bring new innovations to their old beliefs.
Taurus- Sagittarius have a happy and healthy relationship if they mutually understand each other’s different personality traits and benefit from each other’s strengths. Taurus can teach patience and the benefits of long-term planning in all aspects of life and in turn Sagittarius can teach Taurus to explore new avenues for their progress. They can win over their mutual challenges by communicating with each other over with honesty, respecting each other’s space and freedom to overcome their relationships challenges’.
The Taurus- Sagittarius compatibility is bold where they both are highly passionate about each other and enjoy long term romantic relationships. They both have strong attraction towards each other initially but when they connect with each other in commitments, their overall relationship will require effort.
They must balance the relationship to avoid any issues that may erupt due to contrast in their personality traits despite strong physical intimacy. You must respect each other’s needs and personal preferences for contentment.
Love Compatibility Score: 7 Out Of 10
Taurus and Sagittarius have strong physical attraction towards each other but have low contentment due to different attributes during physical intimacy that could leave them confused and frustrated. With honest communication with your partner and little understanding this pair can make their sexual life work. A shade of light romance and cheerful companionship with your partner will be beneficial during intimacy.
Sexual Compatibility Score: 5 Out Of 10
When it comes to Taurus/Sagittarius communication, compatibility is moderate where their approach towards life will be different but the mutual interest towards certain interests could be extraordinary. Hence the communication between the two signs largely depends on the common interest and the way they respond to each other in any conversation.
They would not argue over any matter and speak harshly to each other but will have contrast in the way of individual communication where Taurus will think twice before speaking a word and Sagittarius will respond instantly over any communication/conversation.
Communication Compatibility Score: 5 Out Of 10
Overall, Taurus and Sagittarius will have good compatibility as partners. They should develop stability and an open mindset in their relationship for its success, with open communication and honesty over matters of concern, and by respecting each other’s need for privacy and independence. Finding balance in their relationship is essential for progress and growth. If they are willing to make certain adjustments with their partner, it will bring proximity in their relationship, and they will be able to enjoy shared interests and values with mutual consent.
Vedic astrology can assess the couple by analyzing their birth charts. It also shed lights on other facets because the equation between the couple or the love relationship also affects in different ways other aspects of life like luck, family, status, happiness, health, longevity, prosperity, and parenthood, to name a few. more