Taurus Woman Personality

(Moon Sign Based)

The Taurus woman is a gentle, loving and feminine soul. She’s modest and a home body. She has excellent management skills whether at home or at work, but she prefers to be her Daddy’s girl, Mommy’s sweetheart, and a man’s dream come true!

Taurus Woman Personality


When the Moon fell in love, he fell in love with Taurus. There’s a popular story in the Indian mythology which depicts that Moon, the most romantic, charming and most sought after by women, fell in love and hard with the Taurus constellation, which made all the other zodiac signs so jealous that they went to Brahma and complained about not getting enough attention from him. After which, the Moon was cursed to lose his shine and forced to pay attention to all his wives and spend equal time with them all.

He, however, couldn’t help but stay a bit longer with Taurus. And every time he goes to any zodiac, he feels incomplete and keeps longing for Taurus until he meets her and shines the brightest in her company in his full glory. The constellation that he fell in love with was- Rohini, the ideal and ultimate wife. He reaches his point of exaltation as soon as he enters Krittika constellation in Taurus and continues to shine as the full Moon from that point on until he moves past the Taurus range, therefore depicting the phases of the Moon.

This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

The simplicity, sweetness, purity of character, calmness and intelligence in various forms of arts including the art of love and love-making is what charms the Moon the most. All of these being the core of Taurus Moon women.

Behavioral constitution of a Taurus Moon woman:

Taurus women by nature are sweet, simple, not argumentative, has a mind of her own but states her thoughts in the most practical and logical way without stirring up unnecessary conflict, loves herself and respects herself immensely, does not chase anyone, chooses her partner very cautiously and is slow and steady in love, shy in the beginning of the relationship, is feminine in her persona with tender looks which exude softness, timidness, and a natural physique which hasn’t been put through any heavy exercise or sports.

  • These women have a naturally feminine, girly aspect to their looks, and they dress and behave modestly. Even if they wear slightly revealing clothes, they do not look indecent and carry themselves with a poise that garners much respect and adoration.
  • They are exceptionally concerned about been seen in a respectful manner by all. These women are home-bodies who love to express themselves through art, and sensual ways such as cooking.
  • They love their husband and will ensure that the dinner table is full and brimming with best food and culinary delights, all of it prepared with love.

Depending upon the following birth constellations, their attributes might differ:

Krittika: the constellation Krittika is ruled by Sun. it’s literal meaning is someone who cuts. It also represents the beginning of life in the sense that when the umbilical cord of a child is cut from the mother, life begins. An entire realm of understanding and wisdom lies in this act of ‘cutting’. Therefore, the first star to appear in the sky is Krittika, which is where the zodiac realm begins. It is also a fiery, warrior constellation which stands for action-orientation, however, people belonging to this constellation might look serious but are actually a softie at heart.

Rohini: Rohini constellation is known as the ‘red one’ in all of the constellations. It represents the ‘most loved wife’. The Moon is said to have 27 constellations as his wives, but it exalts as soon as it reaches Taurus, shining the brightest in her presence, therefore, the name. Rohini incorporates the essence of fertility, conception, growth and development. They are completely family-oriented.

Mrigashira: Mrigashira represents the deer’s head. Deer is a sensitive, hard to catch, anxious creature with a great intuition for danger. It escapes as soon as the thought of possessing it comes to your mind. People belonging to this constellation have the perseverance, courage and strength of a spiritual warrior. They are one of the purest souls with immense love in their hearts.

Style Sense of a Taurus Moon woman:

Taurus is a feminine sign, and therefore the women are feminine by their looks and behavior as well.

  • Taurus women match their persona with their femininity through flowery prints, and soft tones. They like printed dresses which are tastefully artistic and will match pieces of simple jewelry which compliment their persona and let their femininity shine through, instead of hiding it under tons of makeup or jewelry or bold colors.
  • They believe in the concept of- ‘Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication’ and live by it.
  • Even on occasions which call for fancy attires like family functions, you will see them simply dressed or in case of an Indian setting, a beautiful silk saree with minimal makeup and jewelry. This is simply because saree, the most feminine attire, sets a young woman a class apart, and her little makeup and jewelry gives off the idea of- “I was born pretty!”.
  • High heels are quite their thing, especially ones which are sharp/narrow at the toes.
  • Even in professional settings, you’ll find her pairing her jeans with t-shirts which hug her frame and/or dresses which have earthy tones or feminine aspect to it.
  • In casual settings or on a date, she’ll be wearing something that covers most of her body without revealing much and leaving her date with much to wonder, but respectfully!

Personal Life Roles

A Taurus woman keep her personal life and roles at the top of her priority list. She’s a fine daughter to her parents, always loving and respectful, a mother who is exceptionally caring to her children, and the most loyal wife whose life revolves around her husband and making the home a peaceful, comfortable and joyful space to be in.

  • She will always stay away from arguments, and come up with logical and practical outcomes which suit everyone. However, she has a temper and head strength of a bull, which means that if provoked, she will lose it all and give it back to you by lashing out. Her temper cools off soon. And more often than not, she’ll apologize.
  • She’s also someone you shouldn’t expect to get triggered unnecessarily; she’ll give you the silent treatment for long periods of time if she gets hurt, not out of spite but out of acknowledging that she’s hurt but doesn’t want to blow it out of proportion.
  • She’s a woman of few words, she speaks very less, and prefers to write her feelings down. In social setting, she wont be speaking unnecessarily, but if she wants to talk it out or has something to say, expect super long emails or letters. In moments where her husband might lose his cool, she’ll stay quiet and have a conversation laters.

As a Daughter:

Taurus are independent woman but not in the boastful sense, but rather in the gentle sense. She knows who she is, and doesn’t need to prove it to anyone. Parents should understand this aspect of hers, and give her space. Keeping that aside, she’s a wonderful daughter who has immense love for her mother and deep appreciation, love and respect for her father.

  • As kids, Taurus women are the ones who’ll find joy in the garden musing over butterflies and shades of the petals of a flower. She feels extremely happy and calm in nature. She loves the rain and the smell of soil, so expect your little one to jump puddles randomly on the street, or get her hands dirty in the mud as much as she can and taking pride in it.
  • Taurus women are gentle as kids. They’re not the ones to play with toy machines and cars, they’re always into dolls and doll houses. Even as a kid, here preferences are very girly.
  • As a teenager, you’ll be happy to know she’s got an artistic bend of mind. She’ll be peaceful writing poems in the woods alone, or fill her room with paintings. She might get recognized for her artistic works at school.
  • As a grown up, she’s responsible about her duties as a daughter and believes in the concept of family strongly. She’ll be a great daughter for you and take a lot of time choosing a partner, but it will be pedestal for her to find her true match and get settled. She wont let go of her ties with you, ever.

As a Sister:

As a sister, Taurus woman is an all-in-one. She’s not dominating, but would like to guide you and be protective of you. She’s the best best friend you could ask for. She’s someone who’ll teach you the real definition of loyalty and trust.

  • As an elder sister, you’ll know you have a dependable confidante and guide who loves you and is immensely protective as well.
  • As a younger sister, she has deep respect for you and will abide by you, however, she will not be controlled by you.

As a Friend:

A Taurus has a close-knit circle up to her academic life. Even in her professional space, she’s cordial to all but keeps a safe and formal distance from people. She is a private person, and has chosen ones after spending considerable time with them as her friends. She has friends from all walks of life but it’s more like- 2 childhood friends from primary school, 1 from high-school, 3 from college, and 2 from professional space and that’s it. Those are her friends that she will keep close to her heart forever and be loyal to till the end of time.

  • She doesn’t like unnecessary attention and prefers her own space; this makes her typical of choosing friends who’re trustworthy and those who comfort and understand her.
  • She’s pretty old-school and conventional so she’ll be the one always guiding her friends for stable choices in life, especially her girlfriends.

As a Lover:

Taurus women are romantic, like sweet and genuine gestures of romance. Being an ardent believer of soulmates and everlasting love, she would be very emotional but also need sensual expression of love.

  • She thinks too much before committing and is shy in approaching her love interest. She keeps her emotions to herself. She takes time in opening up to her lover, and wouldn’t jump in any relationship quickly.
  • Her need in a relationship is to be recognized as a sensible, conservative, and respectable fine lady and once she knows she’s seen that way, she’ll be more comfortable opening up. Her other needs in the relationship include sweet gestures of love than fancy and over-the-top show of adoration. A beautiful red or pink rose is enough to make her day and make her feel special. Anything that is personal and has a sensitive angle to it, will be cherished.
  • She’s loyal, devoted, and one who knows how to make you feel like a man. She’ll trust you completely and will expect you to trust her back. She needs you to be completely convinced that she’s yours alone and there’s no need of suspicion. Her rules in love isn’t like the rest of the world, it is customized for just the both of you. She’s not as much into PDA, for her its important that the bond you share with her is full of love in private and there’s no need for a third involvement.
  • She’s practical and sensible and soft-spoken to her lover, she’ll be respectful at all times and mostly go as per he says, except on a few occasions when she puts her ideas forward. She will give you space but craves your attention, and if not received, she’ll most likely get sentimental the next time you talk. You’ll have to take the cues.

Compatible zodiac signs: Scorpio, Virgo.

As a Wife:

Taurus women haven’t got the title for the ‘best wife ever’ for nothing! Like we’ve mentioned, she’s a dream girl to many who knows exactly how to love you right. She’s slow and steady and takes ample time to understand her partner, which makes her very understanding and love him the way he wishes to be loved.

  • A Taurus wife is strongly devoted to her husband. As a rule, whatever he says, goes. If he decides something, she will stick to it unquestioningly. For a Taurus woman, her husband’s wish is her command.
  • She is the wife who plays the role of a life partner well. She will take care of her husband in all aspects, right from what he eats, how much rest he gets, the ambience of house, a peaceful and comfortable home, kids well taken care of, in-laws happy, she will make all of these work seamlessly only because it keeps her husband carefree. This is her love language.
  • Apart from the physical aspects of being a partner, she’s your ride or die mate who’ll be your confidante and will share with you your personal & professional desires and encourage you to go for it. She’ll have a practical outlook and will probably help you pave a way to make your dreams a reality. She’ll be your strength and your weakness (because you’ll be very dependent, but in a healthy way).
  • She is one who places the sexual and emotional aspect of marriage on a sacred pedestal. She needs to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling intimate life to be happy in the marriage. She’s completely devoted to one man alone and the intimacy with her partner is a matter of pride to her.

Compatible zodiac sign for marriage: Scorpio (Anuradha & Jyestha).

As a Mother:

Tauruses are more likely to become full-time mothers. They’re ambitious at work, however, if the need be, she’ll give all her time and attention to her children.

  • She’s protective, tender and extremely loving of children, in general, and her own kids will mean the world for her.
  • She will ensure she’s there for them at all times and vigilant of them and their safety. She’ll be a possessive mother, needless to say.
  • However, she may not be every expressive of her emotions to them. A beautiful bond will be there, and they’ll look up to her, but too much expression of love isn’t going to happen. She’s scared of spoiling them, knowing how much she’s capable of doing that.
  • Being hardworking, self-made and a woman of substance who made it all on her own, she’ll teach her children that there are no short-cuts to real success and nothing worthwhile ever gets served on a platter. She’ll teach them to be fair, upright, hardworking, diligent, and pure as she is, thanks to Venus.

Professional Life Roles

A Taurus is hardworking and efficient as an employee. She’s reliable and excellent at what she does, but she isn’t the woman who speaks without purpose or involves in gossip or foul-play at work. She’s too sensible to be involved in petty politics or in unnecessary arguments. She’ll be cordial to her boss and her manager, but she won’t be buttering anyone, at any given time. Her respect for her superiors starts and ends in the workplace, unless you’ve mentored her, then she’ll respect and remember you lifelong.


As a Student:

Taurus are good as students. They’re diligent and hard workers. They’re quite the book-worm. They’ll be happy in their books all day long, if required.

  • A Taurus Moon student will ensure all her homework and projects are done and submitted on time. Her ink pens, geometry box, and the cover on the books should be neatly done. Her books and notebooks will always be in good condition and her handwriting, the best in the entire school.
  • She’ll take up responsible positions, if asked to but is happy getting good grades and having a clean marksheet. She’s the girl who’s notes will be circulated all around the class, because this quiet girl is the only one who seriously makes them.
  • She’ll probably be a little bullied by others for her notes in specific, or to make them understand concepts of physics or organic chemistry or during exams to whisper out answers, which she utterly dislikes. But she will be the one always finding herself in this situation, somehow. This might lead her to hide away from her own peers in the library where again, she finds escape and solace amongst books.
  • She will be most likely known for her artistic pursuits or her penchant for good writing, or might be into sports, on rare occasions. Within her friend circle, she’ll be a cheery, fun girl.

As an Employee:

Taurus are extremely professional and live by the codes of professionalism. They do not look for an easy way out and once they put their mind to a project, they will leave no sone unturned to ensure it’s the best piece they’re coming up with.

  • They’re diligent, hard workers and expect to be respected for the work they do in order to give respect as well.
  • They’re methodological in their approach and will deliver best results in the work assigned.
  • They’re likely to work in field and professions which have some creativity involved. They could be in humanitarian roles as well such as working at an NGO, or as a Teacher dealing with a large group of people at once and educating them, or writing for a large audience. They like sharing their mind and would prefer a field which allows that to happen.
  • They could also be in managerial roles as they’ve efficient managerial skills with handling teams.
  • No matter where a Taurus works, writing cannot be taken away from them. They love to put logical, practical writings across with their set of thoughts in it, and it is likely to get immense attention. They’re also seen as successful Authors writing romantic novels, about life and social structure with conservative outlook and a dash of modern approach, or a tragic love saga. There’s a whole list of Authors who belong to this zodiac.

As a Boss:

Taurus boss lady will be quiet patient and peaceful. They have a stable head above their responsible shoulders with feet firmly placed in the ground. They will never make a fuss about unnecessary things, in fact, they will give you ample opportunities to rectify your mistakes and prove your worth. You will seldom find a boss as easy going as a Taurus Moon born a woman.

  • They make stable, sensitive, and attentive Managers. She will take her time to decide but will seldom make a wrong one. However, at times this can be ruled out as a negative trait of indecisiveness.
  • Taurus woman will be target-oriented but never be too pushy. She would like to stay behind the scene and let her employees take the credit for organizational achievements. Be sure that you will be given the recognition and onus for the great work you do.
  • She pretty much operates by strict rules and regulations, but there will not be too many to be followed.

As a Business professional

A Taurus Moon born woman will also aim high as a business professional. She will never be satisfied running a small business and will work relentlessly to build a big empire. Her thoughts about business and entrepreneurship can never be small like what everyone’s doing. She’ll plan for years and come up with an entire business ecosystem in place with budgeting, financing, partnerships, list of sponsors, staff strength, roles and responsibilities and then make it all happen.

Taurus woman is blessed with a rational mind which will help her in making sane business decisions. Bestowed with an analytical mindset and high level of dedication she can make for top league woman entrepreneurs.

  • Her ‘never-give-up’ attitude will be the key to her success in the business world.
  • Her understanding of money and related matters and high levels of proficiency in financial matters will help her turn small investments into big fortunes for her business.

Some of the successful businesses started recently by Taurus women are:

1. Nykaa, a women’s fashion brand that came up with an immaculate plan and made it big in a matter of just a couple of years.

2. Priyanka Chopra’s food & restaurant business in New York, and her autobiography ‘Unfinished’. Priyanka Chopra being a Rohini Constellation, Moon in Taurus.


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