Remedies for Mercury

Remedies for Mercury

Mercury is a neutral and changeable planet with having a dual personality. It plays with your judgment and reasoning ability, thus Remedies for Mercury are really important to keep the effects of this planet balanced.

It is the karaka of intelligence, speech, analytical power, and communication.

After strong luck, what does one need to succeed? It is the power to make the right decisions at the right time. And this comes under the domain of Mercury too.

While Mercury is considered a benefic planet, it can bring equally drastic negative effects as other malefic planets if it is ill posited or weak due to aspect, combustion, debilitation, etc.

When mischievous, Mercury gives you dental and skin problems frequently. Moreover, it can affect your vitality and reproductive ability too. People with weak Mercury are prone to getting abnormal sexual thoughts.

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It also increases struggles in career and finance by causing a lack of support from colleagues, excessive spending, frequent job change, poor articulation, and debt.

A lot of remedial measures can be practiced to lessen the damaging impact of Mercury upon the native. Here are some remedies for Mercury that can help you do just that.

Vedic Remedies for Mercury

  • When you buy new clothes, make sure to wash them first before wearing them.
  • Chanting the mantras or Jaap of Lord Buddha is one of the best ways to worship Mercury.
  • One should also keep parrots to calm Mercury.
  • One of the most effective remedies for Mercury is to feed cows, at least once a day before you sit to eat. You should especially feed them with green grass, spinach, and other green vegetables.
  • Feeding soaked green gram to feathered creatures also empowers weak Mercury in the horoscope.
  • Natives under the bad influence of Mercury should never disrespect their sisters or sisters-in-law.
  • Keeping good oral hygiene is in itself a remedy to lessen the negative impact of Mercury. Cleaning your teeth and tongue twice a day would be helpful.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Mercury

  • Contributing milk and rice to a religious place helps lessen the negative effect.
  • Another great remedy for Mercury is to quit meat and alcohol.
  • You could also keep a silver glass handy and use it to drink water daily. This helps alleviate the negative outcomes of Mercury’s position.
  • Taking blessings from eunuchs is also a powerful remedy for Mercury.
  • You should wear copper coin in a white thread or silver chain
  • Do not accept any Tawiz or amulet with an incantation from anyone.


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