In this article, we explore the astrological explanation and the strong indicators of divorce or separation in marital life.
Planetary Combination that can lead to Divorce, along with hidden solutions for avoiding it
Divorce refers to the legal end of a marriage. Separations are always tough, though unfortunately sometimes necessary. While marriage is the sacred bond between two consenting individuals and their family, often due to lack of understanding and compatibility, divorce or legal separation is the only way out of a caged situation.
A primary ingredient for a sustainable marriage is love and mutual respect. They are necessary factors but not sufficient for an effective bonding to last a lifetime. The Seventh house in your Horoscope signifies your relationship. It signifies how your spouse will be and throws light on the success of your marriage. The placement of the seventh Lord plays a significant role in the long story of your marriage.
An accurate prediction about your love compatibility can be arrived at only when certain parameters are studied, for which we require the exact birth details as mentioned in the form below.
Following the mystic rules of Vedic Astrology, the planets in the astral plane are always in motion. No matter whichever zodiac sign we belong to, the planets will always have a close connection and impact the same. It will influence our lives as well. The stars in our lives, the Nakshatras will also impact us through our signs.
All these can be easily decoded with the planetary placement in your horoscope.
It is good to know the Negative Placement of your Planets in advance. You can know how to handle the heavy energy of some negative combinations in your Horoscope that can further lead to Separation and Challenges of handling difficult Emotions.
If you or your spouse have this above combination in your horoscope, you both are bound to struggle with your inflated egos and a sense of superiority. This could give rise to various conflicts and ultimately result in divorce.
Instead, try to understand why your partner’s behavior and their reaction to your conduct. You must also learn how to not feed your ego and subtly handle the ego problem that your spouse is facing as well.
Give the love and care which the Krittika Nakshatra wants from you in your relationship, and that can be shown through appreciation and selfless love.
To attain happiness in married life, even after having the above combination, you need be cautious that you should never ever take any decision in anger. Avoid gossips and backbiting about your spouse in front of others.
The best thing to do with this placement is to try and know the desires of your partner and avoid conflicts during your personal time. Take out time to understand how both of you would like to be pleased and if necessary, draw boundaries. Bring spice into your sensual life with love and care to foster deep sensual love in your relationship.
However, children are not a means to rectify sour relationship between couples. The presence of malefic planets like Ketu and Saturn in the fifth house, will give rise to this scenario.
With scientific advancements, there are now many means to conceive a child. Adoption is also another option for couples who desperately wants a child. However, it is to be noted that a child is not going to fix your marital problems. Hinging all your hopes on a child is unfair and rather regressive. Instead, a couple’s therapy is much more recommended to mend your relationship than bringing a child into a dysfunctional family.
Try to understand the message that you are getting from the planet, and don’t lose your spouse for some petty reason. This will be more painful and become a tough challenge in your life.
Spend time with your spouse and share your feelings with each other. It is important for both of you to understand each other. Try to plan ways and times to spend time together and never miss an important occasion to celebrate.
All these are small things in a relationship and the energies also revive the cosmic energy of the Nakshatra in which your seventh lord is placed. With your praises and good deeds for your spouse, you will get a reward from the planets and your relationship will be blessed.
Sometimes changes are important in order to be moving forward. Being stubborn and egoistic will not help your cause. Sometimes a little change works like a miracle, and might save your relationship even after having the aspect of Rahu and Ketu.
Divorce is the reason of Negative Emotions of Planets in your Horoscope, which may manifest in due course in a certain time period of your life, if you are inflicted with malefic planetary combinations.
Therefore, you and your partner need to understand each other’s feelings, and have patience and give time to make things happen well in your relationship.
Separation is heavy on the heart. To recover from a legal separation requires great strength of mind. While many issues can be worked over with mutual love and genuine concern, few other issues like an abusive relationship, disrespect, disloyalty etc. are non-negotiable. The emotional trauma to pull through after a separation can be minimized through therapy and effective astrological remedies.
To minimize the chances of your separation, check out our love/relationship/marriage compatibility report.
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