Astrological Significance of Your Birthday

(Moon Sign Based)

Vedic Astrology can determine your nature & the quality of life you will lead, depending on your birth chart. Read this piece for astrological insights on how your birthday influences you.

Astrological Significance of Your Birthday


Birthdays are special, for more than just one reason. Astrologically speaking, the day you are born defines your divine relationship with the day and the personality traits you would have. We will reconstruct your diary with barrels of information about the strengths and weaknesses of your personality. Moving further, we see that the days of the week are named after planets and the planets, in turn, are represented by the names of gods and goddesses. These gods and goddesses have their own distinct personalities that corresponds with days of the week, and those born on a certain day may have the same similar personality traits.

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The popular nursery rhyme of the 16th century “Monday’s Child” shows us the significance of each day and how a deep meaning is attributed to each day of the week.

Monday's child is fair of face

Tuesday's child is full of grace

Wednesday's child is full of woe

Thursday's child has far to go

Friday's child is loving and giving

Saturday's child works hard for a living

But the child who is born on the Sabbath day

Is bonnie and blithe and good and gay.

Do you want to decode the innate traits about yourself or your loved ones on a mystical level? Here's a deeper look at your day of birth has to say about you. We use Vedic Astrology and its interpretation skills to define what your birthday means for you.


  • Monday is ruled by the planet Moon, which according to Astrology, is a maternal entity rooted in emotions, dedicated to kindness and family.
  • If you are born on a Monday, you are romantic and affectionate in your love relationships and dream of the perfect love makes them happier than any mediocre reality.
  • You are highly imaginative and don't like planning things in advance.
  • You are flexible and good at improvising new techniques and ideas in your personal and professional life.
  • The most suitable jobs for you are the ones that have to do with communication, travel and art.
  • You usually feel uncomfortable working in a lab or bureaucratic environment.

Natal Moon Report

Your Moon is the most important planet in your horoscope since it acts as a conduit to everything happening around you and acts as a preceptor to all that you experience at a sub-conscious & emotional level. more

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  • Mars is the War God, and so if you are born on a Tuesday, you will have a fiery, fighting spirit along with great will power and a lot of energy.
  • In general, you are very ambitious and hardworking, stopping only when you have reached your goal. One thing is for sure: you are in control and feel good about yourself in jobs where a lot of responsibility is asked of you, such as in the army.
  • You also excel in the fields of research, precise sciences and gastronomy.
  • You aren't the romantic type, but you love your partner depicting possessiveness.

Natal Mars Report

Natal Mars Report is one of the most useful reports as it acquaints you with your Natal planet, whose affect would remain throughout your life. more

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  • Mercury is the god of finance, travel, and communication. If you are born on a Wednesday, you are generally well-spoken and have an innate talent for improvisation.
  • This makes you good lawyers and prosecutors, good sales representatives, journalists, and politicians due to your excellent ability of speech and good analytical power.
  • You love juggling with numbers. You like everything to do with mathematics, astronomy and electronics.
  • You find it hard to place your trust in another person in any love relationship.
  • You may dwell in many love pursuits simultaneously, until you settle with the one whom you are content with.

Natal Mercury Report

Mercury in your horoscope holds the responsibility for your intellect, nerves and how you use your wit and senses to make the most out of your life. more

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  • The fourth day of the week is linked to the planet Jupiter.
  • If you are born on a Thursday, you are naturally well-ingrained with wisdom and patience.
  • Luck is on your side and your projects, which you usually prepare down to the finest detail and have a great chance of success.
  • The careers that are best suited to you are usually those in industry, banking, commerce, and trading.
  • You have a great need for authority in love relationships and this is clearly visible within your personal and family circle.
  • You are generally very loyal, but do not tolerate any kind of betrayal in both love and friendship.

Natal Jupiter Report

Jupiter is the source of your well-being and luck as per Vedic Astrology. Nearly all things that are growth oriented and on the right side of life’s principles are synonymous with Jupiter. more

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  • Friday is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, balance, beauty, romance, elegance, and pleasure.
  • If you are born on a Friday, you have self-confidence and a generous personality.
  • You sometimes become more imaginative and disconnected with reality, but this is compensated with your optimism, which helps you get back on track.
  • You are an ’artisan in life’, and can also be ’a bit scattered,’ as your creative pursuits are born from life experience.
  • The jobs most suited to you has to do with sales, fashion, crafts, and decoration.
  • Love is the most important thing in your life.

Natal Venus Report

The good placement of Venus is one of the most recurring events in the chart of successful people. Venus is usually judged for business acumen, character of a person, luxury, opulence and comforts in your life and the practical sense of living your life. more

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  • Saturday is day ruled by Saturn, the god of wealth, freedom, and agriculture.
  • If you are born on a Saturday, you enjoy an optimistic and positive disposition.
  • Sometimes, it takes you a while to get yourself active in your pursuits, but once you’re off, nothing can hold you back.
  • The jobs best suited to you are related to research, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, ethnology, and architecture.
  • You will only achieve your goals through hard work because you can only rely on yourself.
  • In love relationships, you value excitement above all.

Natal Saturn Report

Saturn is the most important planet that helps carry luck and vitality from what you were born with to what you will carry to your next birth. It plays a crucial role in shaping your destiny as challenges, hurdles and strict teachings of life’s principles are nearly always associated with Saturn. more

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  • If you are born on Sunday, you are lucky ducks.
  • Your ruling star is the Sun which indicates that you will be bright, creative, bold, and loud.
  • You can often rely on sympathy from others and generally have luck on your side.
  • Everything relating to finance gives you the chance to shine. You are enterprising people, who enjoy games and often win.
  • Your environment is very important to you. You are demanding in friendship and rather faithful in love.
  • In love relationships, you value originality and always behave in the right way with mutual respect and understanding.
  • You only feel content when your passion is shared.

Natal Sun Report

A well placed Sun in the horoscope is a divine blessing. Your self confidence, status of authority and how society looks up to you are the results of Sun's strength in your horoscope.

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